High cholesterol can be seen on the nails. Two subtle and eloquent signals

Too high cholesterol increases the risk of serious health conditions, including heart disease and stroke. This dangerous condition often does not have any characteristic symptoms. However, as noted by the British doctor, elevated levels of bad cholesterol can sometimes be seen on our nails.

  1. Too high cholesterol may affect up to half of Poles
  2. Most of them are not even aware of it, because hypercholesterolaemia is often asymptomatic
  3. Cholesterol levels should be checked regularly with blood tests
  4. Subtle – usually not typical signals – can also be sent by our body. One such sign looks like a nail
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

High cholesterol – the silent killer

Not all cholesterol is harmful. HDL cholesterol is called “good cholesterol” because it helps protect the heart and blood vessels from disease.

“Bad” cholesterol is LDL cholesterol, also called the silent killer. Therefore, it is very important to control its level. This may not be easy as the signs of an elevated level are not specific, they may be confused with other conditions, or be treated as a temporary indisposition.

There is, however, a symptom, noticeable with the naked eye, that should make us turn on the warning light. Monika Wassermann, a doctor from Queen Mary University of London, mentions this in an interview with the British Express website.

– High levels of bad cholesterol have no specific symptoms. The best way to find out is with a blood test, he says.

If you want to prevent high cholesterol, reach for dietary supplements that will help you control it. Click and select the appropriate preparation from the Medonet Market offer.

High cholesterol and nails

However, there is a place in our body where it can be seen. It’s nails.

– High cholesterol causes blockage of the arteries. The excess cholesterol builds up in the arteries forming an atherosclerotic plaque. Narrowed or blocked arteries and blood vessels restrict blood flow to various parts of the body, including the nails, she explains.

This can result in dark lines underneath the nailsi. Although high cholesterol is referred to as a silent state, dark lines under the nails are one of the simpler ways to detect it, adds Wassermann.

This sign is also referred to as fragmentary or split hemorrhage. These are thin, red or reddish-brown lines under the fingernails that run in the direction of the nail growth, resembling a stuck splinter.

Other symptoms on the nails

Complications related to too high levels of bad LDL cholesterol can also affect the condition of the nails. Regularly monitor your cholesterol levels with the MultiSure GC Capillary Cholesterol Device, which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

Such a symptom is the deterioration of the structure of the nail becomes brittle, gives a feeling of bending easily and begins to crumble. To improve the condition of your nails, massage regularly with the DR2S BRISTA natural bristle brush for hands and nails.

If you notice symptoms of elevated cholesterol, use the natural Bioherba black seed oil, which supports the reduction of bad cholesterol and thus prevents atherosclerosis.

The second symptom that should worry us is slow nail growth. The situation should make us think, especially when the previously mentioned symptoms were not a problem for us.

Vitamin B3 helps to regulate cholesterol levels, so it is worth supplementing it. Buy Vitamin B3 SOLHERBS, which you can find on Medonet Market in the form of easily digestible capsules.

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