Herbs and plants to increase potency

Ginseng for potency

To improve male sexual function, only the root of this plant is used. It has a complex effect on the body. Ginseng is not only a powerful libido stimulant, its action is also aimed at awakening desire and enhancing pleasure. The root of this plant contains special substances that help expand blood vessels and improve blood supply to the penis, which affects the development and maintenance of an erection. The systematic use of ginseng for medicinal purposes leads to an increase in the quality of sperm and greater sperm motility, the entire reproductive system begins to work more efficiently.  

The influence of ginseng is not limited to this. It stimulates and rejuvenates the body as a whole, relieves signs of stress and helps to cope with the consequences of many diseases that negatively affect potency, such as diabetes, various chronic diseases, and pressure surges.

But the effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the form in which it is taken. In particular, alcohol tincture, due to the high percentage of alcohol, may not only not have a positive effect, but, on the contrary, be harmful to health. Therefore, other dosage forms should be chosen, especially since ginseng root is included not only in folk recipes, it is also an active component of many medications.

This plant also has a number of contraindications, which include acute inflammatory processes, bleeding of various types, and infectious diseases. The body can react to taking ginseng with nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, headache, so root treatment should not be started without consulting a doctor.

Ginseng recipes:

  • 20 g of dry crushed root of the plant is poured with a glass of alcohol with a strength of 70% and infused for a week. Take tincture of 20 drops half an hour before meals three times a day.

  • Dry crushed ginseng rhizome is mixed with honey, while 25 g of raw materials account for 700 g of bee products. The mixture is insisted for ten days and taken in a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals for two months.

Ivan tea for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

An alternative name for this plant is fireweed. The composition of Ivan tea is extremely rich in vitamins C, A and group B, it contains about 70 different microelements, 18 amino acids, bioflavonoids, pectin substances. All this allows fireweed to successfully cleanse the body of harmful substances, renew and rejuvenate, fight various diseases and normalize male sexual activity.

Stimulation of the endocrine system promotes the production of testosterone, and the improvement of hematopoiesis contributes to a better blood supply to the reproductive organ. Ivan tea has a mild sedative effect, helps to cope with the effects of stress, which often negatively affects male sexual performance.

These qualities make fireweed an indispensable tool in the fight against weak potency, especially since it copes with a disease that often serves as the root cause of sexual impotence – prostate adenoma and other similar problems.

The plant is not in vain bears such a name, it directly indicates the form of its use. For medicinal purposes, a tasty and healthy drink is prepared from dry willow tea, which does not give side effects. Only the green mass of fireweed contains caffeine in abundance, so it is better not to use it fresh.

We offer several recipes for the preparation of medicines from this plant:

  • The easiest way is to pour boiling water over dry fireweed leaves, leave for 5 minutes and drink as tea twice or thrice a day.

  • A healing potion can be prepared on the basis of willow-tea root, dug out in early autumn, washed and finely chopped. 2 tbsp. l. The resulting raw material is poured with half a liter of water and boiled for about 20 minutes. The finished broth is cooled and filtered, and then they drink 2 weeks in a glass before breakfast and half an hour before bedtime.

Calamus root for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

This medicinal plant contains significant amounts of gum, ascorbic acid, camphor, and tannins. The use of calamus root is very diverse, but its ability to have a tonic and restorative effect is of particular importance.

Men use this plant to stimulate the production of seminal fluid, and as a means that leads to a gradual activation of potency. For therapeutic purposes, they chew a small piece of dried calamus root, for example, chewing gum, or prepare tinctures, teas and decoctions based on it.

Calamus root is a potent substance, so its use must be agreed with the doctor without fail and strictly adhere to the recommended dosage. Excessive consumption of this plant threatens with severe vomiting. The idea of ​​treating potency with calamus root will have to be completely abandoned by people suffering from gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers in the acute stage.

Here are some ways to prepare potions from the rhizome of this plant:

  • A tablespoon of dried calamus root is steamed with a glass of boiling water, then insisted and drunk a quarter cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

  • For tincture, a liter of vodka is poured into 100 g of crushed root, insisted for 2 weeks in a shaded, cool place and consumed in a tablespoon before meals.

Parsley for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

It belongs to the group of aphrodisiacs. Contains all the substances necessary for men’s health: essential oils, trace elements, minerals, vitamins. Parsley contains a special component – apigenin, which has antioxidant properties and can reduce the concentration of estrogen in the body. Therefore, with the constant use of this plant, testosterone production is significantly increased. Parsley also helps to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis, which has a beneficial effect on the level of potency. The root of this plant is a high-quality stimulant for the production of male hormones.

Herbs and parsley root are used as a remedy. Various dishes are seasoned with the plant, infusions and mixtures are prepared from it.

Since parsley is a table vegetable, there are practically no contraindications to its use. But if there is nephritis in the diagnosis, this plant cannot be used. Even healthy men should not get too carried away with parsley and consult a specialist before using it for medicinal purposes.

Ways to use parsley are very diverse, here are the most popular:

  • In equal proportions, chopped dried or fresh parsley and cilantro are mixed. The remedy is eaten in a tablespoon with each main meal.

  • This plant can be included in the nutrient mixture, designed not only to improve potency, but also to improve the body. Here is the recipe for this remedy: finely chop 60 g of fresh parsley, add 100 g of pre-chopped rose hips, 250 g of any nuts, 300 g of wine and honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and stored in a shaded cool place for about 12 days with occasional shaking. The finished product is taken four times a day, half an hour before meals, a tablespoon.

Turnip for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

The herb of this plant contains ascorbic acid and fatty oil. The bittercress is classified as a food, medicinal and honey plant, so it can be used not only as a remedy, but also act as a food product with certain processing.

The herb helps with weakened potency and increases the volume of sperm. There are no contraindications to its use, but colza should be used with caution by those who suffer from increased bleeding and have stones in the kidneys or bladder.

We offer several recipes for using this wonderful plant to improve potency:

  • Chopped leaves, stems, flowers of colza in the amount of 1 tablespoon are brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 3 hours under the lid, filtered and then taken a quarter of a glass four times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is a month. The tool improves viability and sperm count, increases potency.

  • One and a half tablespoons of dried flowers and seeds of colza are brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for 4 hours, then filtered. Use 2 teaspoons about 5 times a day.

Nettle for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

This plant is a valuable medicinal product. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, acids, a range of micro and macro elements, phytoncides and tannins. For the treatment of male problems, the whole plant is used: leaves, seeds, roots. They prepare infusions, decoctions, teas, mixtures, add to food. Preparations created on the basis of nettle help to increase potency, increase sexual desire, normalize the activity of the genitourinary system, treat some diseases associated with this area and leading to failure in bed.

When using this plant for medicinal purposes, it should be borne in mind that it leads to an improvement in blood clotting, so people with thick blood and a tendency to form blood clots should not use nettle. Additional contraindications are diseases such as hypertension, kidney disease and atherosclerosis. Before starting a wellness course, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a doctor and agree on a treatment program with him.

In folk medicine, the following nettle-based remedies are used:

  • A tablespoon of chopped leaves of the plant is steamed with a glass of boiling water, covered and infused for 20 minutes, filtered. Drink the infusion half an hour before meals, 70 ml.

  • 5 art. l. nettle seeds pour half a liter of grape port and boil for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Take a quarter cup before bedtime and a tablespoon before each meal.

Lemongrass far east

Herbs and plants to increase potency

Another name for this plant is Chinese magnolia vine or schizandra. Its use has a tonic, stimulating, rejuvenating effect, it has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system, and eliminates the effects of stress. Special substances, lignans, which are part of it, increase the production of activity hormones and act as antioxidants. Schisandra Far East is extremely rich in biologically active substances. This explains its specific effect on the male reproductive system.

Schizandra solves several potency problems at once: it prevents premature ejaculation, improves erection, insures against manifestations of impotence, and stimulates sperm production. Ripe dried lemongrass berries are considered powerful male aphrodisiacs. They prepare infusions and teas, eat several pieces a day. The use of plant seeds to improve men’s health is practiced.

Far Eastern lemongrass should be taken in a very limited amount, and you can not use a metal container to store it, this can lead to poisoning. Men with insomnia, heart failure, high blood pressure and nervous excitement will have to refuse to take the drug, as well as people with individual intolerance to this plant.

The ways of taking Far Eastern magnolia vine are varied, consider the simplest of them:

  • 5 berries of the plant can be chewed an hour before sex, the effect will last about 6 hours. A powder is prepared from the seeds, which is taken half a gram twice a day after meals.

  • To prepare a tonic drink, a tablespoon of berries is brewed with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 11 hours, filtered and drunk, adding sugar to taste.

  • The tincture is made from the seeds of Schizandra Far East, taken in an amount of 10 g. They are poured with 50 ml of vodka and infused for 2 weeks, then filtered and taken 30 drops before meals three times a day.


Herbs and plants to increase potency

This plant is actively used to treat problems of male potency. It can be used alone or mixed with other similar herbs.

The effect of the use of drugs based on St. John’s wort concerns many aspects of sexual life. This herb, when taken for a short time, not exceeding 3 weeks, can positively influence potency, awaken the desire for sex, increase desire, liberate sensuality and fantasy. St. John’s wort will be most effective if failures in sexual function are caused by a stressful state, since this plant successfully fights the manifestations of fatigue, depression, and improves mood. In combination with other herbal remedies, St. John’s wort is used to treat and prevent diseases of the genitourinary system, which can also lead to sexual impotence.

But do not get too carried away with products based on this herb, their frequent use is fraught with the opposite effect. St. John’s wort contains toxic substances, the concentration of which can increase in plants collected in environmentally unfavorable areas, so its systematic use must be agreed with the treating specialist. This drug increases blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should not take it.

Recipes for using this plant in folk medicine:

  • 10 g of fresh or dry chopped St. John’s wort is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Ready infusion is filtered and taken n 50 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

  • Grind 40 g of St. John’s wort and pour half a glass of vodka. The drug is infused in a dark, cool place for 10 days, filtered and taken three times a day, 30 drops 15 minutes before meals.

Thyme for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

Other names of this plant are also used, it is called thyme and Bogorodskaya grass. The content of a large amount of vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, resins, tannins, cymol, thymol, gum, bitterness determined the effectiveness of this plant for strengthening men’s health. The presence of zinc in the list of trace elements included in its composition allows you to successfully use thyme to solve sexual problems. It serves to prevent and treat a number of diseases: prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impotence, which have a direct impact on a man’s sexual activity. Thyme enhances erection and makes sperm more mobile.

The ways of using this drug are very diverse. In addition to infusions and decoctions, as well as mixtures with other phytocomponents, it is used to prepare special oils and healing baths.

Frequent use of thyme requires agreement with a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications to its use – these are various diseases of the kidneys (especially pyelonephritis and hepatitis), liver, thyroid gland, peptic ulcer, atrial fibrillation.

Here are some ways to prepare medicines from this plant:

  • To obtain a special oil, fresh thyme is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:3, simmered for an hour and a half in a water bath, and then left overnight. The finished product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The oil is rubbed into the perineum to stimulate bioactive points.

  • 4 tablespoons of thyme are combined with oregano and mint, taken in a tablespoon. The mixture is poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water and kept overnight. The next day, the entire portion is drunk, divided into several doses per day.

Dubrovnik grass

Herbs and plants to increase potency

Traditional medicine ascribes “omnipotence” to the plant, since it has a pronounced stimulating effect, fights impotence and prostatitis, and solves the problem of frequent pollutions. The effectiveness of preparations based on Dubrovnik herb is due to the presence in it of many active microelements, essential oils and tannins. The restorative, tonic effect and beneficial effect on the genitourinary system make it an effective remedy against low potency caused by various causes.

Decoctions and infusions of dry Dubrovnik grass have healing properties, which have some laxative effect, therefore they are not recommended for people suffering from diarrhea. In the presence of kidney disease, the plant is also not worth using. Everyone else can safely use the medicinal properties of this herb, since there are no side effects from taking it.

We give recommendations on the use of this plant to increase potency:

  • 5 tsp chopped dry dubrovnik grass is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 45 minutes. Ready infusion is taken three times a day for a quarter cup.

  • In 300 ml of water throw 3 tbsp. l. dry dubrovnik grass and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes, filter and drink 50 ml four times a day half an hour before meals.

Dill for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

The benefits of this plant for men’s health were known to ancient healers; it was not for nothing that the famous Avicenna included it in the list of “lustful” herbs. The high content of vitamins, minerals, fatty and essential oils useful for potency made dill an indispensable component of the diet for existing problems with sexual activity. The ability to dilate blood vessels allows you to improve the blood supply to the penis and contribute to a long and lasting erection.

Only properly prepared weed can excite sexual desire. It is recommended to chop dill greens exclusively on glass and ceramic surfaces. It is the fresh plant that contains the highest concentration of nutrients and has a therapeutic effect, although in the writings of healers of past centuries there are recipes using dried dill stored for about 5 years, the herb with such exposure was considered the most effective.

Dill is actively used in cooking, so to prevent problems with the reproductive system, it is enough to include it in the daily menu. To enhance the therapeutic effect, infusions, teas, decoctions are prepared from it and added to combined herbal preparations.

But dill is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance, therefore, before starting treatment with this plant, it is necessary to consult with specialists. People with low blood pressure should not use it, and allergy sufferers should be careful and first check the body’s reaction to dill.

Here are some recipes:

  • A glass of dill seeds is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. ground valerian root and 2 cups honey. All components are mixed, placed in a thermos and topped up with boiling water to 2 liters. The infusion is defended for a day, after which it is taken in a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

  • A healing salad is prepared from several bunches of dill washed under running cold water, finely chopped, lightly salted and seasoned with sour cream.

But dill is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance, therefore, before starting treatment with this plant, it is necessary to consult with specialists. People with low blood pressure should not use it, and allergy sufferers should be careful and first check the body’s reaction to dill.


Herbs and plants to increase potency

The impact of this plant on the body is very diverse and covers many areas of health. Strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous system, increased blood circulation contributes to the solution of such potency problems as a weak and short erection or an insufficient level of libido. The diverse composition of useful elements contained in hawthorn improves overall well-being and adds energy to a person.

The therapeutic effect is provided by decoctions and infusions prepared from the flowers and berries of the plant. Do not use this remedy for too long, this can lead to bradycardia and a decrease in blood pressure. The combined use of hawthorn with cardiac glycosides should be under the strict supervision of cardiologists.

Here are some ways to use this plant to increase potency:

  • The tincture is made from a tablespoon of crushed dry hawthorn flowers, brewed with a glass of boiling water. They are infused for 15 minutes in a water bath, and then another 45 minutes at room temperature, then filtered. Take a quarter cup three times a day.

  • A tablespoon of the fruits of this plant is poured into 1,5 tbsp. boiling water and cook for half an hour over low heat. After cooling, filter and drink 50 ml before each meal.

Clove for potency

Herbs and plants to increase potency

This well-known spice belongs to the category of aphrodisiacs. Its systematic use enhances sexual desire and improves erection. This effect is due to the wide variety of useful substances that make up this plant. In addition, cloves normalize the functioning of the body as a whole, restore strength, and have a calming effect on the nervous system.

The spice is used to create healing infusions and added to medicinal milkshakes. But men with high acidity of the stomach, as well as an ulcer or gastritis, cannot take such a remedy, this also applies to people experiencing nervous overexcitation.

Here are some recipes for preparing potions from this spice to improve potency:

  • A tablespoon of honey, cloves and carrot juice are added to a glass of heated milk. Everything is thoroughly mixed and drunk before going to bed for 2 months.

  • A decoction of the ground part of the grass carnation, taken in the amount of two teaspoons and poured with a glass of boiling water, increases male viability. It is insisted for an hour and filtered, taken in a tablespoon 20 minutes before eating three times a day.

Golden root

Herbs and plants to increase potency

Alternative names are Rhodiola Rosea and Rose Root. As the name implies, the main useful elements are concentrated in the rhizome of the plant. Among them are essential oils, acids, tannins, sugars, anthraglycosides, flavonoids and manganese. The combination of these components allows using the golden root to fight fatigue, impotence, low immunity, weakening concentration and many other ailments. Rhodiola rosea is used by men to treat potency disorders, lack of sexual desire, gonadal dysfunction, premature ejaculation and to prolong the act of intercourse.

To get rid of sexual failure, the golden root is taken orally in the form of teas and tinctures, in the preparation of which the dosage is carefully monitored. Too much of the plant can provoke a state of extreme arousal, irritability, insomnia, panic and tachycardia. Hypertensive patients, people with heart disease and nervous disorders should refuse to use radiola rosea.

Recipes for the preparation of medicines based on this plant are given below:

  • To prepare a healing tea, take a teaspoon of powder from the rhizome of radiola rosea, steam it with boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour over low heat. The finished drink is infused for another half an hour, lemon, honey, mint or other ingredients are added to it as desired, diluted with water to a pleasant concentration and drunk instead of regular tea.

  • The tincture is made from half a kilogram of golden root, filled with half a liter of vodka and infused with occasional shaking in a dark, cold place for more than 2 weeks. The finished drug is taken in 1 ml, diluted in a tablespoon of water three times a day before meals.


Herbs and plants to increase potency

The action of this plant, also called agave, is aimed at improving the blood supply to the reproductive organ and restoring libido. For medicinal purposes, aloe juice is used, rich in vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and trace elements. Most often it is used in a mixture with other healing substances, such as wine, honey, lemons, nuts or medicinal plants, although there are recipes in which agave extract acts on its own.

Juice is extracted from the lower and middle leaves, which are the most developed, young shoots can be used. Freshly squeezed extract has the most pronounced healing properties, but can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Aloe juice has a laxative effect, so it is not recommended for use in the presence of abdominal pain, acute inflammation in the intestines, appendicitis, ulcers and intestinal obstruction. Treatment with aloe-based preparations should be agreed with the doctor.

Traditional medicine recommends taking this plant in violation of potency as follows:

  • Aloe leaves are kept at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C in a dark place for 10 days, and then juice is squeezed out of them. 100 g of the extract is mixed with the juice of 5 lemons, 400 g of honey and 600 g of walnuts (kernels). The remedy is taken before meals three times a day for a tablespoon.

  • Juice is extracted from the lower leaves of aloe in the amount of 150 g, 400 g of Cahors and 300 g of honey are added to it. The ingredients are mixed until smooth and infused for a week. Eat a tablespoon of the drug at each meal.

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