
The novel of the 2009 Nobel laureate Herta Müller «Heart-Beast» is written in dislocated, displaced language, since the world she tells about is dislocated, walking upside down.

The novel of the 2009 Nobel laureate Herta Müller «Heart-Beast» is written in dislocated, displaced language, since the world she tells about is dislocated, walking upside down. Her heroes, a girl and three boys, are still friends and hope to survive in their country — Romania of the Ceausescu era. “Weed is in our heads. Grass falls to the ground, cut as we speak. But even when we are silent. And the grass that has risen again, and cut again, and risen again, grows as it pleases. And yet we are happy.” Just don’t ask what that means. Müller’s prose is magic and mystery, poetry and epic, grass and wind, which every evening «goes to sleep in the trees,» as one Swabian lullaby sings.

AMPHORA, 255 p.

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