High-residual diet

Many people are interested in a high-fiber diet for health reasons and a high-residual diet has been developed for them. Knowledge about such a diet is also invaluable in the prevention of serious diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, or in preventing the formation of neoplastic changes in the colon area. High fiber content in food is also crucial for maintaining a healthy body weight.

High-residual diet – what to eat?

W a high-residual diet the most important thing is foods that contain significantly more fiber than other foods of the same type. When choosing bread, you should give up bread and rolls baked with wheat flour. The bread should be dark – wholemeal, natural sourdough, rye or spelled. It is worth saying goodbye to white rice and eating brown rice instead (e.g. natural brown rice, which you can order by weight at medonetmarket.pl). The same applies to pasta, because the plate should be filled with wholemeal pasta. It should be added right away that both rice, groats and pasta should not be cooked for a very long time. It is best to serve them semi-hard, because then they retain their valuable elements, including fiber. Endlessly cooked pasta loses all its valuable ingredients, and is often simply unpalatable.

High-residual diet it is also a large amount of vegetables and fruit, which should be eaten at least 1 kg each day. This amount seems enormous, but it should be remembered that vegetables are usually low in calories, and an adult leading a normal lifestyle needs between 2000 and 3500 kcal per day, depending on gender and individual caloric requirements.

Dedicated menu a high-residual diet it also assumes the elimination of high-fat products and limitation in the consumption of eggs. All fried and baked dishes are also forbidden. Lean meat should be boiled, stewed or heat treated with steam.

People deciding to diet should exclude sugar, sweets and all highly processed products from their diet, because these usually do not contain any desired ingredients. By constructing your menu in this way, you can quickly appreciate the benefits it brings high-residual diet. Table containing information about the base products will certainly facilitate the construction of the menu.

A high-residual diet for children

This kind diet is used in children to regulate the circadian rhythm of bowel movements and to facilitate digestive processes, which allows for the abandonment of the use of pharmacological agents. The diet of toddlers should increase the amount of products containing a lot of fiber, and give children more fluids, because a high-residual diet too little fluid can make you constipated even more. With this, you can not only achieve satisfactory effects current, but also to prevent the development of many serious diseases that even teenagers struggle with. It is also important that thanks to the introduction diet, you can teach children a healthy eating style, which will surely pay off in their adult life.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

High-residual diet – menu

Already before breakfast it is worth drinking a glass of warm water with honey. The first meal should be based on such products as: bananas, yoghurt, nuts, linseed, almonds and spelled bran. The plate may contain rye or graham bread, cold turkey, tomatoes, and lettuce.

Dinner it is primarily a soup with groats, it can be krupnik, Ukrainian borscht, pea soup or bean soup. The second course is lean meat, fish, potatoes or whole grain rice or groats and a large portion of salad.

Supper should contain products rich in carbohydrates, but prepared on the basis of wholemeal or rye flour. These can be dumplings or pancakes. Kashotto with vegetables, sandwiches made of dark bread with jam or honey, and even oatmeal cookies will be perfect. It’s all worth supplementing with seasonal fruit and vegetables.

In between meals, you can opt for a fruit mousse snack. Kisses and puddings as well as fresh fruit will also work great.

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