hip dislocation
What to do if a hip dislocation occurs: we tell you what the symptoms of the injury are, how it is treated, and is there any prevention of the disease

Interesting medical statistics: hip dislocation most often occurs in physically developed people at a young age – up to 50 years. The fact is that trauma in most cases is diagnosed in those who have had an accident or fallen from a great height. With children, unfortunately, similar incidents also happen, but with more mature people due to an active lifestyle, it is still more common.

Medically speaking, hip dislocation occurs when the joints of the femoral head pull away from the acetabulum. By the way, in traumatology, hip dislocation is treated not so often. It is believed that for every 100 possible dislocations, there are only 5 hip injuries.

In fact, a dislocation is often the result of an injury. However, the disease can be congenital, or occur during the growth of the child – due to improper development of the joint.

Hip dislocation symptoms

Andrey Rodyn, traumatologist-orthopedic doctor says that the first thing the victim feels is a sharp pain. If a person in a state of shock still tries to stand on an injured leg, then this will not work – there will be a sharp discomfort. It will not work in the same way to bend or raise the leg – the pain will only increase.

Doctors also include visible deformity as symptoms. But not always – it depends on the type of hip dislocation. And the leg can freeze in an unnatural position and nothing can be done about it.

The joint also acquires elasticity, the so-called spring resistance – if you try to move the victim’s leg, it will return to its previous position.

You can also observe hemorrhages under the skin. Instant bruises begin to appear in the area of ​​the buttocks, groin. Swelling of the skin is not ruled out.

Hip dislocation treatment

Hip dislocation is a complex injury and only a professional traumatologist should set it. No folk methods and independent attempts – there can be serious complications!


Diagnosis of hip dislocations does not cause difficulties for traumatologists. It is easy to compare the symptoms – a sharp pain, the inability to stand on the leg and the incident that happened to the victim. However, it is important for the doctor to clarify the position of the femoral head. For this, the patient is sent for x-rays in two projections.

Sometimes computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done. This is required to rule out possible bone damage.

Modern treatments

In medicine, different methods of treating a dislocation are used, depending on its severity and timing. If the patient applied with a fresh injury, then all treatment consists in repositioning the joint. No operation required. If set immediately after the injury, the injured leg is most likely to fully recover after 3 months.

After reduction, an x-ray is taken: the doctor must make sure that the head of the bone has returned to its place. If everything is done correctly, then a cast is applied, which stretches from the lower back to the toes. It is important that three joints are fixed: ankle, knee and hip.

In some cases, skeletal traction is used for up to a month. Under anesthesia, a metal needle is inserted into the bone. A medical bracket is attached to it and a load is hung.

But even after a month in this position it is impossible to walk immediately. Crutches are given out first. They have to walk up to 2,5 months.

However, it is not always enough to correct a dislocation. There are complications. For example, with a rupture of ligaments. Then an operation is performed – an incision to gain access to the joint and carry out an open reduction.

Sometimes patients come with chronic dislocations. It happens that with severe associated injuries, doctors can view the damaged joint. Then there are two options at the discretion of the traumatologist: surgical intervention and open reduction. Or arthrodesis – fixing the joint in such a position that it is completely immobilized. He will not be able to bend, but the patient will at least lean on the injured leg.

Hip Dislocation Prevention

There is no specific prevention, since most hip dislocations occur as a result of accidents. Therefore, it is important to be careful and not expose yourself to rash risks.

Popular questions and answers

There are a few typical questions that come up about hip dislocation. Let’s take them apart with traumatologist-orthopedist Andrey Rodin.

How to provide first aid for a dislocated hip?

Call an ambulance first. Doctors will deliver the victim to the traumatology, where under anesthesia they will correct the dislocation. Doctors warn that you should not try to insert the joint into place on your own. All the same, nothing will come of it, because in this part of the body there is a large accumulation of muscles that are tense from pain. Until they are relaxed with painkillers, the dislocation cannot be set.

In addition, the attempts of an amateur can cause harm. The affected person may have damaged blood vessels, nerves, or a fracture of the femoral neck. Inept manipulations can only aggravate the situation.

However, it is not necessary to be completely indifferent either. Immediately after calling the doctors, pain medication should be given. If you happen to have an injectable analgesic and know how to give intramuscular injections, do it.

Next, you need to fix the injured leg. In professional language, this is called immobilization. Use improvised materials. suitable sticks or fittings. Just pre-wrap them with a bandage. You can attach an injured leg to a healthy one.

Please note: when fixing the injured hip, you do not need to try to put it in the correct position from your point of view. Let it remain in the same state as after the injury.

To reduce swelling, you can apply ice around the hip joint. If there is no ice, a cloth dampened with cold water will do. Do not forget that the ice should also be wrapped in a cloth.

What are the complications of hip dislocation?

The most common complication is damage to the vessels that feed the femoral head. Avascular necrosis begins to develop. In simple terms, the death of bone tissue. The result is severe pain. A person cannot stand up and walk independently. In this case, a hip arthroplasty is required.

Another possible dangerous complication is sciatic nerve injury. It is close to the hip joint. The person feels pain in the back of the leg. At the same time, sensitivity is impaired, and in some cases paralysis occurs altogether – if the nerve is torn. Ulcers appear on the skin, it begins to peel off. You need to see a doctor, he will prescribe treatment.

– When the femoral head moves, it can compress the femoral vessels. This cuts off blood circulation in the leg completely. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the dislocation as soon as possible. From a lack of oxygen, the tissues in the leg can die, – Andrey Rodin added.

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