Hiccups in babies after feeding, how to deal with?

Periodically, every newborn baby has hiccups after being fed. As a rule, such a situation does not pose any threat to the health of the baby, does not cause him any discomfort. However, the fears of young parents make them take various measures to eliminate hiccups. It is not difficult to figure out how to do it right and what to do with the hiccups of a newborn if you understand the mechanism and causes of its occurrence.

Causes of hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in babies after feeding, how to deal with?

After eating, the newborn often has hiccups.

The reasons that lead to this phenomenon:

  • Air entered the stomach. During the swallowing movements, the child can capture air. It quickly fills a small stomach, stretches it. The organ begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, which leads to its reflex contractions and the baby hiccups. Excess air can enter the digestive tract due to the fact that the mother does not properly attach the baby to the breast, or feeds him from a bottle that has an opening that is too large. However, even the use of anatomically correct nipples and adherence to feeding techniques do not always prevent air from entering the baby’s stomach.

  • Overfeeding. If a mother offers her baby more milk than her stomach can hold, this will lead to hiccups. The mechanism of its development is similar to that described in the previous paragraph. Eating disorders can also lead to overdistension of the stomach and cause hiccups.

  • Muscle strain.

  • Water deficiency in the body. Newborns, like adults, may experience thirst, which will lead to hiccups.

  • Infectious agents, such as influenza and cold viruses, as well as parasitic infestations, can irritate the diaphragm. Nasal congestion often prevents the baby from sucking and leads to the fact that he captures large volumes of air. However, in newborn children, such causes of hiccups are rare.

  • Underdevelopment or imperfection of internal organs. The immaturity of the digestive system leads to the fact that the child may experience intestinal colic. They are expressed in increased gas formation and pain. The more gas accumulates in the intestines, the stronger the pressure on the diaphragm will be, which means that the higher the likelihood of hiccups.

  • When a newborn is breastfed, errors in the mother’s diet can lead to hiccups. The likelihood of its occurrence increases if a woman eats foods such as: caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, peanuts.

  • GERD can lead to hiccups. With this disease, the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus of the child. In addition to hiccups, symptoms such as: disturbed night sleep, colic, frequent regurgitation, increased anxiety of the baby, etc. will indicate it.

  • Hiccups can be caused by polluted air. If it contains a lot of dust or other components that irritate the respiratory tract, then the baby will cough. Coughing causes the diaphragm to contract, causing it to vibrate, which can cause hiccups.

Hiccups may appear in a child after feeding, but it will not be associated with food intake. In this case, its causes may be reduced to hypothermia or emotional overexcitation. To understand that a newborn is cold, you need to touch his hands, feet, nose. If they are cold, then measures should be taken to warm the baby: put on socks, a cap, try to increase the ambient temperature. An emotional shock in a baby can happen even when exposed to the most banal factors that adults do not pay attention to. This includes a bright light, a loud sound, a sudden change in scenery, and even the appearance of a stranger in the room. Increased anxiety leads to spasm of the diaphragm and provokes hiccups.

How to help a newborn cope with hiccups?

Hiccups in babies after feeding, how to deal with?

If the hiccups in a newborn occurs immediately after feeding, then the first thing the mother should do is to raise him. It is necessary to give the child an upright position, which will facilitate the process of evacuation of excess air.

Spitting up is a natural phenomenon for all newborns. It makes it possible to remove from the stomach not only excess air, but also excess food. Therefore, you should not be afraid of him. As a rule, immediately after spitting up, hiccups stop.

To facilitate the process of regurgitation in a baby, you need to use the following recommendations:

  • Take the child in your arms, lifting him so that the head is higher than the body. Leave the newborn in this position for 15 minutes.

  • Sometimes distracting activities can help to cope with hiccups after feeding. To do this, you need to shake the rattle in front of the child, switching his attention.

  • You can apply a warm diaper to the baby’s stomach.

  • Gentle massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction helps to cope with hiccups. Such actions contribute to the discharge of gases, getting rid of colic.

  • In addition to massage of the abdomen, back massage helps to get rid of hiccups. The child is placed vertically, in a sitting position, supporting his head. In circular motions, you need to drive along his back, gently rubbing it from the waist to the shoulder,

  • You can give your child warm water to drink.

If the newborn is breastfed and often hiccups after eating, you need to make sure that the mixture is suitable for him. In some cases, it is an allergic reaction to its components that can cause bloating and hiccups. To cope with the problem, you need to stop using the wrong mixture.

Drugs that are safe for newborns can reduce bloating and prevent hiccups.

These include:

  • Bobotik.

  • Espumizan.

  • Sab Simplex.

  • Dill water.

If a woman is breastfeeding, she must watch her diet. Foods that can provoke hiccups should be eaten no earlier than an hour before feeding and in small quantities.

Video: What to do if a newborn hiccups after eating?

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