Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

The Ruta hive is by far the most common house model for a bee colony. This invention was obtained thanks to the development of a famous beekeeper living in America. The first development was created by L. L. Langstroth, later the model was finalized by A. I. Root. As a result, the resulting model of the bee house is correctly called the Langstroth-Root hive.

Some facts from history

Langstroth is a name that is next to those figures who have made a significant contribution to the development of beekeeping. It is he who owns a revolutionary development – the creation of an opening Langstroth hive with movable honeycomb frames. The written work was published in 1853 and went through about 20 editions.

Initially, the development was subjected to improvements, in which a group of well-known beekeepers took part. As a result, the book “The Hive and the Honeybees” was published, which was subsequently translated into all popular languages. The first edition went on sale in bookstores in 1946. Residents of the USSR saw this book in 1969 thanks to the Kolos publishing house.

A. I. Root, relying on the developments of Langstroth, developed a multi-level bee hive, which today is very popular among beekeepers. Ruth left a small-sized body and a shortened frame, from the additions he made a flat roof and a removable bottom.

Important! Mass production was launched after it became clear that such a model is much more convenient to use compared to others and you can get more honey at the output.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

Design features of Ruta hives

If we consider the design features and dimensions of the Ruta hive for 10 frames, then it is worth noting the following:

  • the case is a box, while the bottom and lid are missing;
  • the store is slightly smaller in height than the body;
  • both in the case and in the store there are small protrusions on which frames are installed;
  • Ruta hive frames are much smaller than other models;
  • insects use the bottom as a notch, so it does not have a front wall;
  • the roof is flat;
  • if necessary, parts of the structure can be displayed in any sequence convenient for the beekeeper;
  • a grate is installed in the lower part of the bee house, which allows you to isolate the queen of the hive;
  • the lower notch is the widest and has a closable liner with small holes.

As a rule, insects use 1-2 hulls for wintering, so the rest should be removed before wintering. The lower notch must be closed with a special insert.

Advice! Small gaps should be left under the lid, which will allow for ventilation, and oxygen access is very necessary for the bee colony.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

Advantages of root hives

The popularity of rut hives is due to the large number of advantages that even experienced beekeepers note:

  • if you use the Ruta hive in accordance with all the recommendations for the proper maintenance of bee colonies, you can significantly increase the amount of collected pollen and honey, all this increases not only the productivity of the apiary, but also the possible income from the sale of finished products;
  • due to design features, it is possible to increase the size of the root hive, in this case it is recommended to use a half magazine or an extension with twilight;
  • keeping bee families in such hives is as comfortable as possible, since the conditions are close to the natural habitat, thanks to the multi-hull device, it is possible to expand and strengthen the insect family, comfortable living conditions increase the level of productivity;
  • if necessary, the product can be purchased at a specialized store or created at home on your own, Ruta hives have an acceptable cost;
  • as a rule, beekeepers start cleaning the hives in the spring, such models allow you to work without much effort – just replace the old bottom.

In addition, it is worth considering that the honeycombs are located in the upper part, as a result of which it is convenient to pump out honey without disturbing the bee nests.

Attention! Half magazines are best used by beginners in beekeeping.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

Ruta hive dimensions

If we take into account the standard drawing of the Root hive for 10 frames with dimensions, then the dimensions can be seen in the table below.


Length (in mm)

Width (in mm)

Height (in mm)





The internal dimensions of the Ruta bee hive













The external size of the Ruta hive, while the thickness of the board should be 35 mm













The thickness of the board should be chosen based on the climatic conditions of a particular region. The lower the temperature in winter, the thicker it is necessary to purchase material for building a house for insects.

How to make a Ruta hive with your own hands

If you have the necessary tools and building materials at hand, then at home you can assemble the required size of the Ruta hive. The production technology is simple, if you first take into account all the nuances, have a drawing at hand and do the work in stages.

Tools and materials

Many beekeepers are trying to find drawings and dimensions of the Ruta hive for 12 frames, in this case it should be borne in mind that this model includes 10 frames, the Dadan-Blatt hive model has 12 frames. As a rule, no special skills are required to make a house for bee colonies at home. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and prepare all the material and tools that will be needed in the process of doing the work.

To create a durable and comfortable home for insects, you must purchase:

  • dry wood, the thickness of which will be 35 mm;
  • fastening – screws and nails;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • dust;
  • glue.

Having all the necessary tools and material, you can independently create hives that are suitable for insects.

Do-it-yourself rue hives: drawings + dimensions

Creating a root hive for 10 frames at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To do all the work on assembling Ruta hives correctly, you should take into account all the nuances, create your own drawing or stick to standard sizes. It is recommended to perform all work in stages, strictly following all step-by-step recommendations.

The first step is to assemble the inner walls. For these purposes, it is necessary to use wood, the thickness of which varies from 2 to 4 cm. The side walls should have parameters – 53 * 32 cm, front and rear – 60,5 * 32 cm. All parts are fastened together.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

After that, they begin to assemble the outer walls, the dimensions of which are 67,5 * 50 cm. The boards can be taken with a smaller thickness than for the inner walls. Fastening is carried out without the use of glue. The upper body is put on the inner one and fixed with nails. After that, letkas are made.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

The roof consists of a gable and a ceiling, between which you must first leave a small gap, which is designed for air circulation. The thickness of the boards should be 1-1,5 cm. The roof is covered with a waterproof material.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

When assembling the bottom, it should be borne in mind that the edges should protrude slightly beyond the boundaries of the finished structure by about 2-3 cm, this is necessary to form a landing board.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

Shops are made according to the same principle as the body. The only exception is the presence of protrusions beyond the borders of the frames. If necessary, frames can be purchased at a specialized store or made independently.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings

This completes the work, you can put the hive in the apiary and populate the bee colony.

Features of breeding bees in Rutov hives

If we take into account the natural habitat of insects, then, as a rule, the filling of the combs is carried out from the very top, the same thing happens in the Langstroth-Root hives. If you periodically swap the cases in such a way that there is an empty magazine between them, then you can significantly increase the amount of honey.

Workers move freely throughout the hive, providing the eggs, the queen of the hive and the larvae with everything necessary for development. After the brood has hatched, there is little space, as a result of which, after a few weeks, it is recommended to expand the hive – add a new box, which is placed between 1 and 2.

Frames filled with artificial wax are placed in an empty case. In the same way, it is worth adding the 4th and 5th body, while swapping the brood, making a gap between it and the main mass. If necessary, the nest can be reduced.

Advice! 3 months before the end of the last bribe, it is recommended to stop all manipulations to move the hulls so as not to reduce the volume of expected honey.

Hive Root 10 frames + drawings


The Ruta hive is the most common model designed for bees to live in. At the time of its creation, this invention was a real breakthrough in beekeeping, as a result of which the development pleases beekeepers around the world for many years. Such hives are used not only for small personal apiaries, but also on an industrial scale. Many believe that such success was obtained due to a significant benefit for most beekeepers, in addition, Ruta hives make the life of insects as comfortable as possible, since the conditions are close to natural.

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