Highlander bird (knotweed)
This very unpretentious and hardy grass has a lot of popular names and all of them are somehow connected with birds. And all because it was originally grown for poultry feed. But people appreciate “goose grass” not only as food. Knotweed is also of great benefit as a medicinal plant.

In Russia, a very large number of varieties of knotweed grows. It is an annual plant that is grown both as a fodder and as a medicinal plant. In addition, the mountaineer bird is an excellent honey plant. Species such as highlander bird, kidney, pepper, snake are grown and harvested as medicinal raw materials.

Due to its unpretentiousness, knotweed can grow both in open sunlight and in the shade, on almost any soil. As a rule, it prefers moisture, so the “carpet” of knotweed is often found on the banks of reservoirs. It is very common and grows almost everywhere except the cold Arctic regions.

Some types of knotweed, including birds, are cultivated specifically for collection for medicinal raw materials and can even be grown in a summer cottage. Seeds are sown before winter. There are no problems with care, the main thing is regular, but not particularly frequent watering.

For medicinal purposes, only leaves and stems are used. A large number of nutrients – in the tops of the plant. Harvesting of raw materials begins when the knotweed blooms, and the stems have not yet become hard.

Knotweed begins to be harvested in dry weather, the shoots are cut with a sharp knife.

The collected parts of the plant must be spread out in a thin layer and dried in the open air, but in no case under the open sun – this way it loses its healing qualities.

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Healing properties of highlander bird

Knotweed is an excellent natural antiseptic. It contains a huge amount of bioactive components such as flavonoids, coumarins and tannins. In addition, it contains vitamins C and K, silicic acid, and a large amount of iron, magnesium, zinc. It is because of the high content of useful elements that it is preferred by both supporters of folk and traditional medicine.

Infusions and decoctions of knotweed have proven themselves in the treatment of urological diseases, such as urolithiasis. Possessing diuretic properties, it helps to actively remove toxins from the body. This is facilitated by silicic acid salts, so knotweed is prescribed to improve kidney function, it also helps to get rid of excess salt. A gastroenterologist may prescribe a decoction of knotweed for cholelithiasis and for various liver diseases.

The astringent properties of knotweed help to cope with gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea caused by dysentery.

Knotweed grass is added to the blood-purifying collection.

Highlander bird preparations perfectly protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from irritation, help microelements be more actively absorbed into the intestinal walls, and also prevent bleeding, have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Knotweed helps with atherosclerosis to strengthen blood vessels, with blood clotting disorders, it is also used to stop bleeding.

The use of a decoction helps to improve metabolism and restore water-salt metabolism.


Despite the fact that knotweed is not a highly toxic plant, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy – there is a high risk of miscarriage.

Do not use knotweed for excessive blood clotting and thrombophlebitis, inflammatory diseases of the bladder and kidneys, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis in the acute stage.

Due to its astringent properties, knotweed is never prescribed or used for constipation.

The use of highlander bird


The doctor may prescribe a decoction of the mountaineer bird as a prophylaxis for cholelithiasis – it helps prevent the recurrence of the disease. But since the presence of stones is a contraindication to use, it is better to use the decoction only after they have been removed.

Knotweed preparations are used in gastroenterology for the treatment of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

They are also effective in liver diseases, have an excellent choleretic effect.

The properties of the mountaineer are used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in the initial stage.

Knotweed is effective in complex therapy for the treatment of lung diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchitis and tracheitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma. Knotweed is often used for colds and inflammatory diseases of the throat and nasopharynx.

In gynecology, knotweed is used as a hemostatic agent after childbirth, abortion and hypermenorrhea (heavy, prolonged menstruation).

When studying the healing properties of knotweed, it turned out that due to its astringent anti-inflammatory properties, knotweed preparations can help pregnancy – the decoction relieves inflammation of the ovaries and gently stimulates them, which promotes conception.


15 g of dried knotweed (about 3 tablespoons), pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes.

Take a third or half a cup 2-3 times a day before meals. The infusion is best drunk with a straw to avoid damage and darkening of the tooth enamel.


With an inflamed throat and inflammatory lesions of the oral cavity, rinsing with a weak decoction is used, and lotions are used, for example, for stomatitis and gingivitis.

Knotweed helps with long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers and abscesses – compresses from a warm decoction are applied to the affected area.

It is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the joints, as well as for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Outwardly, in the form of lotions, the decoction helps to cope with allergic rashes in children, relieving irritation and itching.

In cosmetology, a decoction of “goose herb” is used as a face lotion, as a healing mask, wraps and body compresses. The decoction tones the skin, improves blood circulation, providing a rejuvenating effect. For problematic skin, it will help relieve inflammation and get rid of acne.

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If every time after washing your hair you rinse your hair with a decoction of knotweed, then their loss will be noticeably reduced – the decoction helps to strengthen the hair follicles, which also contributes to the rapid growth of hair.

Knotweed is used as part of a collection for taking general tonic baths that help stimulate metabolic processes.

bath infusion

In equal proportions, mix the herbs of knotweed, horsetail, motherwort, thyme and chamomile flowers (50 g each), pour 10 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 50 minutes, strain and pour into the bath.

Take this bath for 20 minutes 2 times a week.

Reviews of doctors about highlander bird

Olga Zorina, pharmacist, chief editor of MedCorr:

– Highlander bird (knotweed) is used for urolithiasis, but doctors rarely prescribe it, since when used independently, renal colic is possible when stones are discharged. Do not use in children because there is no safety data. Patients often drink the infusion for a long time (having seen enough TV doctors), but this can lead to undesirable consequences – the plant has a diuretic effect, which, in combination, for example, with diuretic drugs, can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.

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