Herpes Diet: What to Eat to Keep Herpes Under Control?
A diet against herpes is of great importance: it turns out that with the help of a properly selected diet, outbreaks of herpes manifestations can be contained for a long time. Conversely, with a thoughtless approach to your diet, you can provoke herpes to “eternal flowering”.
Diet for herpes on the lips is very effective in helping to control the manifestations of this disease. As it turned out, the herpes virus reacts to certain amino acids contained in the protein. Protein, which is rich in chicken meat and broth, is especially useful.
Diet for herpes or how to take the virus on a leash
At first glance, it may seem that the very concept diet for herpes has no scientific basis. Is it possible to control herpes outbreaks and persistent colds on the lips with food ?! After all, even all kinds of medications affect herpes with difficulty … It turns out that it is just with the help of special nutrition for herpes that you can quite successfully contain this virus. And this is a proven fact!
Namely: not so long ago, research scientists discovered that the herpes virus is very sensitive to a substance such as arginine (one of the amino acids that is part of proteins). If there is a lot of arginine in the body, herpes “wakes up” and “blooms” in a violent color on the lips (or on other mucous membranes). But the diet for herpes would be one-sided if there were no other substance that could also effectively contain the herpes virus. There was such a substance – this is lysine, another amino acid. If with food we receive about 3000 mg of lysine daily, then we can be sure that herpes will not appear.
What to eat to keep herpes from waking up
Food for herpes should contain foods rich in lysine and poor in arginine. Among them: chicken, flounder, shrimp, natural yogurt and skim milk. For example, only 150 g of chicken meat contains a daily norm of lysine, flounder and shrimp, it is enough to eat 200 g each, but in milk and yogurt lysine is less – to gain a norm of 3000 mg of lysine, you will have to drink 5 cups of milk a day.
In addition to lysine, the herpes diet (both on the body and on the lips) welcomes any foods and dishes that can support our immunity. After all, herpes is a virus, and it is the cells of the immune system that fight the cells of the virus. This must be taken into account in the diet against herpes – and saturate the diet with vegetables rich in phytoncides. Among these products are onions, garlic, lemons, ginger.
What to exclude from the diet to forget about herpes
If you do not want herpes to endlessly appear on your lips, you must exclude (or at least drastically reduce your intake) foods such as chocolate, nuts, gelatin from your diet. And also – sunflower seeds. All of these foods are rich in arginine and should not be included in the herpes diet. Legumes and whole grains also contain a lot of arginine, but you cannot completely refuse whole grains, as this can be harmful to health. Therefore, these two components of nutrition should be excluded from the diet only during an outbreak of herpes, in order to suppress its manifestations. At normal times, cereals should be one of the main components of your diet.