
The authors of this book have set themselves the daunting task of recounting the history of human beliefs from the Neolithic to modern times. Thousands of works are devoted to the topic of religion, but before us is not a compilation of various sources at all, but an independent and original study.

The authors of this book have set themselves the daunting task of recounting the history of human beliefs, from the Neolithic to modern times. Thousands of works are devoted to the topic of religion, but before us is not a compilation of various sources at all, but an independent and original study. On the pages of this unique publication, high religious authorities of different confessions talk about how their fellow believers see God. The first part of the book is devoted to polytheism, the second deals with monotheistic cults — Islam, Judaism and Christianity. And finally, the third part introduces the reader to the answers that various religions give to the key questions of life: about the creation of the world and eternal life, about the Last Judgment and why God allows suffering.

Text, 272 p.

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