His son hasn’t got out of bed in 42 years. He is fighting cancer

“I am the patient who is ill for the longest time in the Tri-City” – you can read on the website of Robert Biedka. He is 42 years old and has suffered from cerebral palsy since birth. He can’t move. He is looked after by his 77-year-old father who has cancer.

Doctors did not give Robert a chance from the very beginning. He was born too early, he was weak. His mother was sure something was wrong. She saw that the child was getting tired. As we can read in the text “Radio Gdańsk”, when the medical staff asked for help, she heard: “shut your mouth – do not scream”.

A few months later, she was diagnosed with four-limb cerebral palsy. It means constant muscle contracture. Some medics wondered aloud, ‘Why treat him? Why rehabilitate? After all, he will never sit down, nor will he ever walk ”.

Irena and Eugeniusz, i.e. Robert’s parents, decided not to give up. They put a lot of effort into caring for their son. They tried so hard that despite 42 years spent in bed, the man does not have bedsores. It doesn’t happen often.

I would give my life for him

Now Mr. Eugeniusz was left alone with his son. His wife died last October. She had cancer. Some time ago it turned out that he, too, had a malignant tumor of the colon. After this diagnosis, even more friends than before began to advise him to give up custody of his son.

– “Kindly” people, and recently even doctors, advise you to give it back. My wife and I said that there is no such option. And now, after my wife’s death, I keep saying that as long as I’m alive, Robert will be with me. This is my beloved, long-awaited son. I would give my life for him – says Biedka in an interview with Radio Gdańsk.

However, his age and health condition make it more and more difficult for him to take care of his son. A physiotherapist who was assigned by the National Health Fund to Robert after years of efforts on the part of his family will help. Mr. Eugeniusz says that besides, people who would visit his son and talk to him would be useful. Just like that, friendly. Because Robert doesn’t need anything more than kind people around him.

In addition, you can help him by transferring 1 percent, or by making an individual payment, the data needed to make the transfer are available at dlaroberta.pl.

You can read more at: m.radiogdansk.pl

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