History of anorexia: at 13, a girl ate 17 grams a day and walked for 10 hours

Following her losing weight, 19-year-old Laura Munday decided that she was fat and brought herself to anorexia.

It all started with the fact that the girl’s mother decided to lose weight and gave up many products to achieve the goal.

19-year-old Laura Munday was 13 years old when she came up with a “diet” for which she got an eating disorder. The aspiring model ate 17 grams of rice flakes a day and walked for 10 hours to burn calories.

“I wanted to lose weight and started walking as much as possible: it all started with 30 minutes a day and went up to 10 o’clock. I cut my portions to a minimum and then started skipping meals. When asked, I said that I had eaten, ”says Laura.

In just a year, Munday brought herself to nervous exhaustion, her hair began to fall out, her periods stopped, and her weight reached a critical level.

The girl’s parents began to worry, and 19-year-old Munday pretended that everything was fine and closed herself off from them and from her friends more and more. The girl assured her family that everything was fine with her.

“I lost all my friends and left college at 15,” she continues.

Jeans in size 44 fell off the girl, and she continued her struggle for the “perfect” body.

At that moment, when her condition was on the verge of life and death, Laura decided to confess to her parents that she was sick. The family immediately turned to the clinic for help: Mandai had so little strength that she spent a lot of time sitting and she began to develop pressure sores.

“I looked at myself in the mirror for hours and saw that I was too fat. I especially hated my legs, which seemed huge. I was a normal weight for my height, but it didn’t seem to matter. I am so happy that I had the strength to go to the clinic and overcome the disease, because I know that some are not so lucky … ”- Laura confessed to Dailymail.

The 19-year-old was treated for three months and was able to gain weight.

“Looking back, I understand that at the right moment I realized that it was time for me to get out of this state,” says Laura.

A year later, Munday was able to pass her final exams and continue her studies at Oxford.

To do this, they had to form hard-to-reach ideals, then people would constantly reconstruct themselves as a constructor, even such technological terms as “figure modeling” appeared in advertising. We were constantly taught from the TV screen that cellulite is the right, unambiguous path to loneliness, and extra pounds is practically a crime, which gradually led to the obsessive desire of the whole society to lose weight.

The body has become an object for reconstruction, the body has become a stranger, it has ceased to be its own, people have ceased to want to feel themselves in their body, it has ceased to be truly alive. It turned into an investment fund, an admission ticket to the stalls for a play called Beautiful Life. Against this unfavorable social background, it is precisely the risk group – girls from such families, girls with a burdened heredity, who only needed an impetus for the rapid development of the disease, became a victim of that time.

Fashion for anorexia. Cattle-beauty

Fashion of the last 20 years has become very harmful for the younger generation. The cult of anorexic thinness was imposed primarily from the catwalks and further spread through the pages of glossy publications. The entire cosmetology and medical world received new markets for products such as diet pills, numerous body shaping procedures, and this market had to be supported.

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