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Hyperlipoproteinemias, also called hyperlipidemias, are states of metabolic disorders characterized by an increase in the content of various fractions of fat in the blood plasma. This leads to the development of other ailments, including heart disease, neuropathy and abdominal pain.

  1. The most characteristic symptom of hyperlipoproteinemia is the so-called yellow tufts
  2. These are nodular yellow lesions responsible for macrophage overabsorption of lipids
  3. The lumps are located on different parts of the body. It can be the buttocks, eyelids, limbs, even muscle tendons
  4. The diagnosis of hyperlipoproteinemia is possible only thanks to specialized tests carried out in the laboratory
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Hyperlipoproteinemia – definition

Hyperlipoproteinemia is a disorder that is a metabolic disorder, there is an increased amount of fat in the blood, the level of total cholesterol and triglycerides and LDL or VLDL increase. The consequence of these disorders is the development of heart disease, atherosclerosis, neuropathy and recurrent pancreatitis.

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In recent years, special attention has been paid to hyperlipoproteinemia as conditions predisposing to faster and more intensive development of atherosclerosis and its effects in the form of, for example, ischemic heart disease, heart attacks, and arterial hypertension. This is favored by an increase in the so-called cholesterol fraction. low-density (LDL), and have a protective effect by increasing the high-density (HDL) fraction.

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Types of hyperlipoproteinemia

Among the hyperlipoproteinemia we can distinguish:

  1. Type I hyperlipoproteinemias – underlying the occurrence of which is genetic and hereditary predisposition. It is characterized by an excessive amount of chylomicrons in the plasma. The essence of this disease consists in the decreased activity of triglyceride lipase, the enzyme responsible for the elimination of this fraction of lipoproteins;
  2. Type II hyperlipoproteinemia — have high levels of beta-lipoproteins. This type of ailments can occur in both family and acquired form, but most often it occurs due to poor nutrition;
  3. Type III hyperlipoproteinemia — this type of disease is characterized by an abnormal lipoprotein fraction, which is an intermediate product of the metabolism between the prebeta-lipoprotein and beta-lipoprotein fractions. Type III is most often genetically determined, manifested by glucose intolerance due to high cholesterol and triglyceride levels;
  4. type IV hyperlipoproteinemia – this is the most common type of hyperlipoproteinemia in Poland, it is found in up to 20% of adults. Hyperlipoproteinemia is characterized by an excessively large increase in the protein-lipoprotein fraction, which is the main carrier of triglycerides synthesized in the body. It usually occurs because of eating too much simple sugars, and obese people are also at risk of developing the disease;
  5. type V hyperlipoproteinemia — it is characterized by a high level of chylomicrons and the protein-lipoprotein fraction (transporting glycerides). This type of ailment usually attacks in a secondary form during other diseases, e.g. diabetes, pancreatitis. Sometimes it can be genetically determined.

There are several types of primary hyperlipoproteinemia, depending on which fractions of the lipid bodies have increased. This is important when proper treatment is instituted. pharmacological.

Classification of primary hyperlipoproteinemia

1. Hypercholesterolemia monogeneans:

  1. heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia – occurs as a result of a mutation of the LDL receptor gene;
  2. homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia – mutation of the gene for the LDL receptor on both chromosomes;
  3. apo B-100 gene mutation (replacement of guanine with adenine).

2. Multigene familial hypercholesterolaemia.

3. Hypertriglyceridemia. 4. Mixed hyperlipoproteinemias.

Secondary hyperlipoproteinemia usually occurs in people who have impaired metabolism, kidney disease, or are diabetics. Women who regularly take birth control pills are also at risk of developing the disease.

It is worth choosing herbal teas that reduce cholesterol in the blood. We recommend, for example, FOR CHOLESTEROL – herbal tea by Herbapol in Krakow.

Hyperlipoproteinemia – symptoms

The most characteristic symptom of hyperlipoproteinemia is the so-called yellow tufts.

These are yellow nodular lesions responsible for the excessive absorption of lipids by macrophages. Lumps are located in different parts of the body – buttocks, eyelids, limbs, and even muscle tendons. They can be tiny spots or extensive skin lesions / eruptions. Moreover, diseases such as hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia can be associated with hyperlipoproteinemia.

Symptoms differ for each type of disease.

Type I — enlarged liver and spleen, yellow tufts (skin lesions), abdominal pain, high levels of triglycerides in the blood.

Type II – the symptoms of the familial form of this type of disease are the most severe, the cholesterol level exceeds 1000 mg% (26 mmol / 1). In addition, there is a build-up of cholesterol in tendons and skin, premature atherosclerosis or heart attack at a very young age (even under the age of 20).

Type III – patients with this type of hyperlipoproteinemia are usually obese. In the case of long-term disease, the liver may be enlarged and lipids may be stored on the skin and tendons. There is an increased risk of atherosclerosis (especially of the lower limbs).

Type IV — in addition to high levels of triglycerides, there is glucose intolerance. Due to the deposition of triglycerides, pancreatitis and enlargement of the liver and spleen occur. Type IV is most common in patients with myocardial infarction and lower limb obliterating atherosclerosis.

Type V — triglycerides are deposited in the skin and liver, which at the same time are enlarged. In addition, yellow tufts are formed on the skin. Patients with this type of hyperlipoproteinemia are usually obese and have problems with normal glucose tolerance. There is no information on the influence of this type of disease on the development of atherosclerosis.

Hyperlipoproteinemia – diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of hyperlipoproteinemia is possible only thanks to specialized tests carried out in the laboratory. In order for the diagnosis to be XNUMX% accurate, it is best to repeat the test within two weeks. In hyperlipoproteinemia, it is necessary to monitor skin changes and repeat tests.

Treatment of hyperlipoproteinemia

Treatment of the disease is long-term, but quite effective. They can only be carried out by a doctor with periodic laboratory control.

The following is recommended as an effective treatment:

• physical activity, thanks to which the energy demand increases,

• taking various preparations that lower lipid levels in one way or another,

• a proper diet that will reduce the amount of solid fats, but also simple carbohydrates, while increasing the amount of fiber in it.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Kamila Wykrota, the resilience trainer, will tell us about what resilience is. How does the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and react to adversities affect our quality of life? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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