High-fat diet – what is it, a criticism

For many years we have been observing a significant increase in interest in various diets in Polish society. Particularly popular are inventive diets, based on the scientific authority of their creators, and rated as effective by their users. Most often, guides are used on how to eat to stay healthy or lose excess weight.

High-fat diet – main assumptions

One of the popular, but still unknown to the general public, is the high-fat diet, also known as the low-carbohydrate diet. It appeared in Poland about 20 years ago, and several versions are currently being promoted. The most frequently used diet is low-carbohydrate, high-fat Kwaśniewski’s diet, also known as the optimal diet or simply – Kwasniewski’s diet (it first appeared in 1966).

The main concept of a high-fat diet is to increase the amount of fat consumed while reducing the amount of carbohydrate and protein consumed. According to the recommendations of Dr. Jan Kwaśniewski, in an optimally balanced diet, 1 g of protein intake should contain about 2,5-3,5 g of fats and about 0,3-0,5 g of carbohydrates. These proportions apply to the total food consumed during the day and should be kept with all meals consumed. The most frequently consumed foods are meats, especially fatty ones, such as pork, beef and poultry, eggs, cold cuts, pates, sausages, fish and their preserves. In addition, a large amount of dairy products are eaten: cheese, butter, mayonnaise, cream; and seeds: pumpkin, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds. The products forbidden or heavily restricted in a high-fat diet include mainly cereal products: groats, pasta, bread, rice, cereals. In addition, flour dishes, high-starch vegetables and products with a high sugar content (fruit and preserves).

Users of a high-fat diet point out many important benefits to its use. Among them, above all, weight reduction should be mentioned. Paradoxically – because most diets use a different method, reducing the amount of fat consumed with food. A high-fat diet reduces body weight despite the above-average amount of fats consumed. How does this happen? The condition of success is the observance of the basic proportions between the consumed fats, carbohydrates and proteins. As Dr. Kwaśniewski points out, when fats are eaten separately, our body metabolizes them quickly. The fat burning process is prolonged when both fats and carbohydrates are introduced into the body at the same time. The body then digests carbohydrates first, while fats are stored in the tissues. Therefore, eating carbohydrates without the presence of fats promotes the loss of excess kilograms.

A high-fat diet is also recommended for people suffering from diabetes. A high-fat diet is conducive to maintaining proper postprandial glycemia, and may also reduce the level of hypoglycaemia. In addition, its use is recommended for people with problems in the functioning of the nervous system. For example – a high-fat diet is recommended for people suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy or it can improve the level of functioning of people suffering from diseases of old age: Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. A high-fat diet also leads to an increase in the amount of testosterone produced in the body, which promotes the development of muscle tissue.

Criticism of a high-fat diet

You should also pay attention to possible health problems caused by the use of a high-fat diet. First of all, the high-fat diet has been tested by institutions promoting and caring for public health in terms of its impact on the health of the human body. In 2004, the Food and Nutrition Institute developed an expert opinion on Kwasniewski’s diet. The presented opinion is not flattering and indicates the possibility of causing significant deficiencies in vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as minerals: calcium, potassium, copper and magnesium. For this reason, the Food and Nutrition Institute found Kwasniewski’s diet inadequate.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

A more critical judgment was issued by the Scientific Committee for Drug Therapy and Sciences, a unit belonging to the Polish Academy of Sciences. According to her opinion, the diet of Dr. Kwaśniewski may have a highly detrimental effect on health. First of all, scientists indicate the possibility of an increased incidence of certain forms of cancer in users of a high-fat diet. In addition, long-term use of a high-fat diet disturbs the acid-base balance of our body, excessively acidifying it. A high-fat diet can also contribute to an increase in blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as to the development of liver and kidney diseases, and bone decalcification. It is also worth pointing out that some of its users complain about long-term states of low well-being, fatigue or experiencing problems with concentration.

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