Histopathological examination – what does it look like? Histopathological examination of the fetus and after curettage

Histopathological examination is performed in order to assess the lesions in the tissue sample taken from the patient. The result of this examination in most cases enables the doctor to make an appropriate diagnosis and then implement appropriate treatment. Examination of the taken sample is used to diagnose neoplasms and assess the degree of their malignancy.

Histopathological examination – course

Histopathological examination is a microscopic examination consisting in the assessment of a tissue sample. In order to perform such an examination, it is necessary to take a sample of the material from the affected area. The material is collected using an appropriately selected method (intraoperatively or in the form of a biopsy), and in the next stage – it is analyzed in the laboratory.

Performing a histopathological examination is associated mainly with cancer diagnostics. It allows to determine whether the examined lesion is malignant or benign. The evaluation takes place after taking the sample, staining it and carefully observing it under a microscope. Histopathological examination is ordered when a physician detects a diseased tissue. Such a change can be detected by imaging tests, e.g. ultrasound, computed tomography, as well as by palpation (palpation) in the case of changes in the breasts.

Histopathological examination after curettage

It is a method of collecting tissue scraps using a special device – a scraper. This method is used in the curettage of the uterine cavity. The aim is to check that after the removal of the embryo, there is no tissue left in the woman’s body that can decompose and contribute to the poisoning of the body with toxins and deterioration of health.

Histopathological examination of the fetus

Histopathological examination is also performed to assess degenerative and inflammatory changes in the fetus. The scope of further treatment and rescue of the child often depends on the result of this examination. The material for examination is sent during the procedure to a pathologist, where it is immediately examined and then the doctor receives a response about the nature of the change. The waiting time for the result is approximately 20 minutes. This is the most difficult type of study that still raises a lot of concern among parents because of the technique of the exercise. The needle used during the examination is often larger than the fetus itself, very sensitive to any damage.

Name of the study histopathology
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for is performed in order to assess lesions in a tissue sample taken from a patient
Indications for the examination – mainly cancer diagnostics – allows you to determine whether the examined lesion is a malignant or benign lesion
Standards 20 minutes of waiting for the result
Interpreting the results (at least basic) The change can be detected by imaging tests, e.g. ultrasound, computed tomography, as well as by palpation (palpation), e.g. in the case of changes in the breasts
How is the test going It is a microscopic examination based on the assessment of the tissue sample taken. In order to perform the examination, it is necessary to take a sample of the material from the affected area. Such material is collected using an appropriately selected method (intraoperatively or in the form of a biopsy), and then it is analyzed in the laboratory.
How to prepare for the test on an empty stomach, empty bladder
Information to be reported prior to testing additional ailments
How to behave after the examination 45 minutes of lying down, drinking plenty of water, not making sudden movements
Possible complications after the examination dizziness, local needle pain
Other important (if any) None

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