Herbapect Junior – syrup soothing cough in children. How long can Herbapect Junior be used?

Herbapect Junior is a syrup for children that soothes dry cough. It protects the mucosa against the influence of harmful irritants, reducing the cough reflex in people exposed to rapid changes in air temperature. It significantly improves the hydration of the throat (thanks to the Icelandic lichen extract) and facilitates the expectoration of mucus. Restores balance to tired vocal cords. The strong action of thyme and marshmallow cleanses unnecessary secretions, and the linden covers the epithelium with a protective layer. Thanks to vitamin C, the preparation increases the overall immunity of the body.

The product is intended for people over three years of age. It should be used under the supervision of the child’s adult guardian.

Herbapect Junior – composition

The syrup contains currant concentrate, water, sucrose, citric acid, sodium benzoate, flavor aroma, xanthan gum, as well as cough-relieving substances: marshmallow root extract and Icelandic lichen, thyme and linden.

Herbapect Junior – cena

Herbapect Junior is available in pharmacies at a price from PLN 7,99 to PLN 8,45 per pack. The flavors offered by the manufacturer are banana and raspberry.

Herbapect Junior – dosage

The syrup should be administered five times a day in a dose of 5 ml, measured with the measuring cup attached to the package. Ideally, your child should not take food or drink within half an hour of using the medicine, as Herbapect has the strongest throat regenerating effect during this time. Most of the ingredients have slightly expectorant properties, so the last dose should be administered at least four hours before bedtime, so that the throat can be cleared. If there is no improvement in the patient’s condition within 5 days, a doctor should be consulted. The syrup treatment should not be extended in case of its ineffectiveness, because the lack of effects may be a sign of more serious complications in a small patient. In this situation, consult a doctor immediately.

Adults can take Herbapect Junior at a dose of 15 ml three times a day (i.e. 45 ml per day).

The maximum dose is 25 ml for children and 45 ml daily for adults.

The product is usually sold in 100 ml bottles in a dark pharmacy glass with an attached measuring cup for easy dosing. Each package contains a leaflet with all the necessary details about the preparation.

Herbapect Junior – contraindications in use

In case of hypersensitivity to Icelandic lichen, marshmallow root, thyme, lime or any auxiliary substances contained in the preparation, do not use it. Carefully check the use-by date on the bottle before serving.

There were no problems with pregnancy and breastfeeding when using Herbapect Junior syrup in adults.

How many days after opening can Herbapect Junior be stored? How to store the drug?

Due to the high concentration of sucrose in the syrup, its use-by date is significantly extended after opening, because the sugar creates an osmotic pressure in the bottle that prevents the growth of bacteria. In the case of Herbapect, it is 24 months, but this date may change due to the method of storage. If the bottle is opened frequently, microbes can get into the bottle and contaminate the contents, so check the syrup before using it after a long period of storage. The preparation does not oxidize. If in doubt, see the sticker on the bottle or carton for the phrase “Use By” or the use-by date in months.

It is recommended to store in a dark place, inaccessible to children and in the closed original packaging. It is not necessary to keep the syrup in the refrigerator.

Herbapect Junior – reviews

Herbapect Junior is assessed by parents of young patients as a good preparation that is easy to dose thanks to the measuring cup. It can be stored for a long time without worrying about the expiry date, and the natural herbal ingredients known from our grandparents’ recipes work reliably, coating the throat with a protective layer.

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