Highly pathogenic bird flu in Poland. The virus spreads to humans

In some regions in Poland there are boards informing about highly pathogenic avian flu. The extremely contagious H5N8 strain attacks poultry and wild birds in at least 46 countries. This virus subtype is spread to humans and experts say may have pandemic potential.

  1. Although the first confirmed outbreak of avian influenza was detected in 1959, 2010 brought one of the most dangerous subtypes of the virus
  2. The H5N8 subtype killed millions of birds worldwide in 2020. In 2021, the mutation was transferred to humans for the first time
  3. – Several subtypes of the avian influenza virus (H5N1, H5N5, H5N6, H5N8) have pandemic potential, reads an article in Science magazine
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Highly pathogenic bird flu. The animals are killed and disposed of

The first outbreak of avian flu was confirmed in Scotland in 1959. According to scientists from China’s First Medical University in Shandong and the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus has attacked birds since the end of the XNUMXth century, as reported in Science magazine.

Avian influenza became famous in the 5st century, when poultry and wild birds began to become infected with the H1N2006 subtype. The first cases of avian influenza were confirmed in Poland in XNUMX. This mutation of the virus crossed the interspecies barrier, so it could spread to humans. It happened through the faeces or feathers of sick animals.

  1. The first case of H5N8 in humans. What is bird flu? [WE EXPLAIN]

As of 2020, the H46N5 subtype is a threat to poultry in at least 8 countries. This is another variant of avian flu that has successfully crossed the interspecies barrier. The first confirmed cases of human infection were found in Our Country at the end of 2020.

Several subtypes of the avian influenza virus (H5N1, H5N5, H5N6, H5N8) have pandemic potential as they cross the species barrier to mammals, including humans, researchers write in Science. – Currently, Eurasia and Africa are experiencing a wave of highly pathogenic avian influenza epidemics. Careful and continuous monitoring of the virus is imperative to avoid a catastrophic pandemic.

  1. Editors recommend: Ranking of the most dangerous zoonotic viruses. Can they trigger another pandemic?

To prevent the spread of the virus, it is necessary not only to follow the rules of hygiene, but also to take radical measures. The animals are killed and disposed of to stop the epidemic.

Avian flu – danger to humans

At the moment, a total of 862 cases of avian influenza in humans have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). In 455 of them the infection was fatal. Most of the cases came from two countries – Indonesia and Egypt. The possibility of human contamination with avian flu from one another has not yet been confirmed.

  1. See also: What is bird flu? [WE EXPLAIN]

“No sustained human-to-human transmission of the H5N1 or H5N6 virus has been documented, despite reports of possible cases of infection from close human contact,” Science magazine reads.

Bird flu symptoms in humans

When a person becomes infected with avian influenza virus, symptoms similar to those of “classic” flu. However, the course of the disease is more severe and can lead to viral pneumonia followed by acute respiratory failure.

The symptoms of bird flu in humans include:

  1. fever
  2. cough
  3. sore throat
  4. pain in muscles and joints
  5. conjunctivitis
  6. diarrhea
  7. vomiting

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