HIVothetic if it was about you? Perspective of people living with HIV in Poland undergoing antiretroviral therapy

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The average patient living with HIV will take tens of thousands of doses of various antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) throughout the therapy, which on the one hand save his life, and on the other can have a negative impact on his health (1). The latest survey of Polish patients’ opinions showed that as many as 7 out of 10 patients are aware of the risk of continuous pharmacotherapy and almost all of them would change their therapy to a less harmful one in the long run (2).

A change of perspective in HIV treatment

Appearance effective antiretroviral therapy (ARV) halted the AIDS epidemic in the 80s and 90s and gave people living with HIV the prospect of a long life. Successful treatment changed the way people think about HIV / AIDS and made HIV infection a chronic disease that requires lifelong treatment (3). Many years of exposure to ARV therapies and their interactions with drugs taken in connection with other diseases negatively affect the health of patients (4).

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According to the research conducted by the research company IQS on a group of Poles living with HIV and undergoing ARV therapy, as many as 7 out of 10 respondents are aware of the risks associated with the potential side effects of continuous ARV pharmacotherapy, and almost 60% of them are concerned about the long-term effects of ARVs on their bodies. 41 percent patients, in addition to ARV drugs, also take other prescription drugs, which are an additional burden on the body (2).

– The conducted survey of patients’ opinions showed that people living with HIV are aware of their health condition and the limitations resulting from a positive serological status, therefore it is more and more important for them to limit the number of drugs taken, and thus reduce potential side effects – said Beata Durka from IQS .

HIV treatment – less is more

– The essence of antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection is obtaining undetectable viremia in the serum and improving immunity, i.e. immunological exponents. The last decade has provided us with many very effective drugs thanks to which this goal has been achieved. After achieving suppression, the main task was to protect the patient from the adverse effects of many years of therapy. Modern treatment regimens consisting of two drugs are already available, the antiviral efficacy of which is the same as triple drug therapies. Efficiency dual therapy is confirmed by clinical trials conducted both among patients who are just starting treatment and in patients with many years of treatment, who need to implement a therapeutic regimen different than before, said Dr. Grażyna Cholewińska-Szymańska, voivodship consultant in the field of infectious diseases.

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As much as 92 percent. of study participants stated that they would be willing to initiate a change from their current drug therapy to a less harmful one in the long-term treatment perspective. Two-thirds of respondents (66%) declare a willingness to change the current ARV therapy to a therapy consisting of two active substances, if it was as effective as the three-component therapy, or in the case of 59% of respondents. if recommended by a doctor (2).

The equivalent effectiveness of two-drug therapy compared to three-drug therapy is confirmed by clinical trials and the latest recommendations of experts from the European AIDS Association (EACS) (5).


The simplification of therapy and the increasing use of single-tablet regimens are a response to the contemporary needs of patients living with HIV.

– So far, we have used triple-drug regimens for therapy because scientific evidence confirms that such a combination, consisting of several drugs, was the most effective. However, it should be realized that the long-term use of therapy by patients is associated with side effects. The available therapies allow us to control infections, we are able to effectively inhibit the multiplication of the virus, which is why our goal is to use such medicine that will allow the patient to live to a ripe old age in the best condition – emphasized Dr. Grażyna Cholewińska-Szymańska, MD.

The analysis of patients’ opinions shows that almost all respondents – as much as 97 percent. – they would like the doctor to inform them about the newest therapeutic options that are appearing in Poland. The results of the study also show that there is a great need for patients to co-decide about their treatment – 9 out of 10 patients have the need to decide together with their doctor about the choice of ARV pharmacotherapy (2).

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Future prospects for HIV patients

It is not possible to cure HIV infection with currently available drugs. The dynamic development of medicine, however, gives many infected people hope that in the future a drug will be created that will allow for a complete cure.

Worth knowing

97 percent patients also believe that modern drugs will improve the quality of their lives, and more than 75 percent. of respondents hope that the progress in science will lead to complete cure of HIV (2).

Also read: HIV infected does not have to inform anyone about his illness

HIV epidemiological data

At the end of 2018, there were 37,9 million people living with HIV / AIDS in the world, 62 percent of whom were living with HIV / AIDS. (23,3 million people) were receiving antiretroviral therapy. In 2018, the infection was diagnosed in 1,7 million people, and 770 thousand in people died from HIV / AIDS (6).

In Poland, from 1985 to April 2019, there were 24 HIV-infected people. Every year, more than 303 new infections are detected. It is estimated that 800-2 people learn about their carrier every day (3).

Data from October 2019 show that about 12 Poles, including 252 children, were provided with ARV treatment. The treatment is carried out and financed under the health program of the Ministry of Health “Antiretroviral treatment of people living with HIV in Poland for 98-2017” (2021).

The information includes the results of the study: “Perspective of people living with HIV in Poland undergoing antiretroviral therapy and their approach to antiretroviral pharmacotherapy”.

Opinion poll conducted in Poland, on a sample of 100 people living with HIV, receiving antiretroviral treatment. The research commissioned by the Capital Group was carried out by IQS using the CAWI2 method in May 2019. Its aim was to obtain knowledge about the quality of life of people with HIV in Poland, as well as the perspective of patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy and their approach to antiretroviral pharmacotherapy.

The full version of the research report is available at

  1. O ViiV Healthcare

ViiV Healthcare, a global company specializing in the treatment of HIV infections, has been pursuing its goal of providing treatment to all patients infected with the virus for 10 years. The company’s decade-long activities are focused on research and the search for new innovative drugs, as well as improving access to care for all people living with HIV. Detailed information is available at

  1. O GSK

GSK – one of the leading pharmaceutical and healthcare companies in the world – conducts research to improve the quality of human life and empower people to do more, feel better and live longer. Detailed information is available at

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