HIIT: the high intensity workout to burn fat
With the Twins Pin
Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, propose a training of four exercises to burn fat and put you to the test.
Can you imagine having muscles as marked as those of Gema and Esther Pineda, the Pin Twins? This is so not only because of the multitude of trainings that they carry out since childhood, but also that they practice HIIT frequently, or what is the same: high intensity exercises, fast and intense with which burn fat and tone muscles.
This workout is based on four exercises: squats, slap push-ups, cross military, and burpees with jump, nothing to do with the previous ones, slower and in which a little less energy was required. But it should be noted that not everyone can do this training: older people and with cardiovascular risk they should be especially careful with this type of exercise.
This time the Pin Twins have proposed a routine to do in about 15 minutes. In total, there are 3 series of 15 repetitions of each exercise, with 15 seconds of rest between series and series. In this training material is not needed either. The training routine was designed and recorded at the Reto 48 Moraleja facilities.
Exercise 1: squats
The usual squat, but quickly between one and the other to increase the pulsation. “At the moment of flexion, the knees will be at 90º”, explain the Pin Twins. You have to do 20 squats before moving on to the next exercise.
Exercise 2: floor slap push-ups
You have to do 10 push-ups before moving on to the crossed military, and to do this exercise correctly, you have to separate your hands and support them at shoulder height and push the floor down and inwards. The lower back stay straight avoiding arching it and in the descent of the flexion you have to touch with the pectorals on the ground, while the legs are raised and the palms of the hands brush the ground as well.
Exercise 3: military crusader
As if it were abdominals, this exercise, which must be done up to ten times before moving on to the jumping burpees, is done by resting the hands on the ground and with the legs in the air, stretching and contracting the abdomen up to 10 times.
Exercise 4: jump burpees
Do you like burpees? This exercise starts from an initial squatting position (or squats), placing your hands on the ground and keeping your head upright, then moving your legs back with your feet together and doing a push-up. The Pin Twins perform them with a jump between one and the other. 10 burpees pose to do!