High fever without symptoms in adults

Fever or fever is a reaction of our body to various stimuli. Inflammatory processes, infections, overheating in the sun, hypothermia, or even strong excitement can cause the thermometer to start showing much more than the usual 36,6 ° C.

Most often, a common cold or flu begins with a high temperature. But if it has been holding for several days, and no other symptoms of any disease appear, then this is very alarming.

When does acute high fever occur without symptoms?

High fever without symptoms in adults

  1. During various purulent and infectious diseases (rickettsial, fungal, bacterial, viral pathologies). If at the initial stage you do not see any additional symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, cough), then you can start the diagnosis by analyzing the nature of the fever:

    • If during the day the temperature either rises, then (without the use of antipyretics) returns to normal, this may be a sign of tuberculosis or an abscess (accumulation of pus). 

    • If the temperature is lower in the morning, it also fluctuates during the day, but does not reach the norm, then it is necessary to undergo an examination and take tests, since this type of fever is not typical for any particular disease.

    • If the high temperature during the day is kept at the same level, then this may be a signal of typhoid or typhus, as well as a number of other less common diseases.

    • If the high temperature lasts for several days, gradually decreasing, then this may be a sign of:

      • infections of the genitourinary system;

      • Charcot’s disease (also known as motor neuron disease, Motor neuron disease; in English-speaking countries – Lou Ge’s disease) is a slowly progressive, incurable degenerative disease of the central nervous system, in which both the upper (motor cortex of the brain) and lower ( anterior horns of the spinal cord and nuclei of the cranial nerves) of motor neurons, which leads to paralysis and subsequent muscle atrophy.);

      • sodoku (may develop after being bitten by rats);

      • malaria (carried by mosquitoes, the risk of getting sick occurs when traveling to hot countries)

  2. Injuries (fractures, sprains, bruises) and various mechanical damage. Even a splinter, if the affected area is not treated, and it becomes inflamed, can cause a rise in temperature.

  3. Various neoplasms (both benign and malignant). If other symptoms do not appear at a high temperature, then it is worth undergoing an examination to diagnose or exclude tumors of the internal organs.

  4. Porphyria, goiter, thyrotoxicosis and some other endocrine diseases.

  5. Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), caused by one reason or another.

  6. Heart attacks (myocardium, lung).

  7. Various blood diseases (lymphoma, leukemia).

  8. Rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus.

  9. Chronic pyelonephritis is characterized by a high temperature (from 37 to 38 ° C), which lasts for a long time and is not accompanied by any symptoms. Doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature, as the body itself fights the infection. If the condition persists for more than two weeks, then you need to go to the reception and undergo an examination.

  10. Allergic reactions are very often accompanied by a slight increase in temperature. In order for it to normalize, it is enough to simply get rid of the source of the allergy, as well as take any hypoallergenic agent that suits you (diphenhydramine, claritin, suprastin).

  11. Hypothalamic syndrome also causes high fever. The reason for its appearance is that the subcortical apparatus of the brain is not working properly. There are no other visible symptoms, but the temperature lasts for years, and nothing can bring it down. Over time, the body simply adapts to this state. To date, medicine has not yet found the causes of the development of the disease and methods of treatment. So far, everything is limited to taking sedatives.

  12. Infective endocarditis can develop if you have had a severe flu or a sore throat. The temperature ranges from 37,5 to 40 ° C, it is dangerous to self-medicate, so consult a doctor immediately.

  13. Meningococcal disease is a very insidious disease. It proceeds for a long time without visible symptoms, so treatment is very often started too late, and the patient cannot be saved. One of the first signs is a sharp jump in temperature to 40 ° C. You can knock it down, but it rises again very quickly. If you experience these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately.

  14. Mental disorders.

When is asymptomatic fever not dangerous?

High fever without symptoms in adults

  • you overheated in the sun;

  • you are very overworked, are in a state of stress, often nervous;

  • you suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which sometimes the temperature may jump for no reason at all;

  • in adolescence (this is especially true for boys), a syndrome may develop, which is called “growth temperature”. Growth is a process that is accompanied by a release of energy, so occasionally an asymptomatic temperature can rise, which does not affect well-being.

What to do if the temperature rises without symptoms?

Go see your therapist first. Very often, we are simply not able to notice certain symptoms, and the doctor can easily identify them and be able to diagnose the disease.

It is also necessary to pass tests that will help identify many diseases that do not appear outwardly. Sometimes a doctor may order a sputum, urine, or blood culture, x-ray, or ultrasound.

It is not recommended to abuse antipyretics. Removing a symptom, you can postpone the examination for a long time and start the disease, which, of course, is harmful to health.

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