- Crowns and veneers damage your teeth
- Moles are a sign of a malignant tumor
- Sexually transmitted disease is terribly embarrassing
- Wearing glasses early is harmful
- The tumor may not be benign
- If hair begins to fall out, the process cannot be stopped.
- Do not lose hormonal weight
- Plastic surgeries in most cases end in complications.
Breast cancer, malignant moles, loss of teeth, hair – these phrases terrify millions of women. But every medal has a flip side, and there is always a way out of even the most difficult situation.
November 2 2016
Crowns and veneers damage your teeth
Many are frightened by the very word “crown” as a symbol of old age. There is no need to be afraid, with the help of new materials and technologies, you can get new teeth no worse than old ones.
Our consultant Robert Mamikonyan, orthopedist, periodontist, Mirana dent clinic
It’s amazing how many people live with decayed teeth, but do not go for dental restoration, even with money for it. “What am I, an old woman – wear dentures?”
In the meantime, a crown is sometimes the only way to save a tooth from extraction and the further prospect of wearing removable dentures. A modern crown is a light, natural protective “cap” on the tooth, thanks to which it becomes white and durable, completely indistinguishable from the present. And completely protected from caries.
So you made up your mind and made an appointment with the doctor. What’s in store for you? First, the doctor will perform a complete cleaning of all teeth – remove calculus and plaque. Then he will take a picture to assess the scope of the work and discuss it with you. Replace old fillings, make an impression and grind a tooth. Making and installing new teeth will take no more than a week.
Keep in mind: single crowns are placed if the tooth is either destroyed by more than half and it is impossible for them to chew, or the tooth with the removed nerve begins to decay. If the nerve is not infected, then the crown can be put on a “live” tooth, this technique has been used for many years in progressive clinics around the world. When there is a threat that the nerve will hurt, then it is removed before prosthetics. This process takes one to two visits and is painless. When you have a completely missing tooth, you will be offered to make a crown bridge, a “bridge”. At the same time, adjacent teeth are ground and three crowns fused together are made, the outer ones are put on the ground teeth, and the middle one is held between them.
The only thing that is not recommended is not to carry out any treatment in the hope of saving the adjacent teeth. In this case, the load of the missing tooth will go to the adjacent teeth, and they will gradually collapse, as well as tilt into the empty zone, which will lead to a perversion of the bite in this area.
– Modern crowns consist of a framework and veneer. The frame is made of different alloys, zirconium oxide and aluminum oxide are especially valuable, since they are white, and the characteristic dark line at the gums does not appear over the years. The crowns are veneered with ceramics that are matched exactly to the tone of your own teeth.
– Veneers – metal-free ceramic crowns that wrap around the tooth from the outside. When installing them, the front surface of the tooth is slightly sharpened. The snow-white smiles of the stars are possible only thanks to veneers, do not even hesitate.
– High-quality cermets will last at least 10 years without causing the slightest concern. You don’t need any special care, just brush your teeth regularly.
A metal-ceramic crown, including an impression and turning, – from 6 thousand rubles.
Crown based on aluminum oxide – from 16 thousand rubles.
Implantation operation – from 25 thousand rubles.
Implant + metal-ceramic crown – from 25 thousand rubles.
Ceramic veneer – from 10 thousand rubles.
Lumineer (ultrathin veneer) – from 23 thousand rubles.
- Pop queen Madonna sported a gap between her teeth for a long time. But in her fifties she turned to the help of dentists who helped make her smile Hollywood.
- Alla Pugacheva is constantly improving the beauty of her teeth. She corrected the gap between her teeth and made them white and even, like pearls.
- Celine Dion at the beginning of her career had nightmare teeth – uneven and yellow. Prosthetics and veneers made Celine’s smile perfect.
- Catherine Zeta-Jones looked nightmarish in her youth with incredibly crooked teeth. Going to the dentist was the salvation and the key to a future career.
Moles are a sign of a malignant tumor
Hugh Jackman after tumor removal
From childhood we were frightened: “Don’t touch the mole, don’t scratch it!”, “It’s dangerous to delete”. We have matured, but we are still afraid to get rid of them, but in vain. Start simple: show all the marks on your skin to your doctor.
Our consultant – oncologist Rasul Akhmaev.
Modern medicine has gone far ahead: it is not painful to remove moles and it is quite safe. To get started, make an appointment with a dermatologist, the first examination is often free. Do not tune in to the bad – basically all of our skin formations are harmless, and they can be removed all at once with a laser under local anesthesia. Anything that causes inconvenience or interferes with aesthetics can and should be removed without fear.
If some moles seem suspicious to the doctor, he will send them for analysis (histology) after removal. This pleasure is not cheap, but you will be sure that the neoplasm has not become a platform for the development of a malignant tumor.
A trip to a dermatologist-oncologist is required if:
– the mole accidentally came off, changed color, itches;
– crusts, inflammations and cracks are visible on the surface;
– the speck is not symmetrical, has several shades, its size is more than 6 mm;
– after the vacation at sea, the number of dark marks increased.
How is it removed? The laser procedure is ideal if the birthmark is on the neck, face, hands. This method does not leave scars, the process lasts no more than 3 minutes. Contraindications: diabetes, weakened immunity, acute herpes. You cannot carry out the procedure immediately after a vacation spent at sea.
Nitrogen removal is suitable for any superficial moles located in the upper layer of the epidermis. The method is based on the destructive effect of cold. A tampon soaked in liquid nitrogen is applied to the desired area. Keep it from 10 seconds to 3 minutes. The skin at the site of exposure becomes numb, then the mole dies off. The treated area turns white, then becomes covered with a crust. From about the seventh day, new skin cells are formed. A slight scar may remain, therefore, the method is not suitable for removing moles on open skin areas.
Surgical intervention is used if histological examination is required. After the procedure, a trace remains, but it can be removed later with a laser.
The procedure is not carried out in the summer – the wound after removal should not be irradiated with ultraviolet light. You should not go for removal during pregnancy – moles that appeared during this period often disappear after the birth of the child.
- American actor Hugh Jackman (X-Men, Van Helsing) was diagnosed with skin cancer last November. After removing the tumor, Hugh posted on his blog a photo in which his nose was sealed with a plaster, and signed: “Deb (wife – Approx.“ Antenna ”) advised me to check the mole on my nose. How right she was! I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. Don’t be as foolish as me. Check back on time. And use sunscreen! ” Most moles degenerate into basal cell carcinoma and are completely curable in 90% of cases.
- The same trouble happened to the English footballer and actor (“Big Jackpot”, “Lock, Stock, Two Barrels”) Vinnie Jones. The actor went to the doctor to check his new birthmark, and he was diagnosed with an aggressive type of cancer – melanoma. Vinnie is sure that the disease overtook him because of the love of tanning. Now Jones has had his tumor removed, and he has every chance of a full recovery.
May 17 – World Day Against Melanoma, the most dangerous skin neoplasm. The month was not chosen in vain, because the May sun is the most aggressive.
Addiction to tanning is to blame for 90% of the development of the disease. A visit to a solarium is just as harmful, because the skin is irradiated with ultraviolet lamps.
Melanoma initially looks like a dark mole. Therefore, in the summertime, do not forget to examine yourself and your loved ones.
Most clinics conduct a free examination of moles on this day or make a significant discount on the service.
Consultation – from 700 rubles.
Removal of a mole with a laser (size less than 0,5 cm) – from 500 rubles.
Removal of a large mole (larger than 0,5 cm) – from 850 rubles.
Histological analysis – from 2500 rubles.
Laser resurfacing of a scar from removal (if necessary) – from 1700 rubles.
Removal of papilloma on the eyelid – from 1500 rubles.
Sexually transmitted disease is terribly embarrassing
An unexpected night of passion in the morning turns into a serious fear: did not my partner “reward” me with an infection? Let’s try to find out how to stay healthy.
Our consultant — Maksim Maksimov, dermatovenerologist of the multidisciplinary clinic “MedicCity”
Almost every one of us at least once in our life met with a test for sexually transmitted diseases. Tests for major infections are prescribed during pregnancy planning, routine medical examinations and in many other situations. There are about three dozen such infections in total. The most famous are chlamydia, human papillomavirus, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, hepatitis B and C, HIV. The vast majority have no symptoms, and the woman usually does not even know about her illness. When a detailed analysis is required, then, as a rule, at least one of the infections is found, even in the most respectable people.
So, how to behave if you have an unplanned contact? Douching with an antiseptic is often advised as a fire prevention measure. The effectiveness of this action is small, but it will not hurt. It is also pointless to run to get tested the next day: they will not show anything. It makes sense to take the test result for some bacterial infections in a week, for viral infections – after 4-6 weeks, and for HIV – no earlier than six months after potential infection.
Important: do not look for solutions to the problem on the Internet, but immediately go to a gynecologist or venereologist – this is the case when you can save time and nerves. For example, there is emergency prevention – antibiotic injection, which will prevent most bacterial infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis and trichomoniasis).
Separately, it is worth talking about genital herpes – it is very common due to its high infectivity. Every sixth person between 15 and 50 years old is infected with this infection, 80% of them do not have any symptoms. Symptoms of herpes appear within 3-7 days after contact with an infected person, these are small blisters or sores that cause painful itching. Herpes cannot be cured, the virus lives (in an inactive form) in the body throughout life. Pregnant women must be tested for this infection: the virus can cause severe congenital diseases of the fetus.
- Paris Hilton is sick with genital herpes – this became known after the bailiffs seized her property due to apartment debts. Among the personal belongings of the star, they found Valtrex, an American drug for the treatment of herpes.
- Pamela Anderson contracted viral hepatitis C from her ex-husband, Tommy Lee. The star successfully fights viral disease by supporting the immune system.
- Jessica Alba’s ex-boyfriend Derek Jeter awarded the actress with herpes. It is known that Jessica’s assistant constantly went to the pharmacy to replenish the stock of Valtrex.
- Actor and singer Robin Williams led a very relaxed lifestyle in the 80s and as a result caught the herpes virus from one of his many female fans.
– In Russia, in the first place – the incidence of trichomoniasis, in the second – chlamydia, in the third – gonorrhea. The fourth place is shared by genital herpes and syphilis, and the fifth is the papilloma virus.
– According to statistics, every second adult has or had a sexually transmitted infection. The real numbers are unknown, many people are embarrassed to go to the doctor, self-medicating. Others carry infections without knowing about the disease and infecting partners. Therefore, the real numbers are much higher.
– Diseases caused by bacteria (chlamydia, gardenellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis) are completely curable. Those caused by viruses (cytomegalovirus, HIV, warts and papillomas, hepatitis B and C) are not cured, but can be put into an inactive stage for many years.
Wearing glasses early is harmful
Farsightedness is considered a sign of advancing old age, and many women stubbornly avoid wearing age-appropriate glasses. Are there ways to see well without them?
Our consultant — member of the European Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, head of the Sfera clinic (Moscow), Professor Erika Eskina.
The first signs of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia) appear in women and men in approximately the same way – at the age of 40, less often at 45, with good distance vision. With myopia, age-related farsightedness will also come, the symptom will be the complication of working near with glasses for distance.
Many people, having felt a deterioration in their eyesight, simply buy glasses in the passage for 100 rubles and live with them for the rest of their lives. Please note that in glasses that you do not take from a professional ophthalmologist, but from the counter, the interpupillary distance is often not maintained, the coating and quality of the glasses are not clear, the diopter is not consistent. All this leads to visual fatigue and the development of symptoms of asthenopia – visual fatigue. Therefore, be sure to visit your doctor. Your vision will be checked far and near, your intraocular pressure will be measured, and the cornea, lens and retina will be examined. The purpose of this examination is to exclude the causes of visual impairment.
Does it make sense to wear glasses with a small degree of age-related hyperopia? No not always. When a person works physically, reading 15 minutes a day, he may not need glasses, he will move the newspaper away from his face to see. Until a certain point, you can train accommodation with exercises. But if we are talking about a person who sits at a computer, works in an office, writes books, edits, if he is a teacher or, for example, an architect, the lack of glasses will inevitably lead to chronic visual fatigue with pain in the eyes and head.
What to do if you don’t want to wear glasses or are uncomfortable? Multifocal contact lenses can be ordered, but these are not lenses that can be purchased in conventional optics – they are selected from an ophthalmologist-optometrist. You can correct your vision once and for all with the help of almost painless laser correction (everyone has probably heard of LASIK). But many clinics do not undertake to do it to patients over 45 years old. In this case, you can choose a clinic where the correction is performed using the most modern PresbyLASIK technology, which has proven itself well in America and Europe, even at the age of 70.
If the degree of vision loss is already very strong, but laser vision correction is contraindicated for you (such contraindications are determined during examination in the clinic), this is still not a sentence, because it is possible to replace your own lens with a multifocal artificial one.
· Complete ophthalmological examination – 3500 rubles.
· Multifocal lenses – 3600 rubles. (serve for three months).
· PresbyLASIK (correction of hyperopia up to 70 years) – from 34 thousand rubles.
LASIK (laser epithelial keratomileusis) – from 23 thousand rubles.
SuperLASIK (improved LASIK) – from 26 thousand rubles.
· Replacement of a transparent lens, implantation of a multifocal intraocular lens – from 150 thousand rubles.
With age, presbyopia develops in everyone, without exception. The first sign is that you can see objects or letters in the book at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes and further. Chronic diseases, poor living conditions, unhealthy diet contribute to metabolic disorders and accelerate the aging process of the body, including the eyes.
According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, 23,6% of Russians suffer from myopia or farsightedness, but do not worry about it. 22,5% believe that everything is in order with their eyes, 20,2% complain of fatigue and dry eyes at the end of the working day, and only 18,1% believe that not all is well with their eyesight.
If your work is computer-related, use a text editor for Verdana font size 10-12. According to the US Visual Ergonomics Laboratory, this font is the safest for the eyes. Working with it, people experience less fatigue and discomfort, which reduces the risk of developing myopia and hyperopia.
- Demi Moore has recently been increasingly appearing in public in stylish glasses for correcting vision. Demi’s vision has not been perfect since childhood, and now presbyopia has appeared. So Demi has chosen a stylish frame and enjoys the clarity of the picture of the world.
- Brad Pitt has been wearing glasses for the past four years, and the 49-year-old actor’s eyesight began to deteriorate. The actor jokes that the frame from Tom Ford perfectly masks the wrinkles around the eyes.
- Jerry Hall, model, actress and wife of Mick Jagger, admitted that she was even glad that she had farsightedness. “I can’t see my wrinkles in the mirror, and that’s great! Being obsessed with age makes women unhappy, ”says Jerry.
Ugly blood vessels entering the shins – this is the price that many women have to pay for motherhood. Do you really have to hide your legs under a long skirt or trousers all your life?
Our consultant – surgeon-phlebologist, lymphologist, Ph.D. Yuri Levin.
The main cause of varicose veins is stagnation of blood in the veins, due to which the walls of blood vessels expand irreversibly. It is no longer possible to bring the stretched vein back to normal, it just needs to be excluded from the bloodstream. Previously, veins were surgically removed, which was traumatic and affected the appearance of the leg. Modern technologies (laser coagulation, sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation) will come to the rescue, the treatment will be quick and painless. The stagnation of blood will be eliminated, and the rest of the veins will take over the function of the “stopped” vessel.
During varicose veins, the main enemy is time. You can’t pull. If you feel heaviness in your legs, there is even a slight swelling or unusual sensations, immediately make an appointment with a phlebologist. Not to mention when veins appeared or vascular “stars” appeared. Even if you are 20 years old and your legs look perfect, remember about prevention. Especially if mom or grandmother suffers from varicose veins. Pregnancy rarely passes without a trace for the vessels – the enlarged uterus presses on large vessels, which leads to varicose veins and edema. At risk and lovers of high heels, especially in hot weather.
In most cases, the doctor can stop the disease with small means and rather quickly. But even when veins are your long-standing problem, do not postpone a visit to the doctor, dispensing with bandages and folk remedies. Varicose veins from them will not become less. What to prepare for when visiting a phlebologist? The doctor will order a scan of the veins to find out how much and how long the vessel is dilated. Even when a vein looks awful, major surgery can be dispensed with in most cases. You do not need bed rest, a maximum of a week off to recover. Bandages are also not needed – during the course of treatment you will wear special compression tights, matched to the exact size and looking great.
It is important to address the problem not to a therapist in a district polyclinic, but to a specialized phlebology center, there are such in all regions. Then you can be sure that you have entrusted your veins to competent specialists and modern methods.
- The figure of 45-year-old Jennifer Aniston can be the envy of many women. But the legs of the actress are covered with a “web” of dilated veins. However, this does not stop Jennifer from wearing short skirts. The actress is not ashamed of age-related changes.
- Angelina Jolie dramatically lost weight a few years ago, as a result, Angelina’s arms became so thin that all the veins protruded. Jolie plans to fight the problem radically and undergo surgery.
- The singer Madonna also suffers from a similar problem. The skin on the hands of the star is so thinned that the veins literally glow. But the star is in no hurry to go under the surgeon’s knife and hides flaws with gloves.
- Spanish beauty Penelope Cruz ruined her perfect legs with narrow toe high heels. The actress not only showed through the veins on the ankles, but also the middle fingers were deformed.
Ultrasound examination of veins – from 1200 rubles.
Sclerotherapy session – from 7000 rubles.
Laser coagulation, one session – from 3 thousand rubles.
Radiofrequency ablation – from 37 thousand rubles.
Ligation of dilated veins of one leg – from 15 thousand rubles.
Surgical operation to remove dilated veins – from 32 thousand rubles.
· According to experts, in Russia, 67% of women and 50% of men suffer from varicose veins of the legs to one degree or another.
· In 90% of cases, spider veins on the legs are the first manifestation of varicose veins. If you have swelling or “stars” on your legs, and even more dilated veins, waxing, hot wraps, honey and anti-cellulite massages are contraindicated for you. Thermal and mechanical effects can damage blood vessels, and you will acquire new red spider webs.
· If you consult a phlebologist on time, then in 70% of cases it will be possible to do without surgery.
One in nine women develop breast cancer, but it can be dealt with. The main thing is to notice and start treatment on time. About 85-90% of women with initial disease recover completely.
How to catch him
– If you see one of the signs: the sensitivity, size or shape of the breast has changed, the skin is reddened, peeling like an “orange peel”, the nipple is pulled in, dark or clear, like a tear, discharge from the nipple, lump in the mammary gland, swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, we urgently need to go to the mammologist. 70% of breast cancer cases are self-diagnosed with breast self-examination.
– After 35-40 years, when the critical age for the onset of the disease comes, visit a mammologist once a year. Early diagnosis is very effective: mammography allows you to see a tumor that is less than 1 cm in size.
What’s next? The doctor will prescribe a set of examinations (mammography, ultrasound, MRI, tumor biopsy), and the treatment will depend on its results. Remember: cancer cannot be cured conservatively with the help of, for example, dietary supplements (dietary supplements), herbal healers. I need an urgent operation. Which one, is collectively decided by the surgeon, chemotherapist, radiologist, histologist.
But modern research methods determine the characteristics of cancer cells, for example, the presence of receptors for the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone (such a cancer is called hormone-dependent) and the HER 2 receptor. In these cases, an important addition to treatment will be drugs that block cancer cell receptors or suppress the appearance of estrogen in the body.
- If the tumor is up to 2-3 cm, there are no metastases, a young or middle-aged woman, it is possible to cut out the tumor and save the breast. Chemotherapy is not given, but a beam is applied to the chest and armpits.
- When the tumor is more than 5 cm, or there is invasion into the surrounding tissues, or several metastases, then radical mastectomy (breast removal), radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy is required. Now you can do mastectomy and prosthetics at the same time. Although prosthetics are not necessary at all. There is a huge selection of false dentures or special underwear, in which a woman looks great even without mammoplasty.
- The tumor can occupy the entire mammary gland, and metastases are located in any organ. In this case, the operation is not done, but radiation and chemotherapy can prolong life for many years.
– The highest chance of cancer (increased fivefold) is among women working in factories that assemble plastic parts for cars and food packaging.
– In second place among the bad factors is work on the night shifts. An unnatural pace of life leads to chronic hormonal imbalances, and the risk of breast cancer increases by 42%.
– The third place is occupied by a diet rich in animal fats (frequent consumption of beef, pork, cheese, butter). Such food increases the level of female sex hormones, and the chance of developing a breast tumor increases by 28%.
- Darya Dontsova. The writer managed to defeat breast cancer at the last, IV stage. “I was not afraid of death. But I have three children, an elderly mother, I have dogs, a cat – it’s simply impossible to die, – recalls Daria, – you can feel sorry for yourself for the first two hours, then wipe your snot and understand that this is not the end. We’ll have to be treated. Cancer is cured. “
- Laima Vaikule. The singer faced the disease in 1991, and the doctors did not give her much of a chance, but the therapy was successful. “Only after experiencing what happened to me, I began to look at life differently,” said Lyme. After treatment, the singer began to pay more attention to her family and friends.
- Cynthia Nixon. The performer of the role of Miranda in the TV series “Sex and the City” suffered breast cancer several years ago. “The tumor was found at a very early stage, during a routine check-up, and I was ready for the diagnosis – my mother also had cancer. I kept the disease a secret so that the paparazzi would not besiege the clinic, ”she said.
Moscow Breast Dispensary of the Department of Health
Moscow, st. Pottery, 23.
Tel. 8 (495) 915−13−90
Federal Breast Center (Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 86.
Tel. 8 (495) 333−91−20, 8 (495) 334−15−08
Moscow Research Oncological Institute named after P.A. Herzen
Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky pr., 3
Tel. 8 (495) 945−88−55, 8 (495) 945−71−86, 8 (495) 921−14−35
Free receptions are held once a month, the schedule is on the website
The tumor may not be benign
According to statistics, every third woman who has reached the age of 35 is faced with benign tumors. Most often they are hormonal in nature and do not require treatment.
OUR CONSULTANT — obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Elena LOBANOVA.
As a rule, women encounter the diagnosis of fibroids after an ultrasound diagnostic session, and until that moment they do not even suspect the presence of a tumor – it does not cause any inconvenience. Fibroids are benign, they appear on the body or cervix of the uterus and can be either tiny or fairly decent in size – with a fist or more. Do not be afraid of the diagnosis, because fibroids are not cancer. This disease usually occurs due to increased levels of female hormones (estrogens) in the body. If the tumor is small, does not show growth, does not hurt and does not bleed, doctors recommend simply observing it, at least once every six months showing up to the gynecologist. Usually, after 40 years, the production of hormones decreases, the nodules decrease and even disappear on their own.
Planning to have a baby? Then you definitely need to deal with the treatment of fibroids, and in advance. The fact is that blood circulation can be disrupted in the nodes of the tumor, and this affects the course of pregnancy, the threat of spontaneous interruption increases. Therapy usually involves taking hormonal drugs that can stunt the growth of the node and even shrink its size. When fibroids interfere with the onset and gestation of pregnancy, surgery to remove the nodes is most often recommended. Modern technologies – laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are the least traumatic and do not leave scars. After the operation, it takes about six months of recovery, and then you can plan a pregnancy.
Breast tumors are also common. As a rule, a woman herself finds a seal in her breast, a “lump”. Seven out of ten of these tumors are usually benign. The neoplasm hurts from about the middle to the end of the cycle, after which the sensations decrease, this is due to the fluctuation in the amount of hormones in the body. But do not forget that any seal is a reason to go for an examination to a mammologist.
– Reason for going to the doctor: bloody discharge not associated with the cycle, pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen, difficulty and soreness of urination, any nodules in the chest.
– If you have found a tumor, it is important to avoid sunburn, visit a solarium, take hot baths, go to a bath. If you are taking birth control pills, check with your doctor if you need to continue taking it.
– Russian women do not like to visit a mammologist: 30% go for a check-up every year, 40% – when necessary, and 30% do not go to doctors at all.
American supermodel Beverly Johnson began to suffer from multiple fibroids at the age of 30.
“I had the nodes removed in 1997, but two years later they reappeared,” the model said. “Unfortunately, I had to undergo a hysterectomy (removal of an organ), since the surgical methods were not as perfect then as they are now.”
Hollywood actress Hilary Swank underwent surgery to remove the knot at 34. “I felt discomfort and went to the doctor, he prescribed the removal of a benign tumor. Then it took only rest and a little time to recuperate. “
Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rise also underwent surgery for fibroids – in 2004, when she turned 50. She underwent UAE, a procedure to restrict the blood supply to the uterus, which leads to a decrease in the size of the nodes.
Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the First Moscow State Medical University I. M. Sechenova,
Art. m. “Park Kultury”, st. Elansky, 2, building 1,
Tel. +7 (499) 248−66−07.
Women’s Health Center,
Art. m. “Kutuzovskaya”, Kutuzovsky prospect, 33,
Tel. +7 (495) 797−78−25.
Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Art. m. “Kurskaya”, st. Pokrovka, 22a,
Tel. +7 (495) 625−05−38.
Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Kulakov,
Art. m. “Belyaevo”, st. Academician Oparin, 4,
Tel. +7 (495) 531−44−44.
Moscow Breast Dispensary,
Art. m. “Taganskaya”, st. Pottery, 23, tel. +7 (495) 915-13-90.
If hair begins to fall out, the process cannot be stopped.
It is believed that sooner or later every woman will face the problem of hair loss. Are we doomed to have our hair cut short and wear wigs?
OUR CONSULTANT – doctor of the highest category, dermatovenerologist-trichologist of the clinic “Doctor of Hair” Eduard BUCHAROV.
Many women mistakenly think that two factors trigger hair loss – childbirth and aging. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why your hairstyle can thin out. The density of hair is influenced by hormonal imbalances, endocrine, gastroenterological, gynecological diseases, stress, as well as genetics. In women, the psycho-emotional factor is, perhaps, in the first place. If you are constantly in a state of stress, the whole body begins to malfunction.
Does hair always fall out after childbirth? No not always. It all depends on your hormonal levels. If it breaks down, the problems will be, but will disappear after you undergo therapy.
At what age does the hairstyle lose thickness? In any! From alopecia, that is, baldness, you can suffer even at the age of 17. And you can have a gorgeous braid at 70. In other words, age does not affect hair, health does.
Loss is not a catastrophe, but the norm, but only on condition that the hair is replaced, that is, new ones grow back. If you notice that there are more hairs left on the comb lately than usual, go to the trichologist. The doctor must conduct a complete examination: examine the scalp and hair with magnification, do computer diagnostics and spectral analysis to identify violations of mineral metabolism, phototrichogram – to exclude or confirm the presence of the alleged disease.
If the cause of the loss is associated with a hormonal disorder, thyroid disease or any other, both the root cause and the effect will need to be treated. It is possible to restore the hairstyle, but there is no universal recipe for all patients. In each case, everything is individual. Today, one of the most effective methods is mesotherapy – injections into the scalp of special cocktails enriched with zinc, amino acids, vitamins. Some patients need 7–8 procedures to restore the functions of the hair follicles, others require 10 sessions and monthly maintenance therapy.
· If the hair follicles are in order, then it does not matter what styling products, combs and shampoos you use.
From external factors, only direct sunlight can harm your hair. Cover your head when going on a summer walk or beach.
· Do not panic at the sight of hair on a comb: every person drops from 10 to 100 hairs per day.
· Genetic predisposition to baldness is determined by the female line. If your mother, grandmother had problems with hair, then with a probability of 80% you will have them too.
Computer diagnostics of hair and scalp – from 600 rubles.
Hair mesotherapy – from 1950 rubles. for the procedure.
Phototrichogram – from 1250 rubles.
Spectral analysis – from 2800 rubles.
Strengthening hair therapy with an ozone-oxygen mixture – from 1150 rubles.
Biolamination, restoring the structure of split ends and brittle hair – from 1500 rubles. (the effect of the procedure will last for a month).
Colored glazing of hair to give shine and elasticity to colored curls – from 1400 rubles. (the effect will last 6-8 weeks).
Stimulation of hair growth using the darsonval method – from 150 rubles. for a five-minute procedure.
Hair transplant – from 50 rubles.
- Actress Demi Moore has never had a thick head of hair. The star is in no hurry to build up strands or stimulate their growth with injections and prefers to do a head massage at the spa every week.
- Singer Britney Spears began to rapidly lose her hair during a prolonged depression. The pop princess even shaved her head, but that didn’t help. As you know, Britney’s life is still not all calm. Apparently, this is why the singer does not dare to undergo treatment, but periodically extends her hair.
- Supermodel Naomi Campbell has been suffering from baldness for over 10 years. The beauty is in no hurry to do a hair transplant and hides the thinning curls under the wigs.
- Several years ago, actress Sarah Jessica Parker admitted that it is not fashionable cosmetic procedures that help her to keep her hair healthy, but horse shampoo.
Do not lose hormonal weight
By the age of 40, many women begin to lose their slimness and make a terrible discovery: diets don’t work as they used to. Is it possible to get rid of “hormonal” weight?
OUR CONSULTANT – psychotherapist, author of weight loss techniques Mikhail GAVRILOV.
A perfect figure after 40 is a perfectly achievable goal. Look – many Hollywood actresses at 45 look much better than at 25. And all because a mature woman has a lot of advantages: psychological maturity, experience, intelligence and will. At the Balzac age, it is easiest to look stunning.
Most women gain weight from the age of 35, when less hormones are produced that are responsible for the renewal of cells, tissues and for the use of energy obtained from food. When hormone deficiency appears, the body turns on the accumulation of adipose tissue – it takes over the partial production of sex hormones. But we are talking about only 2-3 kg. The main factor of weight gain in adulthood is simple overeating against the background of a sedentary lifestyle.
Where to start the return of slimness? The main mistake in adulthood is to go on a diet. There is a chance to lose weight, but the weight will definitely return, and the metabolism slows down. In addition, some diets (Ducan, Atkins, Kremlin) will not pass without leaving a trace for the kidneys. So, first of all, we go to the doctor to get tested and finally find out the current state of our health. After all, the process of losing weight, even a gradual and correct one, is a lot of stress. Then the doctor will draw up a program for weight loss, possibly prescribe medications with the help of which the excess will go away easily.
There are general recommendations for changing the diet after 40 years:
– reduce the proportion of animal fats, replace with olive and linseed oil;
– avoid eating red meat;
– increase the proportion of plant foods in the diet;
– Limit salt to 1 tsp. per day;
– exclude white sugar from the diet;
– avoid smoked meats, canned food, carbonated drinks and all foods containing preservatives.
In most cases, the hormonal shift, muscle loss, and slow metabolism that are common in this age are completely manageable. The effectiveness of losing weight directly depends on your mood. There is no need to be upset about the changes taking place in the body – this is a completely normal and controlled process. Follow the recommendations of nutritionists, go in for sports (it is better to give preference to moderate physical activity: yoga, body flex, swimming), take vitamins – and you will again be proud of your body.
Do not buy a membership to a fitness club – contemplation of slender beauties will not add motivation to you. According to club statistics, 70% of beginners quit classes in the first month! Just start walking, for example, an hour a day – vigorous walking will burn up to 450 calories. This alone is enough to lose 2 kg per month. You will become slimmer and stronger – you can go to the gym.
Sleep well. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to irritability and increased appetite. The one who does not get enough sleep gets fat.
Don’t weigh yourself daily. Hormonal fluctuations affect the body’s water storage, which affects weight and can upset you. Weigh yourself once a week in the morning to find out your real weight.
Clinic for weight correction of Dr. Kovalkov: 8 (495) 508-33-69, Varshavskoe sh., 104.
Clinic of Doctor Mukhina: 8 (495) 739-57-47, Komsomolsky prospect, 32.
Dr. Gavrilov’s Weight Loss Center: 8 (495) 236-89-41, Art. m. “Tsvetnoy Boulevard”, st. Gravity, 5.
Weight loss center “Doctor Bormental”: 8 (495) 915-89-89, Ukrainian blvd, 5.
Family Dietetics Center: 8 (495) 638-56-55, Lomonosovsky prospect, 43.
- Alla Borisovna Pugacheva has not cheated on her favorite robes for many years, but in 2012 the singer surprised everyone. The prima donna lost a lot of weight and, abandoning shapeless clothes, began to appear in public in tight jeans.
- Evgeni Plushenko’s wife, producer Yana Rudkovskaya gained more than 10 kg during pregnancy, and after giving birth, in a matter of months, she got in shape thanks to the fasting days.
- TV presenter Tatyana Arno argued with Ksenia Sobchak that she would lose 10 kg in a month and lost weight. Tatiana was helped by proper nutrition and daily sports.
- The star of the film “Bridget Jones’s Diary” actress Renee Zellweger has lost her excess weight with the help of a trendy fractional diet. For several months, the actress ate according to the system “one portion is equal to the size of a deck of cards.” As a result, Rene became 13 kg lighter.
Plastic surgeries in most cases end in complications.
All women are afraid of wrinkles, but in the fight against them, most are limited to creams and masks: doing plastic surgery or beauty injections is scary. Let’s figure out whether it is worth declaring war on aging.
Our consultant – plastic surgeon of the Platinental clinic Andrey Iskornev.
You should not be afraid of plastics, if only because over the past decades, surgical techniques, materials and tools have changed a lot. Nowadays, most radical procedures can be done without deep cuts. Small punctures (mini-accesses) are enough. The seam is closed with special glue, and even a specialist will not see the fact of the operation.
In the period up to 30 years, you need to take care of yourself with the appearance of the very first signs of aging. If you are already 23 years old, end up with the sun. A light tan is quite enough, but the oak shade will only bring your skin closer to pigmentation and flabbiness. You can start the fight against the first wrinkles with microinjections – mesotherapy with peptides and light cocktails with hyaluronic acid. Anti-aging drugs are Botox, but you should not stab yourself to the “mask” effect.
At the age of 30 to 35, plasma lifting will be the best weapon against wrinkles. The essence of this procedure is the intradermal administration of a cocktail from the patient’s plasma, enriched with platelets in combination with vitamin supplements. That is, the wrinkle-smoothing agent will be partially made from your own blood.
Closer to the age of 40, you should pay attention to the contour of the lower third of the face and do a non-surgical lifting with fixation threads. This procedure is not scary at all and is done under local anesthesia. With the help of the finest needle, special threads are inserted under the skin, fixed and create a kind of frame. The contour of the face will be fixed, the sagging of the cheeks and the jawline will decrease. The face will become more youthful and fit.
At this age, it is also important to eliminate excess skin of the upper and lower eyelids, bags under the eyes. During the blepharoplasty operation, the surgeon will redistribute the tissue in a “young” anatomical position. This is called cheel lifting. Usually, this operation is combined with a thread lift of the lower third of the face and chin liposuction. As a result, your face takes on the shape of a V, that is, you again have high cheekbones and a sharp chin.
At 50 years old, a plastic surgeon must literally put tissues in the position they were in at 25 years old. Usually, in such cases, SMAS-lifting is used – a lift, in which not only the skin is tightened, but also dense tissues, which makes you 10-15 years younger, and an endoscopic forehead and mid-face lift. Lipofilling is also performed – correction of sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds by injecting the patient’s purified fat taken from the lumbar region or buttocks under the skin. The operation is complemented by laser skin resurfacing, which will even out the color, eliminate age spots, irregularities and scars.
Mesotherapy – from 4000 rubles / zone
Botox – from 6000 rubles / zone
Contour plastics (restylane) – from 12 rubles / zone
Lifting with threads – from 15 rubles.
Blepharoplasty – from 45 rubles.
Lipofilling – from 50 rubles.
SMAS-lifting – from 75 rubles.
Endoscopic facelift – from 85 rubles.
– There are contraindications to beauty injections and plastic surgery – these are serious cardiovascular diseases, oncology, bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus.
– Do not overuse fillers (wrinkle filler injections), especially in the cheekbone area. Their excess makes the face look like a mask.
– If you want to get a long-term effect of rejuvenation, you need to stock up on 7-10 days of vacation and do a modern combined operation.
- Singer Natasha Koroleva does not hide the fact that once every six months she undergoes a course of mesotherapy.
- The country’s main matchmaker, Rosa Syabitova, first gave herself a new breast, then did an injection facelift.
- Lolita Milyavskaya did blepharoplasty and laser resurfacing.
- Actress Demi Moore, 51, owes Botox for a wrinkle-free face.
- Model Cindy Crawford has been faithful to Botox injections and vitamin collagen injections for many years.