Herpes in pregnancy – symptoms and treatment

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Herpes in pregnancy may result from HSV1 or HSV2 infection. The first virus affects labial herpes, and the second is genital herpes. How can you get herpes infection in pregnancy? What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of herpes in pregnancy? What kind of herpes in pregnancy is very dangerous for the fetus and newborn?

Herpes in pregnancy – HSV

Herpes is a viral disease, so it is infected by droplets. Herpes labialis can appear, for example, after kissing a sick person, as it is spread most often through the mucous membranes of the mouth and after contact with skin lesions on the face.

Once we become infected with HSV, it stays in our body for the rest of our lives. Symptoms may even become active over a long period of time. It attacks when we have reduced immunity, for example with a cold.

Other factors that contribute to the activation of the herpes virus are, for example: cooling the body, stress, injuries of the skin and mucous membranes, but also exposure to strong sun, as well as facial peeling cosmetic procedures.

Herpes in pregnancy – symptoms

Herpes in pregnancy, when it first appears on the lips, is first tingling, itchy and red. Only after a few days, visible bubbles with serum fluid appear. When the serous vesicle ruptures, a wound appears followed by a scab that spontaneously falls off over time.

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Symptoms of herpes on the genitals are also vesicles with serous fluid. Once ruptured, however, the bubbles take the form of painful ulcers. Genital herpes can be accompanied by fever, and also by enlargement of the lymph nodes. Symptoms of genital herpes last up to two weeks.

Herpes in pregnancy – a threat to the baby

Herpes in pregnancy can be seriously complicating and may be life-threatening to the fetus and the newborn child. Primary herpes infection can even lead to miscarriage.

Herpes pregnant on the lips does not pose much of a threat to the baby. The HSV2 virus, which is responsible for genital herpes, is much more dangerous and it is a serious threat to the fetus and the newborn child. However, it is worth emphasizing that cold sores can lead to the development of genital herpes.

Herpes in pregnancy is the most dangerous in childbirth. Then the HSV virus can be passed on to the newborn. If a woman has severe and extensive skin lesions caused by herpes, the doctor may decide to perform a caesarean section.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy may lead to miscarriage, or to the appearance of such defects as: hydrocephalus, microcephaly, small eyes, as well as damage to the central nervous system. Infection of the fetus with herpes in the third trimester may result in premature birth.

Herpes in pregnancy – treatment

Treatment and prevention of herpes during pregnancy is very important. In any case of disturbing symptoms, see a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be started.

Herpes labialis is most often treated at home with creams, ointments, slices or gels. However, it is worth remembering that such treatment only reduces symptoms, and you should notify your doctor of any herpes during pregnancy.

Oral antiviral medications are most commonly used to treat genital herpes in pregnancy, reducing viral transmission and relapse. Sometimes preparations in the form of ointments and gels are also used, which alleviate unpleasant symptoms and prevent the disease from developing again. We also recommend Compeed patches for cold sores.

In the case of primary herpes infection, pharmacological treatment is undertaken, i.e. antiviral drugs – acyclovir.

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