Here comes the Ice Moon. How does fullness affect our body?

A full Ice Moon awaits us on Wednesday, February 16. Based on the results of the research, published in the journal Science Advances, this represents real ‘side effects’ for the general public. Scientists have proven that the full moon is related to the human circadian rhythm.

  1. Research on the effects of the moon on humans was carried out by scientists from the University of Washington, the National University of Quilmes in Argentina and Yale University
  2. The collected data clearly shows that the full moon affects the quality of sleep – then we have problems with insomnia
  3. The full moon is also related to the women’s menstrual cycle. In turn, even in the health service there is a belief that there are more births every 29,5 days
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Scientific research on the full moon

Scientists from universities in North and South America decided to find confirmation of the thesis that had been put forward for a long time. In fact, the association of a full moon with sleep problems goes back even to ancient times. From the dawn of time, mankind has attributed the Moon a real impact on everyday life.

During the year, we have 12 or 13 full moons (a full lunar month lasts 29,5 days). Each of them has a name that has been given to them by people throughout history. So we have the full Reapers in August (the moon shines so brightly that you can work in the field after dark) or the Wolf in January (then the wolves came to the villages looking for food). February is a full Ice Moon, which may be related to the fact that it is the coldest month of the year in our latitude.

  1. See also: Seven Ways for Insomnia

As for the research of scientists published in the journal Science Advances, it was initially attended by representatives of the three indigenous Toba-Qom communities in the Argentine province of Formosa. Traffic monitors were put on their hands for 98 people. The first group did not have access to electricity, the second group had limited access, while the third group had plenty of it. Three-quarters of the participants have been able to study for at least one moon cycle.

We sleep less during the full moon

The analysis of the collected data brought conclusions that confirm the thesis regarding the influence of the moon on the quality of sleep. Among the surveyed representatives of the Toba-Qom tribe it has been observed that during the full moon they went to sleep later and their sleep duration was shorter. The influence of the Moon was felt most strongly by participants who were deprived of electricity or with limited access to it, but also those who lived in the city had problems with sleep. Scientists also found that reduced sleep time occurs as early as three to five days before full moon.

In another study, scientists decided to conduct an identical experiment with students from Seattle. A group of 464 young people living in the big city responded to the full moon in a similar way to the indigenous tribesmen.

The results of the research are not surprising at all by Dr. Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz, an internist and endocrinologist from the Sublimed medical center in Krakow.

– Man is an element of nature, which we often forget. We have the impression that we function like machines, regardless of the phenomena occurring in them. And we too are subject to influences related to the aura, including, for example, high and low atmospheric pressure. When it comes to the full moon, patients actually complain of insomnia and nighttime awakening. Then there is the issue of the deterioration in pressure control. Sudden jumps occur in patients with hypertension. There is no scientific link to this with any particular mechanism, but it really is. My mother said that I would sleepwalk at full moon and wake up at night. She, in turn, complains of headaches. There is actually some dependence here – says Dr. Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz.

The menstrual cycle and the full moon

Another study, also published in the journal Science Advances, links the full moon to the female menstrual cycle. This is another thesis that has long circulated in society in the form of a myth, not a scientifically proven fact. However, scientists were able to establish that women are able to tune their cycle to the phases of the moon to some extent. The study was based on the analysis of data collected over an average of 15 years from 22 participants.

In this way, it was established that in women whose menstrual cycle lasts more than 27 days, it is in fact, at least partially, synchronized with the Moon. It turned out, however, that the older women were, the less this impact was. Also, artificial light sources in the environment weakened the effects of the moon in the context of the monthly cycle.

Of the theories that are still not confirmed, but are referred to as “behind the scenes”, there is also the one concerning childbirth.

– Unofficially and anonymously, I can say that yes, there are more births at the full moon. These are the worst shifts, because then we have a hard time. Why is this so – I do not know. But neither I nor the girls I work with will say that this is nonsense – says Ania, a midwife with 12 years of experience, in an interview with Medonet.

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  2. A healthy bedroom – 10 rules that will help you sleep well
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