Herbal medicine – for whom and how to do it? Natural medicine, herbs and recipes

Herbal medicine is the general name for therapies carried out with the use of various types of herbs. It is also a method that can be used alone at home, which can, however, be fatal – some herbs have a strong effect that causes undesirable effects in excess and may endanger health. For this reason, taking any herbs should be consulted with a doctor and be well acquainted with the effects of individual plants as well as possible side effects.

Herbal medicine – fashion or lifestyle?

When deciding on leczenie with the help of herbs, you need to be aware of the fact that herbal medicine is a variety of natural medicine, which, however, uses ingredients with sometimes very strong effects. Herbal medicine returns with the fashion for organic food and is liked in many environments, many famous people and institutions admit it. You often hear about herbalism of the Bonifraterswhich is based on its many years of experience and tradition in this field.

Herbal medicine – what do you need to know?

It is true that prepare a healing herbal infusionyou don’t always have to run to herbal shop for the ingredients you need. Living in the suburbs or in the countryside, you can find many specimens herbs on a daily walk. However, it is worth making sure that they come from an area not sprayed with chemicals and not to collect herbs near busy roads where cars are often used. Many herbs has a comprehensive effect, i.e. has a beneficial effect on the entire body, while others alleviate specific ailments. Some plants can have a really strong effect or adversely affect the body of certain people, e.g. due to selected diseases, allergies or food intolerances.

Heal All Tea – a mixture of herbs is considered a composition with many health properties. Even its name translates as “all-healing tea”. You can buy the mixture at Medonet Market.

Herbal medicine – recipes for health

Recipes na herbal infusions there is really a lot. Many of them can be used as a strengthening drink in the period of greatest morbidity. An excellent example is chamomile infusion or from nettle, as well as calendula. Calendula however, it has a much wider application, because v herbal medicine It is also used in the form of compresses on difficult-to-heal wounds, and as an ingredient in ointments in inflammatory and fungal conditions. Infusionthat can be used prophylactically, is the elderberry flower – thanks to the high amount of vitamin C, it strengthens immunity, helps reduce fever and shorten the duration of the disease, so it is worth having dried flowers of this plant and use it all year round. Very often herbal medicine it can also be a response to troubled nerves – lemon balm, mint, horsetail or fennel teas are very popular, inexpensive, and at the same time tasty ways to relieve yourself in a state of strong stress. However, do not overdo them, because they can result in too much drowsiness and dizziness.

If you want to use herbs in the kitchen, you can reach for Father Mateusz’s blend of 18 herbs.

Try our Relaxing Organic Herbal Tea with catnip, mint, verbena and lemongrass. For calming down and better sleep, buy organic herbal tea – Flower Bouquet. It has a relaxing effect and has a pleasant fragrance. On the other hand, Rose Garden – organic herbal and fruit tea tastes great both warm as a warming drink and cold, quenching thirst.

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