Herpes – the course, treatment of infections. Home remedies for cold sores

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Herpes is an unpleasant, itchy, painful lesion on the lips that takes a long time to heal. It is commonly called “cold”. Herpes is usually contracted in childhood. The culprit for this disease is the herpes simplex virus called HSV – Herpex Simplex Virus. How can cold sores be cured? Is it possible to cure it completely?

Herpes on the lips – how do you get infected with the virus?

Herpes appearing on the lips and around them is caused by the type 1 virus. Once infected – we are carriers of the virus for the rest of our lives and in periods of weakened immunity, it becomes active, giving unpleasant symptoms. Infection can occur in utero, and after birth, through direct contact with the person carrying the virus (e.g. touch, kiss) or with their personal belongings (using the same cup, towel, etc.).

  1. What forms can the herpes virus take?

Herpes on the lips – what is conducive to infection with the virus?

The factors contributing to infection with the herpes virus include not only direct contact with an infected person, but also:

  1. Weakened immunity, 
  2. Smoking tobacco, 
  3. Upper respiratory tract infections, 
  4. Treatment with immunosuppressants, 
  5. Improper diet, lacking vitamins (mainly B vitamins). 

To counteract the decline in immunity and avoid herpes infection, reach for the Swanson vitamin kit. The vitamin bomb strengthens the immune system and supports the body in its proper functioning.

The course and treatment of herpes virus infection

Unfortunately, sometimes even a slight weakening of the body’s immunity, e.g. due to insufficient sleep, stress, cold or poor nutrition, is enough for the virus to become active. In women, this activation often occurs before menstruation, when the well-being is slightly worse. First, itchy redness appears, and after about 2 days, fluid-filled blisters appear. The vesicles then burst, and the areas left by them are very difficult to heal, the wounds are painful and often erosive.

To make sure you are not a virus carrier, do a diagnostic test for the presence of the herpes virus in your body.

The classic treatment of herpes involves topical administration of antiviral drugs (ointments, gels), most often containing acyclovir, and in the case of more severe infections, the doctor also prescribes this antiviral substance in the form of tablets. Herpes symptoms can last up to 2-3 weeks, although they usually last shorter in the case of recurrent infections.

Remember that you can’t always deal with cold sores on your own. If the problem recurs or lasts a long time, consult your doctor. Make an online teleconsultation with a dermatologist at haloDoctor.pl to get specialized support and start appropriate treatment.

At Medonet Market you can order Herpes Help – a gel for herpes at a favorable price.


Remember that drugs soothe and shorten the course of herpes, but are not able to eliminate the virus from our body – it stays dormant in nerve cells. Due to the fact that herpes tends to recur, we recommend a mail-order herpes test available on Medonet Market.

Home remedies for cold sores on the lips – natural treatments

Herpes medications are not contraindicated in either pregnant women or children. On the other hand, herpes symptoms are very severe, itchy and painful. How to help yourself in this situation in a safe, home-made, preferably natural way? We present a few proven ones below home remedies for cold sores on ustachworth trying.

For people who can use preparations to combat herpes, we recommend Cannaderm Regenerative Serum with hemp oil available on Medonet Market. You can also try out COMPEED Herpes Patches, which you can even safely apply makeup to.

Home remedies for cold sores – dry zinc paste and baking soda paste

One of the traditional and safe, low-priced over-the-counter medications available at the pharmacy is zinc paste, which is worth keeping at home just in case. It is safe for children and pregnant women. Applying the zinc paste dries the herpes lesion and promotes faster healing.

However, if we do not have the opportunity to buy it, it will dry and smooth white accelerating pulp healing herpesand we will make it from baking soda – just mix it with a small amount of boiled, cooled water.

Home remedies for cold sores – fluoride toothpaste

A method that has been known for years is applying fluoride toothpaste on herpes – the toothpaste itself dries the lesion a bit, and fluoride can interfere with the virus’s activity. However, this method is not suitable for use with young children.

Home remedies for cold sores – garlic, onions, honey and oils

Garlic, onion and honey are natural and safe antiviral products. You often hear recommendations to apply a cut garlic clove, a piece of onion to herpes or smear the bloom with honey. Garlic itself is hot and can irritate the delicate skin of the lips, and so is the onion. However, it is worth combining the strength of garlic, onion and honey in a hand-grated liniment against herpes.

Grind the crushed garlic clove in a mortar with a little honey, a few drops of onion juice and it is best to add a little fish oil or olive oil, which contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids and vitamins that support the regeneration of the epidermis.

Black seed oil is an oil that has not only strong anti-inflammatory properties, but also antiviral properties, and it is also worth considering adding it to this recipe if you have it at home. The liniment prepared in this way will definitely support our fight against the virus and shorten the duration of the infection.

Home remedies for cold sores – essential oils with antiviral properties

Tea tree and lemon balm oils have proven antiviral properties. You can apply them gently on herpetic lesion or add to the above-described liniment.

Cinnamon oil also has antiviral properties, but is highly irritating and should never be used undiluted directly on the skin. You can dilute it in base oil or add a drop to the recipe presented earlier – you can also add a little freshly ground cinnamon to the liniment.

Do you have a problem with recurring herpes? Try a dietary supplement with l-lysine, the composition of which helps reduce the growth of the herpes virus.

Home remedies for cold sores – tea compresses

Due to the fact that tea contains tannins with astringent properties, you can put a sachet of warm tea to your mouth. Just brew it (preferably choose black tea), and then wait until it cools down. The sachet can be applied to the mouth several times a day, also using ointments to get rid of the viral lesion as soon as possible.

Home remedies for herpes – lemon

Lemon contains and is therefore often used during colds as an addition to warming tea or a drink to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Due to its antiviral properties, the fruit can also be used to treat herpes. It is enough to put a lemon slice to your mouth several times a day. You will supply the body with a strengthening dose of vitamin C, also thanks to DuoLife Vitamin C. The dietary supplement contains natural ingredients such as acerola, wild rose and CamuCam berries with antiviral properties.

Ways for herpes – vinegar

Vinegar has similar properties to lemon, although it does not contain vitamin C. Thanks to the acids contained in it, it can be used as a remedy against herpes. However, due to its drying effect, care should be taken when applying vinegar to the skin. It is best to dip the cotton bud in the liquid and then place it only on the wound.

Home remedies are not always effective. If you have cold sores, try Cannaderm Herpes Regenerating Serum. The product contains hemp oil, clove and Siberian fir extract, which accelerate healing and nourish the skin.

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Herpes on the lips – how to avoid its recurrence?

In addition to these home remedies for cold sores, it is also worth finding out how to prevent herpes from coming back. First of all, we should avoid stressful situations as well as unfavorable weather conditions that may favor the relapse of the virus. However, if we cannot prevent it, we should properly care for the skin, its hydration, and enrich the diet with products that contain B vitamins. The appropriate dose of vitamin B is provided by a dietary supplement offered by the Viridian brand.

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In addition, the risk of developing the herpes virus increases in the fall and winter, so we should reach for probiotics that will strengthen our immunity and thus protect us against HSV. We recommend the Acidophilus Probiotic, which prevents the growth of microorganisms in the body and supports the immune system.

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