Meconopsis or Himalayan poppy is a beautiful flower of azure, blue, purple color. Attractive due to its large size. It takes root well in any region in Our Country, but requires regular moisturizing. It is used in single plantings and in compositions, it looks especially beautiful on the shore of a country pond.

Description and characteristics of the plant

Meconopsis, also known as the Himalayan blue poppy, is a perennial plant in the poppy family (Papaveraceae). A distinctive feature is beautiful and large flowers, reaching a diameter of 10–12 cm, and in some varieties up to 25 cm.

The stems are thin, depending on the species, their height ranges from 10 to 100 cm. The leaves are green, petiolate. Grow rosettes. The foliage and stem of meconopsis are often covered with fluff of a white or yellow hue. The root system can be both taproot and fibrous, quite developed, with several points of growth.

Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

The petals of the Himalayan poppy have a pleasant azure color, although there are other shades: blue, purple, blue, lavender, yellow, white

Flowers are six-petalled. The stamens are light orange in color and contrast well with the petals. The flowering of meconopsis lasts 3-4 weeks (from mid-June to mid-July). By the end of summer, the Himalayan poppy produces fruits – dry boxes with small oily seeds.

In nature, the plant is found in the highlands of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. It also grows in the Alps at an altitude of 3–5,5 km. Often, the Himalayan poppy is found in other parts of the world: Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia.

In Our Country, wild Himalayan poppies are also found – they all belong only to the species Mekonopsis letter-leaved.

It’s important! The stems and leaves of the culture contain toxic substances.

Types of meconopsis

There are 45 species in the genus Meconopsis. The most famous of them are cultivated: letter-leaved, Sheldon and Cumbrian.

Meconopsis letter-leaved

Meconopsis betonicifolia is a beautiful species of Himalayan poppy with blue flowers, the diameter of which reaches 9–10 cm. The first inflorescences appear in June, and they last 5–7 days, after which they fade. The duration of flowering culture is up to one month. When caring for this plant in the first year, all buds are removed before opening. Otherwise, the meconopsis letter-leaved (betonicifolia) will die in the same season, i.e. behave like an annual plant.

Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

Peduncles of the betonicifolia variety reach a height of 80–90 cm

Meconopsis sheldona

The description of Sheldon’s meconopsis (Meconopsis x sheldonii) indicates that it is a hybrid variety with pale blue flowers. Feels great in partial shade, on wet and loose soils. The Himalayan poppy tolerates drought well. The culture does not withstand prolonged stagnation of moisture.

Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

Sheldon’s variety has large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter.

Meconopsis cumbrian

Cambrian Meconopsis (cambrica) is a beautiful variety of Himalayan poppy with yellow flowers. Grows in height up to 30–40 cm. 4

Meconopsis Cambrian is highly winter hardy – it can withstand frosts down to -34 ° C

Methods of reproduction

Himalayan poppies can be grown from self-harvested seeds. Other propagation methods are also available: dividing the bush and cuttings.

Cultivation from seeds

Meconopsis seeds are harvested in autumn when the pods are completely dry. Then they are stored in the refrigerator, simulating sowing conditions before winter (this procedure is called stratification). Then, meconopsis is sown for seedlings. Grown at home at temperatures below room temperature (up to +15 ° C). Shoots are transferred to open ground closer to mid-May, when the threat of return frosts will be minimized.

Important! Only varietal varieties of the Himalayan poppy can be grown from seeds.

For hybrids, this method of reproduction is not used, since the flowers may not retain the characteristics of the mother plant. Therefore, it is better to breed them by dividing the bush.

Division of the bush

It is best to carry out the procedure in early spring, when the meconopsis has not yet begun to grow (end of March). If the deadline is missed, you can do it in August, and if the month is hot, then in September.

You can divide adult Himalayan poppy bushes that are 2-3 years old. They are dug up, shaken off the ground and spread the roots. Then the bush is divided into several plants so that each part has 1-2 buds or emerging rosettes. Delenki are planted in a new place, watered abundantly and mulched. During autumn planting, they must be covered with a layer of litter, peat, sawdust.


Himalayan poppy can be cut from cuttings. To do this, at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer, green shoots 10–15 cm long are cut. They are immersed for several hours in a solution that improves root formation (Epin, Zircon).

Then planted in moist fertile soil in a flower bed. Immediately cover with a jar, which is periodically removed for ventilation. Moisturize regularly. You also need to create a slight shading. By autumn, the Himalayan poppy cuttings will have rooted. At this point, they can be transplanted to a new place (or set aside) and mulched for the winter.

Conditions for growing meconopsis

Himalayan poppies tolerate short shading well. For planting, it is not recommended to choose open areas with direct sunlight, since the heat has a bad effect on the flower. Also, the place should be well hydrated. It is advisable to plant a culture on the coast of a reservoir.

Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

The optimal soil for growing Himalayan poppies is fertile loamy or sandy loam

If the soil is depleted, then during the digging of the flower bed in autumn, 30–40 g of complex mineral fertilizer or 3–7 kg of humus per 1 m2 are applied to the ground. After planting, provide moist conditions, preventing the soil from drying out and cracking. Feeding is carried out periodically.

Himalayan poppy seedlings can be grown in a mixture of peat and perlite (1:1). You can also make a mixture of soddy soil with peat and humus (2: 1: 1) or purchase universal soil for culture.

When to sow seeds for seedlings and in open ground

Himalayan poppy seeds are sown for seedlings as early as late February or early March. In the south, you can start a week earlier, and in regions with cool summers (Urals, Siberia) – a few days later.

Seedlings are transferred to open ground 2,5 months after sowing, that is, approximately in mid-May. At this point, the daytime temperature should be at least +17 °C. You need to follow the weather forecast. The threat of return frosts must pass, otherwise the plants will die.

Planting and caring for meconopsis

Preparations for planting the Himalayan poppy begin at the end of winter. The seeds are soaked, then planted in seedlings and grown at home until the beginning of May. After that, they are transferred to the flower bed.

How to sow and grow meconopsis from seeds

Growing the Himalayan poppy meconopsis from seeds begins at the end of January. The seeds are placed on a damp paper towel, covered with the same layer on top and put in a plastic bag. They are sent to the refrigerator (where they were stored after the autumn collection or purchase) and kept at a temperature of up to +4 ° C for 5–6 weeks, i.e. until mid February.

At this time, they begin to prepare containers for seedlings of the Himalayan poppy. These can be plastic containers or wooden boxes. For disinfection, they are rinsed with boiling water, and the soil is watered with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or placed in a freezer for several days.

Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

Himalayan poppy seedlings can be grown in cassettes

A layer of small pebbles is poured at the bottom of the planting container, then the soil mixture is added. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1–1,5 cm, watered from a spray bottle and placed in a cool place with a temperature of + 10–12 ° C. Cover with a film with holes, which is periodically removed for ventilation. Provide diffused light. After the appearance of two leaves, Himalayan poppy seedlings dive into peat pots or other containers. All this time the temperature in the greenhouse should not rise above +15 °C.

Planting seedlings and subsequent care

Seedlings are transplanted into the ground in May, although some gardeners practice growing at home until the beginning of August, after which they transfer the seedlings to a permanent place. The Himalayan poppy planting algorithm is standard:

  1. On a previously prepared (dug and fertilized) flower bed, several shallow holes are formed at a distance of 30–50 cm. Planting density depends on the variety, as well as on the design of the future flower garden.
  2. Seedlings are planted along with an earthen clod.
  3. They fall asleep with soddy soil with humus, tamp it down a little.
  4. Water and mulch with peat, sawdust, straw or wood chips.

After planting meconopsis in open ground, you must follow a few rules and care tips:

  1. It is very important to ensure abundant watering of the Himalayan poppy – at least once a week, and in a drought – 2-3 times.
  2. In order for the soil to retain moisture longer, it should always have a layer of mulch from peat, sawdust or other materials.
  3. The next day after watering or heavy rain, it is advisable to loosen the earth, otherwise it will crust over time.
  4. Top dressing is applied in May and June – it can be organic or a complex mineral composition. But if the mulch contains peat or humus, you can skip the first application.

Diseases and pests

Meconopsis has good immunity. In the tissues of the plant there are toxic substances that repel many pests. But sometimes poppy can suffer from powdery mildew (a grayish coating forms on the leaves, after which they curl). For treatment and prevention, the bushes are treated with fungicides: Bordeaux liquid, Fitosporin, Tattu, Maxim, Fundazol.

Of the insects, only aphids can harm the culture. It is easy enough to deal with it by spraying the bushes with insecticides: Biotlin, Green Soap, Confidor, Decis, Fufanon.

You can also use home remedies: a solution of soap with ash, an infusion of tobacco dust, a decoction of marigold flowers, an infusion of onion peel, garlic cloves, and many others.

Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

Processing of the Himalayan poppy is carried out in the evening in calm and dry weather.

Pruning and preparing for winter

The Himalayan poppy belongs to winter-hardy plants. In autumn, it is enough to simply cut it under a stump, leaving stems 3–4 cm high. This can be done in early October, that is, on the eve of the first frosts. Then the seedlings are mulched with leaves, straw, sawdust. In the southern regions, you can leave without shelter.

Advice! At the end of September, it is advisable to give the Himalayan poppy plenty of water. Moisture-charging watering allows you to comfortably survive the winter period.

Meconopsis in landscape design

The Himalayan poppy looks great near bodies of water. If there is no small pond in the country, the flower can be planted in a flower bed, in rockeries, rock gardens, on a rocky hill.

Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

Himalayan poppy is used both in single plantings and in combination with various meadow herbs.

The culture looks good with ferns, hostas and hydrangeas. Options for using meconopsis with a photo will help when planning a garden design:

  1. Himalayan poppy on a rocky flower bed.

    Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

  2. Composition with hosts.

    Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo

  3. Single landing.

    Himalayan poppy (meconopsis): planting and care in the open field, photo


Meconopsis or Himalayan poppy is one of the unpretentious flowers that are used to decorate the garden. In nature, the plant is found in the mountains, so it is well adapted to the climatic conditions of Our Country.

Meconopsis or Himalayan poppy reviews

Elizabeth, 56 years old, Samara
Himalayan poppy is a flower for lovers of azure and blue shades. Creates a great blue background that harmonizes with hydrangeas, peonies and ornamental foliage plants. In care, the flower is not capricious. You can grow meconopsis without much effort.
Irina Petrovna, 48 years old, Izhevsk
The Himalayan poppy can be easily propagated by seeds, but it is necessary to grow it in a cool place, somewhere at +14 ° C. If planted in early March, then by mid-May it can be taken out to a flower bed. Be sure to create a small shadow. The scorching sun delicate flowers can not stand. Periodically, meconopsis seedlings must be watered under the root. Can be fed in spring and summer.
Sky color flower or blue poppy or meconopsis betonica.

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