Herbalife Diet

The Herbalife diet is a modern way of complex weight loss using the product line of the American company Herbalife. Manufacturers themselves do not consider their developments to be medicine. These are biologically active supplements designed to nourish the cells of the body. All components of dietary mixtures and cocktails are clearly balanced, contain herbal extracts, vitamin complex, amino acids, mineral salts.

Despite the distrustful attitude towards dietary supplements, Herbalife products help to improve mental activity, normalize metabolism, stabilize the digestive tract, strengthen immunity, cleanse the intestines and correct the figure. They maintain normal water balance throughout the day, speed up metabolism, promote fat burning, and in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition help to reduce weight.

Supplements: good, harm or placebo

Herbalife supplements include plant extracts, soy granules, herbal extracts, vitamins, macro- and microelements, protein concentrate. According to official data, they do not contain narcotic, toxic and other dangerous substances for the human body. The harm to products is rather based on the wrong judgments of unscrupulous representatives of the Company, who give completely ill-considered advice that poses a danger to health. So, unfortunate legends appeared about the healing power of Herbalife against diseases of the endocrine system, oncology. Self-proclaimed healers are a threat to the people who believed them.

The benefit from the use of dietary supplements is observed only in those patients who perfectly fulfill all the conditions of weight loss.

Fundamental principles for reducing body weight with Herbalife products: reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by 30% of the norm, drink plenty of water (3-4 liters per day), take all the necessary elements, vitamins and nutrients, lead a healthy lifestyle, to do physical exercises.

Weight loss programs

Depending on the objectives pursued, there are four options for reducing body weight: basic, extended, complete, stabilizing. Let us consider in more detail what each program is.

Variations of weight loss schemes:

  1. Basic. The main objective of this program is to saturate with nutrients that the body receives less in the process of following a dietary diet. The principle of the basic scheme is to simultaneously replace one / two meals with protein shakes.

The program includes: “Formula 1” – 3 packs, “Formula 2” – 1 pack, “Formula 3” – 2 packs. This is a good start to the weight loss process.

  1. Extended. It is a basic scheme, supplemented by Herbalife products that cleanse the body. These include: “Cell-u-loss”, activated fiber, cell activator, cleansing program – 1 pack each. New ingredients optimize metabolism, help restore fat and water balance. This scheme is recommended to practice for the second month of the fight against excess weight.
  2. Full. It is used after the excess volume has practically left the body, and the correct eating habits have already been formed. To achieve the ideal effect, the Herbalife diet suggests including products in the menu that stimulate additional fat burning. Of course, for these purposes, sources of vigor and energy will be needed. The full program is recommended for use in the third month of weight loss and includes all products of the extended scheme with the addition of NRG, Thermo Complit, Thermojetics tablets, 1 pack each.
  3. Stabilizing. Suitable for those people who have achieved the desired result and want to consolidate the result for a long time. The main idea of ​​the program is to gradually introduce a second meal into the menu, followed by a second portion of the cocktail. In fact, the drink from Herbalife is first left as dinner, and later taken instead of breakfast. The stabilizing program includes “Formula 1” – 2 packs, “Formula 2”, “Cell Activator”, “NRG” tablets – 1 pack each.

Herbalife Diet is an effective alternative to fashionable methods of losing weight, which allows not only to lose weight, but also to get in good physical shape.

The standard duration of each program is one month. At the same time, the terms of its use and the ingredient composition can be supplemented or changed depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. The most preferred treatment regimen is selected by a nutritionist.

Description of the main products

Herbalife is a nutrition system created on the basis of natural components of plant origin. Under the conditions of consumption, dietary supplements help to lose weight, improve well-being, normalize digestion and improve the body.

Main products:

  1. Protein shake “Formula 1”. It is an essential component of all Herbalife programs. The drink serves as a complete source of protein (16 g in one serving) and fiber, which are necessary for normalizing metabolic reactions that occur in the body, which contribute to the normalization of weight.

To prepare a protein shake, 30-45 g of the powder mixture is mixed with 250 ml of water, juice, milk, drinking yogurt or kefir. With the resulting drink, you can replace 2 meals (which ones – at your own discretion, losing weight), while not feeling hungry.

In addition to protein, one serving of the cocktail contains saturated and unsaturated fats, slowly and quickly digested carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, E, C, D, calcium caseinate, potassium chloride, lecithin, dandelion root, parsley, papaya, oat milk. Energy value – 190 kcal.

Interestingly, the 1 Formula can be used in sports for weight gain. In addition, plant-based protein is widely popular among vegetarians and people who observe religious positions.

The cocktail is available in wild berry, cream, cappuccino, vanilla and chocolate flavors.

  1. Multivitamin complex “Formula 2”. The main purpose of this product is to replenish the deficiency of useful nutrients in the body, the lack of which leads to metabolic disorders and the appearance of excess weight. The most common causes of vitamin deficiency are: chronic diseases, unbalanced nutrition and the use of low-quality products from an environmental point of view.

“Formula 2” contains vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, H, para-aminobenzoic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium , Zinc, Potassium, Mung Bean, Black Sesame Seeds, Echinacea, Ginger, Fennel Seeds, Garlic, Black Walnut, Hawthorn Berries, Gotu Kola, Couch Grass. Due to the balanced composition, the supplement normalizes the functioning of the body, has a tonic, tonic, anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to normalizing metabolism, the multivitamin complex improves digestion, stimulates blood circulation, slows down the formation of proteases, and supports the functioning of the nervous system.

The regimen: 3 once a day on the 1 tablet during meals.

  1. Protein mixture “Formula 3”. The product contains high quality soy and whey proteins necessary for weight loss and muscle building. The mixture is easily digestible and provides energy for a long time.
  2. Tablets “Cell-u-loss”. This is a plant complex created on the basis of iron, vitamin C, corn pestles, hydrangeas, juniper berries, kelp. The dietary supplement removes excess fluid from the tissues, smoothes loose areas of the dermis, and restores the natural water balance.
  3. Activated fiber. Reduces the absorption of fats that enter the digestive tract with food. This is a mixture of various types of fiber that “carry out” toxins from the body, give a feeling of satiety for a long time, which minimizes snacking between meals.
  4. Cell activator. Supplements which include zinc, manganese, copper, malic and citric acid salts, cayenne capsicum, chlorella powder, cordyceps, rhodiola, lactoferrin, vitamins B1, B2, B6. A cellular activator helps the body absorb nutrients, adds vitality, and has a cleansing effect on the body.
  5. NRG tablets. This is a tonic supplement based on natural guarana, the principle of which is aimed at raising vitality, acquiring a charge of vitality and maintaining health throughout the day. This is an excellent alternative to coffee for people leading a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Tablets “Thermo Complete”. The main purpose of the product is to optimize the weight loss process. Thermo Komplit suppresses hunger, stimulates fat burning at the cellular level, speeds up metabolism.
  7. Drink for weight loss “Thermojetics”. The main components of the composition are green tea extract, mallow and lemon peel. The drink stimulates digestion, energizes, breaks down fats, creates a feeling of satiety, resists “jumps” of insulin in the blood, and controls glucose levels.

Interestingly, after undergoing a course of weight loss and at the same time healing the body, the skin is cleansed, becoming smooth and elastic.

Menu for every day

Diet using Herbalife provides five meals a day, produced strictly on the clock.

The first dose is recommended immediately after waking up. On an empty stomach, it is drunk with Herbal Aloe concentrate dissolved in plain water, and after half an hour – a Formula 1 cocktail based on whey, mineral water or skim milk.

30 minutes before the next meal, it is recommended to enjoy Thermojetics tea.

The second intake is Herbalife protein bar and any fruit / vegetable.

As a standard, half an hour before lunch and dinner, you should drink a glass of clean water or Thermojetics tea.

The third meal consists of fresh / steamed vegetables, lean fish / meat (bran bread, cottage cheese with sour cream, sweet fruit).

The fourth reception falls on a protein bar and any fruit.

An hour after the meal, drink a cup of water.

The fifth meal (before bedtime) consists of a serving of Herbalife nourishing cocktail with the addition of fresh / frozen berries.

Despite the scarcity of the menu, the diet does not require tremendous effort and preparation. The first results become noticeable already after 3 of the day after observing a low-calorie diet. The main thing is to start the process of losing weight, give the body time to change from a normal diet to a diet.

Allowed and prohibited products

Herbalife’s secret to dietary nutrition is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates on the menu by increasing the content of high-quality protein. Proteins supply the building blocks for neurotransmitters, hormones, support muscle mass, supply the body with the necessary elements for its constant renewal. According to clinical studies, it has been established that weight loss is accelerated if the vast majority of incoming calories are of protein origin.

The allowed products are:

  • tofu, soy milk;
  • fresh fish, seafood;
  • kefir, cottage cheese;
  • low-fat cheeses with carbohydrate content not higher than 4 g;
  • egg whites, asparagus;
  • grape seed oil, avocado, flax, primrose;
  • beef and pork;
  • lentils, beans, lettuce, herbs, grapefruit;
  • chicken, turkey without skin.

As a source of carbohydrates use: broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, beans, unsweetened fruits, chicory, celery.

Limit the consumption of soy-based cheeses, apricots, blueberries, green peas, artichokes, asparagus, black currants, dark and red meats, corn oil, pears, plums, buckwheat, bananas, sunflower oil.


  • animal by-products;
  • fatty cheeses, yogurt, sweet milk;
  • processed meat: sausages, smoked fish, pastrami, bacon, sausage, ham;
  • avocado, chips;
  • wheat flour products;
  • watermelon, dates;
  • rice, semolina, beer, sweet soda;
  • coconut and butter.

If the Herbalife diet is observed, the person’s well-being improves, sleep improves, fatigue decreases, efficiency increases, and vigor appears. The technique guarantees 100% result. After a month of compliance with the diet, you can become easier on 3-5 kg.

Remember, the weight will go away gradually and as painlessly as possible for the body if you follow the fundamental principles of weight loss.

Side effects and contraindications

Herbalife weight loss preparations contain caffeine, ephedrine, whey and soy protein, so people with allergies, nervous disorders and diseases of the heart system should refuse to take them.

Other contraindications:

  • high blood pressure;
  • endocrine disruption;
  • suffered a stroke, heart attack;
  • chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • propensity to constipation;
  • diabetes;
  • increased stress levels;
  • a stomach ulcer.

Herbalife slimming products contain ephedrine and amphetamines, which are addictive. These chemical elements accelerate the metabolism, develop a sense of dependence.

Possible side effects during and after the course of diet therapy: reduced stress resistance, emotional instability (irritability, depression), a sharp jump in the level of female hormones in the blood of men, exacerbation of chronic, cardiovascular diseases.

Before you “sit down” on diet food, you should consult with your doctor.

Principles of successful weight loss

First of all, you need to follow the dynamics of weight change. To do this, it is necessary to weigh each 2-3 of the day, to measure its volumes and to record data in a table.

Secondly, you should tune in that the Herbalife diet will not bring quick results. The body will gradually rebuild, adapt to the new diet, which means the weight will go slowly.

Thirdly, you need to reduce your inactivity to a minimum. When exercising, muscle mass burns more calories than fat mass. Exercises on the treadmill should last 1 hour. Do not sit in front of the TV and computer for more than 45 minutes. Intense walking is useful, in which a person begins to sweat heavily after 50 minutes. It is at this moment that the body of a losing weight burns the most calories.

Fourth, you can not be lazy and feel sorry for yourself. First of all, it is worth remembering that you are at the stage of losing weight, fighting for a slim figure, when you can’t give up and compromise with yourself. The result will depend on the amount of effort involved.

Fifth, observe the water regime. With insufficient intake of clean fluid, intoxication of the body begins, constipation, fatigue, dizziness occur. To remove toxins and toxins, as well as maintain the water-salt balance, you should drink 3 to 4 liters of water daily.


Protein shakes, bars, pills from Herbalife – products for improving well-being and normalizing weight. Manufacturers assure that dietary supplements are absolutely safe to use, have high rates of effectiveness.

To lose weight, it is not enough just to eat right, you need to regularly exercise, move more, observe the water regime, and nourish the body with nutrients. Only with an integrated approach can the desired result be achieved – minus 4-7 kg in 4-6 weeks.

Remember, a beautiful body is the result of working on yourself, fat deposits will never start to go away if you do not make an effort, and muscles and relief will not appear if you do not perform minimal physical activity.

The Herbalife diet is a low-calorie protein weight loss method that provides 5 meals a day by the hour: breakfast (07.00-08.00), snack (10.00-11.00), lunch (13.00-14.00), snack (16.00-17.00), dinner (19.00-20.00) . The advantage of a protein diet is the rapid saturation of the body, which satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time and the stomach “does not ask for food” until the next meal.

The main assistants in the fight for a slim figure: Formula 1 cocktail, Formula 2 vitamin complex, Formula 3 mixture, Cell-u-loss and NRG tablets, Thermo Complete, Thermojetics drink, cell activator, activated fiber.

There are four weight loss programs with Herbalife: basic, extended, complete, stabilizing. Which of the selected schemes to give preference or go through each stage sequentially depends on the state of health, the amount of excess weight and the individual characteristics of the organism. To determine the ideal method of losing weight, it is recommended to seek help from a personal nutritionist.

Sources of
  1. Herbalife – Clinical Research

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