Her hair falls out in handfuls after COVID-19. «The courier brings another packet of tea towels almost every day»
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Even 10-15 percent. patients who go to doctors because of long covid have a problem with hair loss. Trifle? No, when after running your hand over your head, there are whole strands left in your hand. – At home I have a carpet of hair every now and then, and a courier knocks on the door almost every day with another packet of rubs and other cosmetics with which I try to save what is left – says Iza, whom long covid has been giving to the bone for three months. Hair loss is not the only symptom.

  1. Iza fell ill with COVID-19 in January this year. Initially, the infection was mild, but the symptoms worsened later. She even called an ambulance once
  2. As a healer, she experiences a number of ailments that she has never experienced before: high blood pressure, sharp drops in blood sugar, chest pain, and hair loss.
  3. The woman has had a series of studies behind her that did not answer the question of what was wrong with her
  4. – Sometimes I have the impression that stress is behind everything. Man lives in constant anxiety that something will happen to him, that he will become ill and will not recover from it. He carefully observes his body and catches every ailment, and stress turns up the pain – says Iza
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“I felt terrible”

Initially, Iza’s coronavirus infection was mild: symptoms of a mild cold, mainly joint pain and low-grade fever. However, after a few days, her condition worsened. – I had terrible pains all over my body, as if someone had kicked me seriously – pain with every touch. Headaches appeared, very strange sinus pains, fever. Once, because of her, I called an ambulance, because there was no way I could beat her. Saturation not the best, around 92-94. I felt terrible – he recalls.

The woman spent three weeks in bed. – I could lie down longer because I did not have the strength to get up, but my husband motivated me by saying that if I did not move, I would not get up at all. I got up, but the weakness did not leave me – he adds.

After contracting COVID-19, Iza experienced a significant deterioration in her health. She had been treated before, but – interestingly – her arrhythmia virus had not moved. It happened that a woman felt even better in this respect than before. Unfortunately, other ailments appeared.

First, two weeks after the infection, high blood pressure, then sudden spikes of sugar, which manifested not only with a huge appetite, but also trembling hands and muscle weakness, as in the case of hypoglycemia. – I wanted to eat all the time, preferably something sweet. If I didn’t, my hands were shaking and I felt weak as if I had run out of fuel. I was afraid to leave the house for a long time, I thought if I should carry sandwiches with me so as not to pass out somewhere – he says.

  1. Read also: “I’ve been suffering from COVID debts for two years now.” More and more people are struggling with this disease

Doctors suggested that it could be diabetes or thyroid disorders, but the diagnosis has not yet been confirmed. Besides, Iza does not believe in her, she has never had problems with either blood sugar or thyroid gland. Never before COVID-19.

In order for the hair to fall out less and thicken, it is worth trying out a Set of cosmetics for hair growth, which consists of: shampoo, burdock root oil and conditioner-mask.

“Every now and then I have a rug of hair at home”

What bothers Iza the most, however, is hair loss. She always had them thick, so she initially ignored the fact that there was more than usual in the bathtub. At one point, however, she noticed a clear thinning of her hairstyle. She heard from friends: “Don’t overdo it, you still have more hair than many women”, but she felt that something was wrong.

  1. Check it out: Hair can fall out after COVID-19. What to do? Experts advise

She got scared when her entire waist was left in her hand after she ran her hand over her head. She gave up dyeing and limited washing her hair to a minimum. – Does not help. At home, I have a rug of hair every now and then, and a courier knocks on the door almost every day with another package rubbers and other cosmetics with which I try to save what is left – he confesses.

The rest of the text below the video.

After reading the advice of convalescents struggling with the same problem on one of the Facebook groups, she started looking for a trichologist. Cost of the visit: PLN 450. Initial tests: PLN 600. – And this is only the beginning, then the treatment! I quit. For now, I am waiting for a hair test from a program funded by the municipality. It costs PLN 80, you can survive.

Iza often wonders why she experiences so many new ailments after COVID-19. – Sometimes it feels like stress is behind everything. Man lives in constant anxiety that something will happen to him, that he will get sick and will not recover from it. He carefully watches his body and catches every strange ailment. I even went to the HED once because of chest pain, because there is so much talk about it not to underestimate that this may be the first sign of a heart attack etc. Fortunately, the research did not show anything wrong – he says, adding that stress escapes from stress. work. – I am already retired, but I am still professionally active. I am an English teacher, I work from home. Constant contact with people definitely helps in dealing with the symptoms of long covid and not thinking about what is bothering me.

If your hair falls out, try Sea Buckthorn Birch Liner for Atopy. They are applied at least half an hour before washing. Betulin present in the preparation strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss.

  1. See also: “The helplessness was the worst.” Dorota was 38 days in a coma. After COVID-19, she had to learn to breathe, talk, and walk again

The long tail of COVID-19 and a long list of its symptoms

Long covid is a very serious medical problem that affects thousands of convalescents. The list of ailments they struggle with is long. The most common are breathing problems and heart problems, as well as neurological problems with the so-called brain fog at the forefront. Patients complain of impaired concentration and sleep, skin problems and chronic fatigue. Many of these ailments last for months, and patients treat them with the support of several specialists. Some people decide to undergo postovid rehabilitation, during which they undergo comprehensive systemic therapy.

  1. See also: There will be no more referrals for rehabilitation after COVID-19. Doctors outraged

Have you been infected with COVID-19 and are worried about the side effects? Check your health by completing a comprehensive research package for convalescents.

Hair loss that Iza struggles with is one of the more common problems reported by women suffering from long covid. According to Medonet, Dr. Michał Chudzik, MD, a cardiologist and internist coordinating the treatment of long-tail COVID-19 patients, reported this problem to his program (“STOP-COVID”) about 10-15 percent. female patients.

– Some admit that they have already bought wigs because the loss of hair was so large and visible that they felt a great deal of discomfort when looking at themselves in the mirror or leaving the house – said the doctor, adding that very often hair loss is associated with chronic stress in these women.

Take care of your hair and prevent it from falling out. Order EPTADERM hair cosmetics today. We recommend the EPTA HAIR anti-loss energy shampoo or the EPTA HAIR anti-loss hair lotion, which you can buy separately at medonetmarket.pl or in the EPTA HAIR anti-hair loss kit.

  1. Also read: Eight surprising symptoms of long covid. The healers must be alert

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.

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