High blood cholesterol diet
Passion for fast food and fatty foods can lead to serious health problems. If problems with blood vessels have begun, then a diet with high blood cholesterol should be followed very carefully. Reasonable restrictions will also be useful for healthy people for the prevention of atherosclerosis and obesity.
The principles of nutrition and prohibited foods with high cholesterol
Principles of the anti-cholesterol diet:
- Fractional – try not to take too long breaks between meals. Then you are less likely to eat an extra and fatter portion.
- Limiting animal fats. They are the main source of the problem.
- Limit salt to 5 grams per day. This will avoid edema and interstitial fluid retention.
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco altogether. In addition to the general harm, they thicken the blood and can provoke health problems.
Prohibited products:
- pork, lamb and fatty beef
- butter and cream
- fresh bread, especially rich
- concentrated broths
- sausages and smoked meats
- mayonnaise, sour cream and other fatty sauces
- fat
- fatty fish
- fried vegetables
High cholesterol levels are an unpleasant problem that threatens to develop into serious diseases.
Eliminate prohibited foods from your diet to maintain health and vitality.
Allowed foods and high cholesterol diet
The easiest way to deal with the problem is to follow a specialized diet. It involves giving up fatty and fried foods, switching to healthier eating habits. With due diligence, you can normalize your condition without medication.
Permitted products:
- lean fish and meat
- yesterday’s bread
- vegetable oil
- low fat dairy products
- Nuts
- vegetables
- cereals, oatmeal is especially useful
- pulse
- onion and garlic
- fruits and dried fruits
It is easy to create a delicious and healthy diet using these products.
In this case, you must adhere to certain rules:
- replace salt with lemon juice and sugar with powdered cinnamon
- frying is permissible only on the grill, without using oil
- preferred heat treatment – braising, baking without fat, steaming
- observe the drinking regime, this will help remove toxins from the body
- be sure to include healthy vegetable fats in your diet
You can eat tasty and varied on any diet
If you are found to have high blood cholesterol levels, do not despair. Listen carefully to your doctor’s nutritional recommendations and adhere to them strictly.
Also interesting to read: borscht diet.