Hepatitis – symptoms and treatment of hepatitis A and B. What are the warning signs?

Hepatitis is an inflammation most often caused by viruses, alcohol or a poor diet. We distinguish acute and chronic hepatitis. The first symptoms of the disease are yellow sclera of the eyes, altered urine color and indigestion.

What is hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammation that is most often caused by the presence of viruses in the body, a poor diet, or excessive alcohol consumption. Hepatitis may be chronic or acute. The first symptoms of the disease are indigestion, altered urine color and yellowing of the sclera.

The causes of hepatitis

There are many possible causes of hepatitis. The most common cause is viral inflammation, while the disease is less frequent due to genetic and storage diseases. The factor that significantly affects liver diseases is, of course, alcohol, which, when consumed in excessive amounts, damages liver cells, causes failure of this organ and cirrhosis.

Sexual life is also important – hepatitis B can be infected by unprotected sexual intercourse (it is also possible in the case of hepatitis C, although the risk is negligible here).

Types of hepatitis

The most common types of hepatitis include:

1. Autoimmune hepatitis: it is more common in women of all ages. However, people with rheumatism, hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes, and immunodeficiency are predisposed to this type of hepatitis. In younger people, autoimmune hepatitis is more aggressive.

2. Viral hepatitis: we divide them into acute and chronic hepatitis (due to the time elapsed from the first contact with the antigen and the causative agent). We also divide viral hepatitis according to the cause of the disease:

  1. hepatotropic virus A (HAV): is usually transmitted through the ingestion and is closely related to the lack of proper hygiene,
  2. hepatotropic virus B (HBV): infections occur as a result of surgical procedures during which the continuity of the tissues is broken and virus particles enter the blood. In addition, we can get HBV through sexual contact. There is a risk that a pregnant woman may pass the virus to her baby around the time of birth. That is why newborns are vaccinated against hepatitis B during the first day of life.
  3. hepatotropic virus type C (HCV): it is the most dangerous of all. Although there is still no vaccine for it, there is an effective treatment, and the drugs are 100 percent. reimbursed. – Almost every case can be cured in two or three months without side effects – said Sebastian Gawlik from the Urszula Jaworska Foundation in an interview for MedTvoiLokona. Entire interview: Contact with HCV could have been 90 percent. Poles. The first symptoms even after 30 years.

The risk of HCV infection is where damage to the skin can occur (the pathogen is transmitted through contact with infected blood). HCV can therefore be found in poorly secured aesthetic medicine offices, dental offices, and tattoo studios. Infections also happen in hospitals, but not as often as they used to be.

  1. hepatotropic virus type D (HDV): coexists with HBV infections (it never appears on its own),
  2. Hepatotropic virus type E (HEV): can be infected by ingestion, but is very rare.

The course of viral hepatitis will be alleviated by appropriate supplementation. For this purpose, we recommend the regular use of Baicalin – Baikal Thyroid – Doctor Life dietary supplement.

3. Alcoholic hepatitis: is caused by the consumption of alcohol, which leads to necrosis and damage to hepatocytes. The symptoms of this type of inflammation are:

  1. tiredness,
  2. general weakness
  3. pain in the right hypochondrium,
  4. cachexia from large amounts of alcohol.

The best way to fight the disease is to stop drinking alcohol, that is, to eliminate the risk factor. If patients continue to drink alcohol, chronic inflammation and eventually cirrhosis can develop.

These types of hepatitis often lead to irreversible changes in the liver. Alcohol and viral hepatitis can be prevented by reducing a number of risk factors. When it comes to autoimmune hepatitis, this cannot be prevented.

Symptoms of hepatitis

The symptoms of viral hepatitis vary greatly depending on whether it is acute or chronic. However, among the most common symptoms accompanying hepatitis, we can distinguish:

  1. jaundice
  2. low-grade fever and fever,
  3. an enlarged liver.

In addition, it may appear:

  1. abdominal pain,
  2. indigestion,
  3. nausea,
  4. tiredness,
  5. weakness,
  6. somnolence.

Do you experience excessive sleepiness, weakness or stomach pain? Do not ignore any symptoms and consult a specialist as soon as possible. You can choose the online visit option and receive an e-consultation, e-Referral and e-Prescription quickly.

Hepatitis – diagnosis

Laboratory tests are important in diagnosing hepatitis. What suggests liver dysfunction?

  1. high bilirubin levels,
  2. high levels of liver transaminases,
  3. fluctuating serum albumin concentration,
  4. coagulation disorders,
  5. disturbed proportions of cells (blood count).

Liver package – you can buy diagnostic tests at Medonet Market. You will use it to test albumin, liver tests, HBs antibodies and HCV antibodies.

Hepatitis – Management

In hospital or home procedures aimed at improving the patient’s health, the following are important:

  1. rest – promotes the increase of blood flow with nutrients and regenerating substances through the liver,
  2. alleviation of inflammatory cells in the liver with proper nutrition of the patient, i.e. dietary, protein-carbohydrate, fresh, not preserved, rich in vitamins B and vitamin C,
  3. alcohol withdrawal.

Do you want to check if your liver is working properly? You can buy a package of relevant research in Medonet Market

Hepatitis – Treatment

Treatment of hepatitis can only be carried out by a doctor. It requires regular cooperation and patience from the patient and the leader. It is worth knowing that the treatment of HBV and HCV takes place under the drug program of the Ministry of Health and is fully reimbursed for insured persons.

In the case of hepatitis A, there is no need for special treatment with pharmacological agents (there is no preparation that speeds up the removal of the virus from our body) – usually a large amount of rest and a slightly digestible diet are enough. The patient’s diet should be high in carbohydrate, normal protein, and reduced fat (more on this).

It is best to treat by prevention, i.e .:

  1. in the case of viral hepatitis A – strict adherence to daily hygiene,
  2. in the case of viral hepatitis B – careful selection and control of blood donors and preparations prepared by the blood service, and above all the use of needles, syringes and single-use drip and transfusion devices, or their sterilization under pressure.

As an adjunct in the treatment of viral hepatitis, bee bee can be used, which accelerates cell regeneration and renewal.

Hepatitis – liver abscess

A liver abscess is a lumpy inflammation of the liver in which there is liquid pus. Within it, bacteria multiply, which can provoke further inflammation. Symptoms of a liver abscess are:

  1. high fever,
  2. chills,
  3. sometimes sweating
  4. dull pain in the right hypochondrium,
  5. a more or less pronounced sub-jaundice state,
  6. enlarged liver.

Liver abscess is treated with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. If there is a risk that other organs will become infected, the abscess is surgically removed.

As a preventive measure, you can try a natural dietary supplement with curcumin and black pepper that regulates the work of the liver.

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  2. Poles on a diet. What are we doing wrong? Explains the nutritionist
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