High fever without symptoms in a child

If the child’s temperature has jumped, and there are no other symptoms of any disease, parents begin to worry, not understanding what is happening to their baby. And some, on the contrary, do not attach importance to what is happening, and do not even give the child antipyretic drugs.

How to respond correctly if the thermometer shows 38 ° C and above, and other symptoms are in no hurry to appear and clarify the situation?

Causes of high fever without symptoms

Causes of high fever without symptoms include:

  1. Bacterial or viral infection (in this case, the symptoms appear only after some time, and sometimes only a doctor can recognize them).

  2. The reaction to the fact that the child is cutting teeth.

  3. The child is overheated (it is important to understand that babies can overheat not only in summer, but also in winter).

High fever without symptoms in a child

The younger the child, the more common fever without symptoms because:

  • babies have poor thermoregulation, so they overheat much more often,

  • many diseases in young children proceed differently than in adults,

  • there are many infections that affect only children under the age of 3-5 years,

  • the child suffers many infections for the first time, so the body may react with an increase in temperature,

  • a small child is still helpless in many ways, sometimes he simply cannot complain to his parents that his head or stomach hurts, so there are symptoms, but adults simply do not understand this,

  • very often the temperature rises during the period when the teeth are cut in babies, and this happens at the age of 2,5 years.

1. Overheating

Children very often overheat in the heat. And babies, if they are dressed too warmly when put to bed, can overheat even in winter.

In this case, the child becomes restless, begins to act up for no apparent reason, or, conversely, behaves apathetically and lethargically. The temperature rises to about 38 – 38,5 ° C. What to do in such a situation:

  • first of all, ventilate the room well so that the air temperature is approximately 18-22 ° C,

  • в том случае, если ваш малыш перегрелся на солнце, то уведите его домой или хотя бы посадите в тень,

  • remove all warm clothes from the child or completely undress him,

  • moisten the sponge with cool water and wipe the skin of the whole body, face,

  • Provide plenty of fluids throughout the day.

If the cause of the temperature increase was overheating, then after these actions it should return to normal within an hour without the use of any antipyretic drugs.

In the event that the above measures did not work, then give the baby an antipyretic and consider other causes of malaise.

2. Reaction to teething

Чаще всего причиной высокой температуры без каких-либо симптомов становятся именно режущиеся молочные зубы.

Signs that point to this:

  • ребенок пытается почесать десны, тянет в рот все, что попадается ему под руку,

  • your child is from 5 months to 2,5 years old (it is during this period that teeth are cut),

  • температура держится в районе 38° С и выше не поднимается,

  • the child’s gums are inflamed, the edges of cutting teeth can be seen,

  • after 1-3 days, when the tooth erupted, the temperature subsides,

  • when the previous teeth were cut, the child also had an increase in temperature.

There are two more signs that young mothers noticed: when teeth are cut, the child refuses to eat, there is increased salivation. But these symptoms are rather controversial.

Increased salivation begins in children as early as 2 months, when teeth are not yet cut. During this period, the salivary glands simply begin to function actively. As for the loss of appetite, this is a completely logical consequence of elevated temperature.

Dr. Komarovsky on an increase in temperature during teething in children:

When should you visit a doctor?

High fever without symptoms in a child

If the child spits up or refuses to eat even when you have already brought down the temperature. This can be observed during pharyngitis.

If the temperature persists even for 4-5 days, and other symptoms do not appear. It is necessary to take a blood and urine test to determine the hidden foci of inflammation or the presence of a urinary infection.

When do you need to urgently seek medical help?

Сразу звоните в скорую, если температура держится даже после приёма жаропонижающих препаратов, ребёнок слишком вялый, резко побледнел или ухудшилось дыхание.

Если заметили судороги, то нужно проверить внутричерепное давление. Чаще всего прогноз оказывается благоприятным и судороги – это лишь реакция организма на скачок температуры, но всё же нужно исключить все риски.

Очень важно быть готовым к тому, что у ребёнка может подняться температура. Заранее узнайте у врача, какие лекарства и в какой дозировке нужно применять, и всегда держите их в домашней аптечке.

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