Baby and the computer
Sales of early learning CD-Roms for babies aged 18 months / 3 years have increased by 20% in one year! But the usefulness of introducing toddlers to the computer is debated …
Even among early childhood professionals, opinions are divided. Your turn to judge !
For the”
The computer is part of the everyday life, including in the world of toys. It’s a new way to play that doesn’t take away from the allure of stuffed animals and other construction toys.
Software is criticized for its impersonal side, but they are often animated by a very lively little character which congratulates and encourages the child in his discovery.
The development of multimedia products takes place with the collaboration of early childhood professionals. Brands are improving their products so parents can control children’s play time and to protect toddlers from the harmful effects of the screen.
The “cons”
A child needs to touch, smell, manipulate in order to discover and learn. It is thanks to all this that he feeds his imagination. However, software is made in such a way that the toddler cannot take any initiative. Suddenly, his imaginary world is reduced.
Concrete experiences of toys (construction games, doll …) are a first step to then allow him to access a virtual universe. We must therefore not skip the different stages.
It is normal for an 18 month old child not to understand that by acting on the mouse he is creating an action on the screen. It’s too abstract for him!
The material is not suitable ergonomically for the child.
Bright light and rapid alternation of colors increase eye fatigue and nervous system excitability.