Herpes – Symptoms and Treatment

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Herpes is caused by a virus that can be carried by almost all of us, but it is easier for women to contract it. It is for them that sexual contact is more risky. See how to protect yourself.

Infection with Herpes simplex viruses

Herpes infection can occur both during traditional sexual intercourse and as a result of various sexual practices, including anal, oral-genital contacts. Infection occurs as a result of direct contact with the affected skin or mucosa. Another route of infection is through contact with viral-containing secretions from a sick or asymptomatic carrier.

Herpes viruses (Latin: Herpes simplex viruses – HSV) are one of the most widespread human pathogens. It is estimated that HSV infections affect more than 1/3 of the world population, causing a wide variety of clinical pictures, ranging from mild, localized and easily reversible lesions, to infections with systemic, disseminated and chronic forms.

Types of herpes viruses – HSV-1, HSV-2

Herpes can be caused by two types of viruses. HSV-1which is most often transmitted by direct contact with the inflamed skin and mucosa of the patient or with virus-containing secretions – mainly saliva (also during the asymptomatic period of infection). The lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by this type of virus are located mainly in the area of ​​the face and oral mucosa, but it is also possible to involve the eyes.

Primary oral infection is common in children under 4 years of age (50% of children are infected with the virus), usually by kissing HSV-1 carriers. Primary infection may be asymptomatic or as an acute inflammation of the gums and mouth. Then, very painful ulcers appear on the lips and gums, which make it difficult to eat. These changes disappear after about 14 days.

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While HSV-2 (present in 20-25% of sexually active people) primarily causes genital herpes and is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, which affects the frequency of infection in people between 18 and 30 years of age, especially homosexuals and those who engage in risky behavior sexual and have multiple partners. The presence of other sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV also contributes to an increased risk of HSV infection. Women become infected more easily than men who have an infected partner.

Lesions during herpes develop in the genital area. The incubation period for herpes simplex viruses is 3–7 days. However, it should be remembered that viruses can go into a latency (latency) state. Under the influence of certain factors, it is possible to reactivate the virus, which can occur even after long-term dormancy.

Worth knowing

HSV-2 infections recur more frequently than HSV-1. It is influenced by such factors as: stress, fever, bacterial infections, local and general immunosuppression, menstruation, and UV radiation.

Often these are injuries and skin irritations as a result of burns, wounds, epilation, dermabrasion, irritation with chemicals and cosmetics, and sexual intercourse). Smoking is also believed to contribute to reactivation of the herpes virus.

Genital herpes symptoms

In the case of primary infection, prodromal symptoms such as pruritus, burning sensation, paresthesia appear before the appearance of dermal and mucosal symptoms. After a few days (2-7), a set of symptoms called primary infection. Characteristic skin lesions appear on the skin and mucous membranes.

First, clustering of serous-filled vesicles, which then develop into crusted erosions and superficial ulceration of the genital organs. General symptoms such as fever, weakness and headaches may also occur. A common symptom of genital herpes is also enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, which become hard and painful.

In female genital herpes, the changes concern the labia, vaginal wall, cervix or perianal skin, urethra, perineum and anus. They are accompanied by pain, burning, and mucopurulent discharge in the vagina.

On the other hand, in men, the lesions are located on the foreskin, glans, penile skin, as well as the perianal area and urethra. A characteristic symptom is also a watery-mucous discharge and frequent urination.

As a result of anal contacts, inflammation of the mucosa of the rectal canal may occur, the symptom of which is mucous discharge from the anus and a frequent need to pass stool. In some men, the infection can lead to inflammation of the penis and – which happens in both sexes due to oral-genital contact – herpetic sore throat.

A rarer localization of genital herpes lesions is the buttocks and hands, especially fingers. There may also be erythematous changes in the genital area, as well as back pain (which may be mistaken for radicular pain) and inflammation of the urinary bladder and urethra (mistaken for urinary tract infections) and vaginal discharge (often wrongly recognized as vaginal yeast infections). primary infection lasts for 2-3 weeks and is usually more extensive than in relapses.

Genital herpes is a high risk in pregnant women, as it can lead to intrauterine infection and, consequently, cause premature birth or affect the abnormal development of the fetus.

Herpes treatment

It is advisable to visit the office of a dermatologist or gynecologist who, after collecting an appropriate history, will prescribe antiviral drugs which, although they do not completely eliminate the herpes virus from the body, shorten the duration of the disease and alleviate its course.

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Before starting drug treatment for genital herpes, your doctor will ask you some embarrassing but necessary questions. It is worth preparing for them in advance, because the selection and effectiveness of treatment depends on the honesty and accuracy of the communication. These questions may concern:

  1. main symptoms and ailments,
  2. the moment the first symptoms appear,
  3. dates of intercourse prior to the onset of symptoms
  4. partner – be it a regular partner or accidental,
  5. type of sexual contacts,
  6. the type of contraception used
  7. history of sexually transmitted diseases,
  8. source of infection,
  9. people who may have been infected by you,
  10. drug use,
  11. in women, additionally: the date of the last menstruation, the number of pregnancies and deliveries, the results of pap smears, pain during intercourse (dyspareunia), spotting and bleeding during intercourse, coexisting STDs.

HSV-2 and HIV infections are particularly common. Diseases related to genital ulcers, the most common cause of which are HSV-2 viruses, increase the risk of sexual transmission of HIV. People newly infected with HSV have a high risk of becoming infected with HIV. HIV infections are also faster in people infected with HSV-2. The clinical course of HSV-2 infection may be more severe in HIV co-infected individuals.

Herpes can also be associated with syphilis and venereal ulcers, which also increase the risk of HIV infection. However, it should be remembered that genital ulcers are not always caused by STDs and that ulcers may be caused by more than one of these diseases.

It should be remembered that people who do not currently have clinical symptoms of herpes can also infect 1/3 of cases of STD due to re-infection as a result of mutual infection of partners who, after recovery, continue to engage in risky sexual behavior.


Using a condom will not completely protect you against HSV infection, but it does reduce the risk of infection. People with active changes should refrain from intercourse. After that, use a condom each time. Herpes simplex virus infection of the cornea can lead to visual impairment.

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