High pressure

What is pressure?

High pressure

High blood pressure is a fairly common disease, especially among women over forty. As a disease, high blood pressure manifests itself rather slowly. It all starts with the fact that a person feels weak, dizzy, then there is a bad dream, fatigue, numbness of the fingers, blood rushes to the head, it begins to seem that small “flies” flash before the eyes.

This stage can last for several years. Then kidney and heart failure appear in the human body, blood circulation is disturbed in the brain. If at this initial stage no serious interventions are taken and high blood pressure is not treated, then serious consequences are possible, even a heart attack is referred to them. With such consequences, the body can completely stop working, that is, functioning. In the last stages of hypertension, a person can even die.

Nowadays, high blood pressure occurs in many people. This phenomenon must be taken very seriously, since it increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, threatens with impaired consciousness, the development of renal or heart failure. In addition, increased pressure leads to changes in the walls of blood vessels and the retina, which in turn can lead to poor vision and blindness.

In our society today, high blood pressure as an indicator of health is taken very lightly, although every day from TV screens and in specialized print publications it is said that this is the most important risk factor for vascular and heart diseases. Research data show that 40% of people in the world have high blood pressure, and this number is constantly increasing. Men are somewhat more prone to this ailment.

Causes of high blood pressure

Hypertension is a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system. Pressure is affected by stress, anxiety, and the environment. The more a person experiences stressful situations, the more likely it is that he may develop hypertension. If you pay attention to hypertension in a timely manner and start treating it, you can avoid serious consequences.

High blood pressure can also be caused high content in the menu of saturated fatty acids. For the most part, they are present in palm and coconut fats and animal fat (sour cream, butter, and others). You should also not forget about hidden fats, which are rich in cheese, sausages, cookies, various snacks, chocolate, and cakes. These products are very high in calories, although at first glance they may not seem fatty.

High pressure

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Another risk factor is excessive salt content in food. In addition to hidden fats, many foods also contain hidden salt, which is why it is recommended to make an informed choice of food consumed. It is better to give preference to fresh products and not to abuse partially cooked and packaged products. A conscious rejection of overly salty foods would bring enormous benefits to human health.

The use of salt in excess leads to a deterioration in the condition of the vessels (they become fragile and lose elasticity), the formation of structural changes in the arteries puts a heavy burden on the physiological systems. Salt reduction programs adopted by some countries at the state level have shown very good results.

The pressure also rises from excessive drinking. It is a mistake to think that alcohol helps lower blood pressure. In very moderate doses, it does not affect blood pressure, but in large quantities, alcohol provokes an acceleration of the heartbeat, which directly affects blood pressure. In addition, alcoholic beverages may contain biologically active substances that can affect blood pressure.

A sedentary lifestyle, tension, stress can also cause high blood pressure. In the conditions of an intensive working environment dictated by the realities of our time, a person must perform huge amounts of work, overcome various difficulties every day. Many people engage in intellectual work that entails emotional overstrain. An increase in pressure may represent a physiological response to some kind of stressful or tense situation.

To overcome daily stress without compromising health, everyone should choose an individual way of relaxation for themselves, which would allow them to restore emotional balance. Another negative factor is smoking. With regular smoking, blood vessels stay in good shape all the time, gradually lose their elasticity, undergo narrowing, calcify, sediment forms on the walls and blood pressure rises.

High blood pressure can also be triggered by excess weight, diseases, body structure and other reasons.

Risk Factors

High pressure

12 products that lower blood pressure

The most important factors due to which high blood pressure can develop include smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight, heredity, as well as old age, occupational exposure to a person, including noise and vibration at work. Hypertension can develop in a person who has had kidney disease, emotional stress, or traumatic brain injury. Salt abuse also has a bad effect on the body and causes the development of hypertension.

Arterial hypertension is characterized by high blood pressure. In this case, a person develops dizziness, headaches, visual acuity decreases. There may also be malfunctions in the work of the heart, pain in the heart. Also, with increased pressure, there is a fever, redness of the face or other areas of the skin, and the limbs of the body acquire a lower temperature, get colder.

Symptoms and signs of high blood pressure

High pressure

In most cases, a person may not feel high pressure at all (in this regard, he is often called the “silent killer”). This is one of the main dangers of this phenomenon. This can seriously undermine the health of the patient and even threaten his life – in the event of a stroke or heart attack. Most often, high pressure is felt in the form of anxiety, nausea, heart failure, pain in the heart, dizziness, headache. With the systematic appearance of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Regular preventive checks play a vital role in blood pressure control.

High blood pressure is considered: in children – over 130, in adults over 150 mm Hg. Moreover, high pressure can cause headache, dizziness, darkening in the eyes. There may be pain in the heart, as well as interruptions in its work. An increase in pressure may also be accompanied by fever, redness of the face, and excessive sweating. At the same time, the hands, on the contrary, become colder.

If high blood pressure has been bothering you for a long time, then the symptoms may already be poor blood circulation, swelling, shortness of breath during active work, and later even at rest.

High blood pressure treatment

High pressure

High blood pressure, regardless of its severity, must be treated – high blood pressure for a long time leads to serious changes in almost all organs. The necessary treatment in this case should be prescribed by a doctor. It is he who evaluates all possible risk factors, selects the necessary medicines and prescribes appropriate medical measures.

Reducing the amount of salt in food, quitting smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, increasing physical activity (after consulting a doctor), and the ability to relax and unwind after a busy day will bring invaluable benefits to human health. For each person, individual treatment prescribed by a qualified doctor should be carried out.

Other ways to treat high blood pressure:

  • Medicines for high blood pressure (full list)

  • Pressure Reduction Products

  • How to quickly lower the pressure by 20-30 units with the help of breathing?

  • How to get rid of pressure once and for all with the help of freshly squeezed juices?

What to do with high pressure?

High pressure

How to quickly lower blood pressure?

If you have high blood pressure, then in no case should you prescribe medication yourself – only a doctor can do this. Make time for physical exercises (also after a medical consultation). These exercises should be done with pleasure. Take a walk in the fresh air every day, and if possible, it is better in nature. In no case do not spend all your free time at the computer or TV.

Try to eliminate extra pounds (but without excessive fanaticism). People who are overweight have an increased risk of developing hypertension. You should also reduce the content of table salt in your menu. It is necessary to eliminate coffee, smoked meats, sugar, fatty foods and especially fast food from the diet. It is worth more often to eat fish, garlic, raisins, cabbage, bananas.

But first of all, of course, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Along with drug treatment, you can eat more tomatoes and strawberries during the ripening season, eat raw carrot salads every day (about two months) and use other means approved by the doctor.

Complications of high blood pressure

High pressure

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Doctors say that people who suffer from hypertension are more prone to atherosclerosis. Therefore, both heart attack and stroke are much more likely to occur in those people who suffer from high blood pressure.

The main problem of all complications is the pressure on the heart. It is forced to work with increased load. With this disease, the heart cannot cope with the increased load, and blood circulation changes in a small and large circle. This is accompanied by shortness of breath, hemoptysis, swelling of the extremities. These consequences are usually the cause of death.

Another dangerous consequence of hypertension is brain complications. If high blood pressure torments the patient for a long time, then pinpoint hemorrhages and cholesterol deposition inevitably appear in the vessels of the retina. This leads to impaired blood supply, resulting in degeneration, retinopathy. All this can lead to blurred vision or, in some cases, blindness.

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