HIV testing
Factory of Social Communication Sponsored article

Why is it worth testing?

Getting tested for HIV is something natural, taking care of your and your partner’s health.

More and more people are tested because they are aware of their risky behavior and want to check whether they have become infected with HIV.

We often postpone the moment of taking the test or displace the risky behavior that we have previously taken from our consciousness. By not doing the test for fear of e.g. a positive result, we take a chance for a long life.

As a result of such thinking, only about 10% of adult Poles took the test at least once in their life.

From 1985 nearly 25 have already been identified infections. According to estimates, about 30% of people do not know that they live with the virus.

When should the test be performed?

Depending on the test used, not earlier than 2 weeks or even 6 weeks after the risky situation.

What is the test?

When tested for HIV, a small amount of blood is drawn. You don’t have to prepare for it. You don’t need to fast. If the fingerstick blood test is performed, the result is ready to be picked up after half an hour. The test result can only be collected in person, it is never transferred by phone, e-mail or correspondence.

Where can I take the test?

An anonymously, free of charge and without a referral, HIV testing can be performed at one of the consultation and diagnostic centers (PKD) financed from the budget of the Minister of Health by the National AIDS Center. There is at least one such point in each voivodeship. The Consultation and Diagnostic Centers employ highly qualified advisors who provide professional help and, if necessary, provide support. Each visitor to the Point has the possibility of a confidential conversation both before and after the test – emphasizes Anna Marzec-Bogusławska, spec. epidemiologist, director of the National AIDS Center

Where can I find PKD addresses?

On the website,

What if the result is positive?

In Poland, patients infected with HIV and suffering from AIDS are included in the health policy program of the Minister of Health entitled “Antiretroviral treatment of people living with HIV in Poland”, under which they receive antiretroviral drugs (ARV). They benefit from effective, free therapy. You can live with HIV for many years and enjoy life.

Moreover, according to the results of recent studies, achieving an undetectable level of the virus in the blood by regularly taking prescribed medications by a specialist may make a person non-infectious U = U (Undetectable = Untrasmittable).

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