Hiccups (hiccups): how to get rid of folk remedies. Video
Hiccups are one of the types of respiratory movements caused by the periodic contraction of the diaphragm. This condition occurs when the phrenic nerve is irritated and can last long enough. In the absence of pathology of the digestive tract and the nervous system, in which hiccups can be one of the clinical manifestations of diseases, it is quite simple to help a hiccuping person.
The reasons for hiccups can be different:
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- diseases of the central nervous system
- irritation of the phrenic nerve with an overstretched stomach
- hypothermia
- stress, psycho-emotional stress
- alcohol consumption
Quite often, a person begins to hiccup after overeating. The phrenic nerve, which is an extension of the vagus, is irritated as a result of the excessive pressure of the stomach walls on it, which leads to chaotic contractions of the phrenic muscles.
Another common cause of hiccups is hypothermia.
Young children, who have not yet fully developed thermoregulation mechanisms, are especially sensitive to a decrease in body temperature. When hiccups appear, do not forget about it.
During stressful situations or emotional overstrain, the appearance of hiccups is regarded as one of the manifestations of a nervous tic. Like the muscle fibers of the face and trunk, the largest respiratory muscle – the diaphragm – responds in stressful situations with its contractions. That is why a person starts to hiccup.
Help with prolonged hiccups
Treatment for hiccups requires medication only in cases of prolonged, frequent, debilitating hiccups.
In order to stop hiccups, sedatives are used that reduce excitation in the cerebral cortex and thereby reduce the tone of the phrenic nerve
Folk remedies for getting rid of hiccups include not only taking infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, but also some fairly simple ways without using any means. It is believed that the saying about hiccups with Fedot, uttered several times in a row on one exhale, is a kind of conspiracy against adversity. In fact, it does not matter which text is pronounced, it is important that it must be done after a full inhalation, quickly and before a full exhalation.
A good remedy for getting rid of hiccups quickly is a decoction of deaf nettle and mint. To do this, pour 2 ml of boiling water over 200 tablespoons of dead nettle and mint herbs and put on low heat. After boiling, immediately strain the broth and cool. It should be taken in small sips during an attack of hiccups.
Sometimes hiccups cannot be dealt with within a few hours. It is best to get rid of it in such cases with the help of another folk remedy. Boil a couple of potato tubers and mash them together with the skin. Add 2 teaspoons of mustard to the resulting potato mass and mix well.
Instead of potatoes and mustard powder, you can use ordinary mustard plasters.
Form a small cake and place on your stomach in the midline at the edge of the sternum. In a few minutes, you will completely get rid of the hiccups.
Also interesting to read: the beneficial properties of lemon.