Histidine – description, histidine deficiency, diet sources, supplementation

Histidine is a unique and important amino acid. It belongs to the group of relatively exogenous amino acids. It takes part in the synthesis of some proteins, improves the functioning of the digestive system and, above all, stimulates the proper functioning of the human immune system.

What is Histidine?

That’s it it is a relatively exogenous amino acid – it means that the adult human body is able to synthesize appropriate amounts of this substance. Unfortunately, in the case of growing and maturing people, histidine it can be synthesized in an insufficient amount. What should I do in such a situation? The best way is to balance our diet or supplement it from a different source.

The body’s reactions to histidine deficiency are generally similar in almost all cases. The most common symptom there is a feeling of constant fatigue, reluctance to take up activity, lack of physical energy. Especially prolonged fatigue, i.e. the inability to rest effectively, can be a symptom histidine deficiency.

Therefore histidine is mainly used in the fight against the feeling of physical fatigue and it is recommended to be supplemented by people who practice an active lifestyle. That’s it because it not only accelerates the process of recovering physical strength after training or other long physical exertion. In addition, its regular consumption prevents the symptoms of premature fatigue, which extends our physical efficiency. That’s it it also affects the building of our muscle tissue, taking part in the process of food absorption and the production of proteins.

Fighting fatigue is not the only reason why presence is worth considering that’s it in our diet. This amino acid also plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system. It supports the fight against infections, inhibits their development and has a protective effect against nerve cells. Influence that’s it it also applies to the digestive process. With its help, gastrin is released in the stomach, an enzyme responsible for digesting food and the absorption of valuable elements from it, for example vitamins, minerals and others. For other, but no less important functions that’s it include protection against UV radiation and cleansing the body of heavy metals accumulated in it.

How to deal with histidine deficiency? The highest level of its content is found in products of animal origin. Source that’s it are: pork, poultry and eggs, fish, milk and milk-based products. It is present in a lower concentration in, among others, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame, pistachio and peanut nuts, bread, bananas, buckwheat or millet groats, in legumes: beans, soybeans, and various varieties of peas. It should be added that it is extremely difficult to determine the average dose that’s it adopted by an adult human. For this reason, in the case of its deficiencies, supplementation with protein preparations in which histidine occurs in the company of other amino acids. Such a preparation – in the form of a powder – is very easy to prepare yourself. It is suitable for consumption immediately after mixing with water. Preparations containing histidine are most often protein or protein-carbohydrate supplements intended for athletes and also containing other amino acids, for example beta-alanine.

Supplementing histidine at the same time, it is very safe – its excessive consumption has no negative effects. The only real possibility of overdosing that’s it there is a situation in which the person taking the supplement suffers from problems with the metabolism of this substance. Histydemia – a disease that interferes with proper absorption that’s it, is a congenital disease, genetically determined and manifested, inter alia, by impaired mental and intellectual development, speech problems, psychotic states. Treatment is mainly based on controlling the amount consumed that’s it by following the appropriate dietary recommendations.

Need for histidine it is especially important during the organism’s growth and maturation. Especially early in life children – infants – are at risk of deficiency. The main source of this substance for them is mother’s milk. Deficiency in infants is manifested by disturbances in the development of the physical organism: too slow weight gain and stunted growth.

Supplements containing histidine are available in pharmacies as well as sports stores or online stores. The price of these products depends on the manufacturer, brand, package size and weight. It ranges from a dozen or so zlotys – in the case of the smallest packages – to about PLN 200 in the case of high-end nutrients. When deciding on such supplementation, you should first consult a doctor who will help us choose the right portion of the selected supplement.

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