Hip pain – the most common causes. How to treat hip pain and what exercises to do?

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Hip pain can be distressing and unpleasant in everyday life. In addition, hip pain can be accompanied by pain in the sacrum, buttocks, and also in the groin. Sometimes rest is enough, but sometimes hip pain can be serious. What could be the causes of hip pain? How To Treat Hip Pain? What exercises can we do to prevent hip pain?

Hip pain – overexertion

The most common cause of hip pain is overstrain in the hip joint. Hip pain can appear with excessive physical exertion, inadequate warm-up before demanding training, for which we simply did not prepare our body. Moreover, hip pain can occur in people who do not play sports regularly, such as walking or jogging for too long. In such cases, the pain in the hips and groin, which can also bother us, passes by itself when we allow ourselves to rest.

Hip pain – joint degeneration

Hip pain caused by degeneration of a joint can have much more serious consequences. Then the articular cartilage of the acetabulum of the hip joint is damaged. We then feel severe discomfort caused by the drying of the joint. There is a feeling of stiffness, problems with movement, and radiating pain to the buttocks, groin, knees and sacrum. In addition, nagging pains can appear before your hip pain, giving you the wrong idea of ​​what is really causing the problem.

Hip pain – Irritated hip joint syndrome

Another cause of hip pain may be irritated hip syndrome. Then the person experiences severe pain in the hip and groin, limps and has problems while walking normally. This type of hip pain can also be eliminated by resting, but also by using appropriate physiotherapy treatments. You can use the treatments at FootMedica.

Hip pain – other injuries

We can also feel hip pain after dislocation of the hip joint, fracture of the femur, and dislocation of the pelvic bones. The first symptoms of the above injuries are swelling, hematomas and shooting pain in the hip area.

Do your symptoms require medical consultation? Check it out for yourself in a short medical interview.

Hip pain – how to treat?

When hip pain occurs, the first thing we do is rest and not strain our body. We can also unknowingly avoid movements that add to the pain. Our attitude is then disturbed, because we do not want to burden the limb. As a result, instead of helping ourselves, we only worsen our own condition and damage the balance of the pelvic joints. It may even result in a muscular imbalance. That is why it is so important not to underestimate the first symptoms of hip pain.

When hip pain occurs, we should visit an orthopedist for an X-ray or computed tomography examination. The second test is undoubtedly more detailed and can reveal changes that have taken place in our body.

Treatment of hip pain is primarily based on anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Topical anti-inflammatory ointments may also be indicated. We recommend, for example, Ointment for ponds made of green-lipped mussels. In the case of degeneration and severe damage to the hip joint, surgery may be necessary.

Remember that the first stage of treatment is consultation with a family doctor who will refer us to appropriate specialists. Do not wait for an appointment and arrange an online consultation within the National Health Fund today via the halodoctor.pl portal.

Hip pain – what exercises?

In order to prevent hip pain, we should first of all take care of the correct body weight. Being overweight is particularly stressful for the joints and can cause adverse symptoms in everyday functioning. Physically active people should not forget about proper warm-up, so as not to allow injuries. Your diet should be high in protein, calcium and vitamin D to help strengthen your bones.

Hip exercises are primarily stretching exercises, strengthening and deepening the range of motion. It is especially about strengthening the muscles of the torso, upper limbs and hip muscles. Moreover, they should also include exercises for the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, so that all our posture will benefit from it. Three times a week cardio training is effective, but also jogging, Nordic walking, cycling, aerobics and swimming. So everyone will find something for themselves to strengthen their joints and improve their own well-being and health.

See also:

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  2. Pain under the knee can be a symptom of a very serious illness
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  1. waxa laiga haayaa sinta si lii daweyo rabaa

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