Herpes on the face

Description of herpes on the face

Herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes in the face is one of the most common types of herpes. The relevance of this disease is explained by the pronounced discomfort and aesthetic troubles that are its consequence. Some cases of herpes on the face are accompanied by severe pain and symptoms of general intoxication.

The clinical features of any herpes infection depend on several factors:

  • Type of pathogen and its type;

  • Immune capabilities of the human body;

  • Type of infection (primary or repeated);

  • Previous concomitant diseases and infections.

Herpes on the face

A special attitude about herpes on the face belongs to his cases of infection with viruses of the first and third types. Their representatives are the herpes simplex virus and the causative agent of herpes zoster. Other types of herpetic infection on the face are not found. This is due to the characteristics of these pathogens, which need to be briefly discussed, because each of them causes a different lesion of the skin of the face.

Herpes simplex is characterized by the ability to penetrate into epithelial, nerve and, to a lesser extent, lymphatic cells, without causing a pronounced immune response. This provides its partial masking and the ability to tightly connect with the genetic material of human tissues, remaining in them for life. However, it may not manifest itself in any way if the immune system is not weakened.

Features of herpes of the third type is that this virus primarily causes chicken pox in children. Indeed, the primary infection with them occurs precisely in childhood. In this case, a very violent reaction of the immune system occurs in the form of fever and widespread rashes. But this does not prevent viruses from penetrating into large nerve trunks and their ganglia, where they remain forever, until a certain time without showing themselves in any way. As soon as provoking factors act on the body, the virus becomes activated with the development of a detailed clinical picture of herpes zoster on the face.

Causes of exacerbation of herpes on the face

In general, it is worth saying that these should be factors that contribute to a decrease in the immune status of the body, because herpes never affects a person with a healthy immune system.

This can lead to:

  1. Childhood or old age;

  2. Poor nutrition;

  3. Nervous tension and constant stress;

  4. Draft and hypothermia of the face;

  5. Unprotected close contact with persons suffering from a herpes infection during an active exacerbation of the process;

  6. Diseases of the blood system and immunity.

Symptoms of herpes on the face

Herpes on the face

Herpes on the face, caused by viruses of the first type, is represented mainly by the defeat of the lips in the area of ​​​​their red border and the transition to the skin. In more severe cases, it can also spread to the oral mucosa, any part of the face. Clinically, it looks like clustered small watery vesicles filled with a clear liquid. Around these elements, reddening of the skin in the form of a rim is noted, accompanied by severe itching and soreness.

The defeat of the facial region with herpes zoster differs from the above in some ways. The rashes look identical to those that are characteristic of herpes simplex. They are characterized by a slightly large size of the bubbles, which eventually burst with the formation of ulcers and become covered with a crust. These rashes are not arranged randomly, as with herpes simplex, but in the form of a strip on the face, which corresponds to the course of the nerve. In this case, severe pain occurs, which persists for a long time after the disappearance of the rash.

Treatment of herpes on the face

It is not possible to rid a person of herpes forever. Any treatment has a temporary effect, eliminating the active manifestations of the disease, and starting the process into remission. At the same time, the virus continues to live in the human body, being in a kind of dormant state. It does not reproduce and is not dangerous to others. The only danger for an infected person is that with a decrease in immunity, the virus will never miss the opportunity to re-activate.

Therefore, treatment includes:

  1. Healthy lifestyle: adequate nutrition, sleep, physical and mental stress;

  2. In no case do not squeeze the bubbles with herpes on the face. They contain millions of new viruses that can spread to healthy skin;

  3. Drying of rashes with antiseptic solutions: iodine, brilliant green;

  4. Moisturizing crusts and dry skin with petroleum jelly or baby cream;

  5. Applying antiviral ointments to rashes;

  6. Tablet forms of antiviral drugs;

  7. Immunomodulators.

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