Hello, dear readers!
Quite often, in our daily professional and family life, we are faced with the fact that the task at hand does not have standard, prepared in advance or previously worked solutions.
This is not only due to the fact that a person is in a difficult situation. Basically, the conditions require to go beyond the usual framework.
In this article, I will tell you what heuristic methods are, which will help you achieve your goals in a non-standard, but effective way.
The concept of a method
Heuristics is a scientific field that studies the patterns of productive thinking. As well as the features of the organization of the processes of creativity and decision-making, the search for an answer in non-standard situations.
When it is problematic to do this through the usual, familiar approach. Or there is a need to create something original. It is also used in learning and personal development.
It is important to understand that heuristics, in contrast to the exact sciences with prescribed laws that always accurately guarantee an answer, is not as solid.
This is just a search method that can in no way guarantee the correct decisions, just like there are no exact prescribed rules.
That is, this is a way and an opportunity to get something original, and not a step-by-step instruction, which most often leads to a template answer.
Feature of application
They are used in absolutely any sphere of human activity. This may include:
- mathematical analysis and synthesis;
- search for an artistic image or the development of an unexpected plot;
- people and process management.
Despite the radically different focus of these areas, communication, discussion, negotiations, constant search for information in related or completely separate industries are used everywhere.
All this is aimed at systematizing existing knowledge and highlighting new information. In addition, the more data is processed, the more synthesized and efficient options will be the output.
There are specific techniques included in the general concept of heuristic methods. One of the most commonly used is to do the following:
That is, its maximum expansion in terms of consequences, influencing factors, and so on. The greater the number of variables included in the analysis process, the higher the probability of obtaining an original answer.
It is a clarification of all the conditions for the occurrence of the problem. That is, the analysis is not so much of possible options as of the causes of the problem that has arisen. Often, after such concretization, it turns out that the search for a new one is not needed, it is enough to remove interfering factors.
Using the inverse problem
They are not looking for ways to eliminate the problem, but how to transform the situation under the changed conditions. For example, you can work on reducing lateness, or you can introduce a flexible schedule. You can fight against theft in the factory, or you can provide a 70% percentage discount to employees on products, and so on.
Such an approach initially removes the first difficult task and makes it possible to solve the problem more gently and modernly.
Moving to other structures, areas, divisions
When a problem cannot be solved mathematically, it can be overcome experimentally. That is, where the manager fails, the sales manager will be quite effective.
This also applies to art, when inspiration and ideas are sought in other art projects, and then the perspective shifts to the life of a simple layman, where you can find completely unexpected ideas.
Criticism of the first and obvious solutions
Because they lie on the surface and have either already been tested or are not highly effective in non-standard situations. If something with a high creative component is needed, it is never the first thing that comes to mind. The only exceptions are significant improvements.
Movement from end to beginning
It implies an assessment of further actions, as well as the possibility of their implementation from the intended result. That is, when any goal is put forward, the first thing to evaluate is what it can give, what consequences it will bring.
And only in the case of high efficiency or a positive option, they begin to evaluate the necessary costs and intermediate steps. If the final version is not absolutely satisfactory, then they do not begin to consider it.
Use of similar or similar tasks from other fields
The main criteria are the presence of a realized positive result and the similarity of the initial conditions. This is different from directly copying or stealing other people’s ideas. What happens if we take as a basis a completely similar situation from the same sphere.
It is optimal to look for solutions to social problems in mathematical or biological disciplines. And questions of creative presentation can be dealt with by drawing analogies with transport or biochemistry.
Consideration of all parties involved
The main thing is that the option found satisfies the maximum number of parties involved, whose needs and desires must be considered in advance.
Promotion of absolutely any ideas
Including those that seem delusional or impossible. This freedom of expression liberates thinking. And in the process of generating various options, an unexpected and easy one can easily pop up.
It is guided by this principle that old and difficult tasks that are problematic for a long time are assigned to beginners. A fresh look and not subject to the stereotypical perception that others have, allows them to quickly find the best path.
Heuristic methods can be used both separately and in various combinations with each other. The more complex the goal, the higher the likelihood that you will need to use the entire complex.
At the same time, the creative adaptation of each of the techniques remains fundamental, and there is no instruction in the sequence of applying the methods.
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The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich