Women’s health and beauty is highly dependent on nutrition. Everything that enters your body has a huge impact on the functioning of all tissues and organs. And if everything is more or less clear with food, then how to improve your well-being with drinks?
In addition to regular clean water, which should be drunk in sufficient quantities, add these drinks to your diet. What effect each of them will have on your body – read our short review.
Green tea with mint
Green tea is a source of many antioxidants that help the body fight against the harmful effects of the environment, preserving the beauty and freshness of the skin in the first place. Tea also contains phytoestrogens – plant hormones that normalize the work of the female hormonal system and reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Green tea with mint mildly soothes and improves sleep, and deep restful sleep, as you know, is the key to an excellent appearance and moderate appetite. Peppermint also improves digestion and metabolism. It can act as a mild pain reliever and a way to reduce anxiety and irritability.
Cocoa perfectly raises immunity and strengthens the entire body. This drink increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, because the iron content in it is much higher. than in some vegetables and fruits. Cocoa invigorates, like coffee, improves mood and has a positive effect on the work of the heart. Despite the restrictions on the use of cocoa for those with diseases of the pancreas, liver and kidneys, cocoa should be consumed at least occasionally.
Sweet juices
Juices are a source of vitamins and fructose for energy. In addition, they are your main supplier of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that maintains the beauty of the skin, prevents early aging, refreshes and strengthens the immune system. The juices of citrus fruits and red berries are especially useful, they contain the maximum vitamin C content.
Health and beauty starts on the inside, and the state of your digestion is important. Kefir will have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, populate the intestines with the necessary bacteria, improve the condition of hair and skin, and also prevent such an unpleasant disease in women as thrush.
Tomato juice
The properties of tomatoes to have an anti-cancer effect on the body have been known for a long time. Thanks to lycopene, which tomatoes contain, it is possible to provide powerful preventive support to the body against this ailment. Drink a glass of juice a day – that will be enough.