His day at the nursery

What is the rhythm of a day in a nursery?

In general, a typical day in a nursery takes place in this way: from the opening of the establishment to the end of the morning (around 11 a.m.), the time is devoted to early learning games varying according to the age group. age. After the meal, it’s time for a nap! The early learning games will then resume until the parents come to pick up their children from the nursery.

How is a day with toddlers: adaptation and nurturing

This is the section that welcomes babies from 3 months up to 1 year about. It marks the first separation. Don’t worry, your baby’s day will be punctuated by essential time points for him: welcome, morning nap, meal, afternoon nap, snack and departure. The days are mainly devoted to nursery. Each nursery tries to respect the rhythm specific to each child to gently bring him to be a little more independent and to live with others. The moments of leisure awaken hearing and touch. Sitting on the floor at the babies’ level, the nursery nurses offer toys and books of different materials that produce funny sounds. They discover the musical universe with lullabies and rhymes. From 7-8 months, the little ones begin to move, crawling or on all fours. Climbing games, small tunnels promote movement within the room. At first ignorant of his friends, your baby will gradually seek their contact by moving around and starting to pull his hair, put his fingers in his eyes, in his ears, etc. This interaction, involuntary at the end of the first year, will gradually assert itself.

Among the means: awakening senses

This second year of nursery concerns children between 1 and 2 years approximately. They learn autonomy there by starting to talk, to walk, to eat alone. The benchmarks put in place during the first year help the children to situate themselves in time. And as they have grown up, they are also able to find themselves in space: they know their place for meals, naps and the soft toy box in particular. At the age of first words, dialogue with friends is not always easy, so to communicate their joy and anger, they sometimes bite, an episode which is difficult to escape. We feel that we have more to do with toddlers, the games are more advanced: manipulations, graphics, identification and language games. They know how to pour water or semolina, embed cubes, thread large beads and make plasticine. The tambourines and maracas joined the nursery rhymes. But the disguises and the dinette area are often the most popular: telephone, babies, cooking, children can finally take the place of adults. You may have noticed it: pushed by others, everything speeds up in learning to walk. To them the structures to be climbed, the slides and other ball pools.

Among adults: language and imagination

This is the last year of nursery school for children of 18 months to 3 years. Last step before entering kindergarten. As during the first two years, we keep the same benchmarks while offering them new ones: Christmas tree decoration, Epiphany wreaths, birthdays… They start talking to each other, laughing or getting angry. Their favorite word: “no”. Friendships begin. The games are refined, the cubes are smaller, the pearls finer. We dare to paint, stickers, collage. We associate them with the seasons and the events of the year by working on themes such as Christmas, Easter or even Mother’s Day and its famous necklace of noodles. The games of the structures are also more complex and require more daring. Essential to their motor development, they allow children to learn to respect others: queuing at the toboggan, for example.

Meals: what do babies eat at nursery?

At the nursery, children are encouraged to discover new foods and new textures. Meals are often mixed or in pieces. Some are also beginning to discover solid food. With regard to dietary diversification, parents most of the time arrange with the nursery staff so that it correlates with that carried out at home.


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