Here are 7 products that will help lower your blood pressure
Here are 7 products that will help lower your blood pressureHere are 7 products that will help lower your blood pressure

Are you fighting high blood pressure? It is well known that healthy eating is one of the best ways to cure many diseases. This also applies to keeping your blood pressure under control!

The first and basic rule of a hypertensive diet should be to avoid three things:

  1. Alone,
  2. excess alcohol,
  3. Highly processed products.

Instead, you should follow the rules of any healthy diet, i.e. eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, as well as unprocessed products. The small steps you take towards a healthy lifestyle will also bring you closer to eliminating the problem of high blood pressure. It’s worth starting today!

The best way is to include a few products with blood pressure lowering abilities in your diet. They stand out from the others and at the same time are a powerful means that can treat this problem on their own – what is more interesting, their effectiveness is comparable to antihypertensive drugs, in addition without the risk of serious side effects.

List of products that can reduce hypertension or stop its development early enough:

  1. Linseed. If you want to lower your blood pressure, flaxseed is one of the best things to include on your menu. It has a lot of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important in the diet of a hypertensive person. This is confirmed by research – people participating in one of them noticed a huge improvement after only half a year of using 30g of linseed daily.
  2. Raisins. A daily dose of raisins also gives a good effect. Eating a handful of these nuts three times a day reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure. According to scientists, this is due to the potassium and fiber present in them.
  3. Dark chocolate. Give up milk, go for bitter! Even if you don’t like the taste of it, it’s easy to get used to when you cut out sugary foods (i.e. sweets). Consuming a few cubes of such chocolate a day significantly lowers blood pressure and does not cause weight gain!
  4. Burak. It has nitrates that are associated with blood pressure. Consumption of beetroot has a dilating and protective effect on blood vessels. One study showed that people who drank a glass of beetroot juice a day had lower blood pressure after just 24 hours! In addition to beetroot, it is also worth reaching for the same properties: lettuce, kale, eggplant and cabbage.
  5. Olive oil. It must come from the first pressing, because only then does it contain valuable polyphenols.
  6. Berries. In another study, people who drank their juice and ate 100g of blueberries every day saw a reduction in blood pressure, as well as positive changes in platelet function and cholesterol levels. So reach for red and black blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, chokeberries and black currants.
  7. Eggs. Despite their high cholesterol content, eggs can have a positive effect on the heart. One of the protein components works like antihypertensive drugs. Eating protein or a whole egg on a daily basis can therefore be a simple and safe way to keep your blood pressure in check.

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