Herbs in Pregnancy – Which Herbs Are Safe to Take During Pregnancy?
Herbs in Pregnancy - Which Herbs Are Safe to Take During Pregnancy?Herbs in Pregnancy – Which Herbs Are Safe to Take During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life, characterized by a number of factors conditioning it and accompanying it. Although it is not a disease, there is no doubt that a woman should then watch her body more closely, take care of it and react to the signals it sends to her. The area that requires special attention at this time is nutrition. There is no doubt that the needs in this area are growing, and the quality of food intake should be high, nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals. Can you eat herbs while pregnant? What types of herbs are safe for pregnant women?

Herbs and pregnancy

In general, herbs are safe for the body, but pregnancy is a special period when it is worth looking at what you can safely reach for and which in this state are rather inadvisable. A good choice of the right herb should motivate you to prepare an infusion from it and drink it several times a day. Usually, they contain a lot of vitamins, which assigns them a good role – preventing diseases.

Herbs safe in pregnancy – linseed, ginger, nettle

herb, which is worth reaching for especially often during pregnancy, is imbir — with the proviso that it cannot be its powdered version, but a natural rhizome. They should be finely chopped, pour water and boil the decoction, then strain it and optionally flavor it with honey. Ginger it has many health properties – it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, but for pregnant women this is not the most valuable thing about ginger. First of all, it affects the elimination of nausea, alleviating it, which – as we know – has a large impact on the comfort of pregnancy.

Another herb, the consumption of which promotes well-being during pregnancy, is Linseed. Flax seeds should be poured with hot water, let stand for several dozen minutes and consumed in this way several times a day, drinking water. The solution is not the tastiest, so it is worth enriching its taste with honey or lemon. Why exactly Linseed is it useful during pregnancy? Well, because it prevents constipation, which very often women in this condition complain about.

Another herb that pregnant women should pay attention to is nettle. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which its regular consumption in the form of infusion will protect against anemia. In addition, this herb is characterized by diuretic properties, which makes it easier for a pregnant woman to get rid of excess water from the body that causes swelling on the legs. In addition, eating nettle prevents diarrhea and constipation, which pregnant women also have to deal with. The easiest way to prepare nettle tea.

Pregnancy Herbs – Which Else Can Be Helpful During Pregnancy?

Another idea recommended during pregnancy for choosing a good product from the range of herbs is marjoram. It is recommended to prepare a decoction by pouring a teaspoon of marjoram with hot water and drinking such an infusion. Alternatively, you can also eat a little of the herb itself. Marjoram will please future mothers with its nausea-relieving properties.

Peppermint has similar characteristics. Mint leaves support the digestive processes, thus preventing bloating and constipation. In addition, this herb has a positive effect on relieving nausea, as well as a calming effect, which can be very helpful when the hormones of future mothers are storming.

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