Herbal medicine – treatment in harmony with nature
Produkty Bonifraterskie Publication partner

More and more often, herbal medicine is becoming a supplement to conventional treatment and disease prevention. No wonder, because our grandmothers already knew about the benefits of herbs, which is confirmed today in numerous scientific studies. The thorough knowledge of their structure and function has resulted in the appearance of preparations that naturally alleviate the symptoms of many common diseases.

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine or phytotherapy is one of the varieties of natural medicine known for thousands of years. Treatment with herbs is currently very popular, being a good complement to conventional medicine. Extracts of herbs and plants are more and more thoroughly researched in scientific institutions and universities. Thanks to the growing knowledge, we can safely and effectively use them in medicinal products and dietary supplements.

Poles know, first of all, the herbal medicine of the Bonifratri, based on many years of experience and tradition. The Hospitaller Order of St. John of God has been operating in Poland for over 400 years and enjoys great trust among people who value natural methods of supporting health. For decades the Brothers Hospitallers developed unique recipes and herbal mixtures.

What is the importance of herbal medicine?

The main goal of the Bonifraters’ clinics is teaching. The brothers, based on documented scientific studies, as well as the tradition of using herbs, want to spread knowledge about herbal medicine. Importantly, members of the Order systematically work with many experts to improve their recipes.

By combining basic medical knowledge with phytotherapy, you can significantly reduce the side effects of many diseases. Active biological compounds contained in herbs are also used in the prevention of chronic diseases. Importantly, both adults and children can enjoy the benefits of herbs.

Preparations created by Bonifraters can be used in the course of, among others:

  1. sore throat
  2. loss of voice,
  3. angina,
  4. respiratory hypersensitivity,
  5. asthma,
  6. hoarseness
  7. pneumonia, sinusitis and bronchitis,
  8. inhalation allergies;
  9. and many other diseases.

It is worth reaching for herbal mixtures at any time of the year, but it is especially important in the autumn and winter season, when the body is more exposed to bacterial and viral infections.

Preparations of natural origin help soothe inflammation, expectorant and soothe, reduce runny nose and cough, increase sweating, and help reduce high fever. They are often used with antibiotics or taking antiviral medications. You can get them over the counter at most pharmacies. In order for such treatment to be completely safe, it is worth consulting a doctor before taking any supplement orally. In this way, the risk of side effects and side effects is reduced.

Jerozolimskie Balsams® – support for conventional treatment

Jerozolimski® balm is based on a multi-component, thick herbal extract. It is the result of years of trials and research into a unique, safe and effective recipe. It is the basis of many products dedicated to people with respiratory infections.

The Jerusalem Balsam® extract is composed of:

  1. elderberry flowers – soothes the symptoms of colds and is distinguished by antioxidant properties,
  2. elderberry juice – has a diaphoretic effect,
  3. linden flower – supports the body’s immune mechanisms,
  4. mullein flower – protects the mucous membranes of the throat and vocal cords, facilitates expectoration,
  5. chamomile flower – has anti-inflammatory properties, has antioxidant properties, which helps fight free radicals,
  6. Icelandic lichen thallus – creates an invisible coating on the surface of the throat mucosa, protecting it from damaging factors and moisturizing. This reduces the discomfort caused by hoarseness and coughing.
  7. thyme herb – soothes inflammation of the upper respiratory tract,
  8. lemon balm herb – calms you down, helps you fall asleep, soothes anxiety and irritability, supports natural immunity, 
  9. marshmallow root extract – protects the throat and respiratory tract.

The Order of Bonifraters produces products based on phytotherapy that can be successfully used against colds and flu. The offer includes, among others:

  1. Jerozolimski® Balsam® for children (for use from the age of 3) supporting the functioning of the immune system and respiratory tract. It is enriched with honey.
  2. Jerozolimski® Balsam® spray with propolis extract to be used to protect and support the physiological functioning of the pharyngeal mucosa.
  3. Jerozolimski® Forte lotion in the form of a liquid with the addition of L-ascorbic acid, coltsfoot, myrrh embalmer, pelargonium and pine buds. The preparation supports the body’s natural protective mechanisms and takes care of the respiratory tract.
  4. Jerozolimski® balm for the throat enriched with eucalyptus, menthol and mint oils, as well as honey. Lozenges are intended for people who want to ensure the proper functioning of the throat. 
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