Hepatitis B vaccination

The hepatitis B vaccine is one of the routine and mandatory vaccinations for children. The ongoing immunization is aimed at reducing the incidence of this disease. In addition, this vaccine is also recommended for adults.

This vaccine is made from an inactivated hepatitis B virus. After the vaccine is administered, the body’s immune system begins to recognize and fight the virus, which reduces the risk of disease. Since none of the vaccines guarantees XNUMX% protection, there is still a chance of getting sick.

Who is eligible for vaccination?

Everyone knows that vaccination is indicated for children and is carried out in three stages. The first vaccination is given in infancy, even before discharge from the hospital. In the event that the baby’s mother is a carrier of this virus, then the child is vaccinated immediately after birth. The second vaccination is done at 1-2 months, and the last one is done at six months. Babies who have not received a vaccine at 1-2 months usually receive a second at 4 months, and a third from 6 months to 16. It is worth noting that both the second and third shots are given in parallel with other mandatory vaccinations for children. Teenagers and children who have not received an injection against the hepatitis B virus need to be vaccinated urgently.

Adults who have not been immunized with the vaccine should receive it if they work in the health care sector, have contact with people who have been previously infected, have multiple sexual partners, or use drugs. It also includes people awaiting organ transplants or chemotherapy, people on dialysis, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, and HIV infection.

Adults are given the hepatitis B vaccine, or a vaccine that protects against both hepatitis B and hepatitis A. Full vaccination is given in three injections.

Goals of vaccination

The consequences of this disease are dramatic, as more than 800 people die from hepatitis B each year. Vaccination is not only the main and important means of preventing viral hepatitis, but also the possibility of protecting against the occurrence of liver cancer. The basis for the prevention of this disease is a vaccine. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, all babies should be vaccinated on the first day of their lives.

It is important to understand that after vaccination, more than 95 percent of infants, children of other ages and young people develop protective levels of antibodies that last for twenty years, and for some, a lifetime.

Vaccine effectiveness

The hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective and has been used since 1982. Since that time, more than 1 doses of vaccine against this disease have been administered worldwide.

Statistics show that vaccination has had an impact on reducing rates of chronic hepatitis among immunized people.

Conducting a course of immunization produces immunity in 90% of those vaccinated. Vaccinations can reduce the incidence of hepatitis by a factor of 30 and prevent many of the deaths that occur due to hepatitis B. In addition, the risk of the disease in those born to infected mothers is reduced by a factor of 20.

Most researchers refer to the hepatitis B vaccine as the “cancer vaccine”. This is because it prevents the spread of infection, which can eventually lead to the development of carcinoma.

What should be done before vaccination?

Before the introduction of the vaccine, an examination should be scheduled: a blood and urine test, on the basis of which the doctor can determine the presence of chronic diseases and the inflammatory process. 2 days before vaccination and within 3-4 days after vaccination, it is recommended to avoid crowded places. This includes shops, swimming pools, cultural events. After vaccination, you can take a shower, but you can not rub the injection site and wash it with water from a lake or river, as infection can occur.

The vaccine should not be administered if a child or adult complains of feeling unwell. If the vaccine is given to an adult, it is worth remembering that in this case you should not drink alcohol and too spicy food. It is not recommended to introduce new dishes into the diet of children a week before vaccination against hepatitis B and immediately after it.

It is equally important to stay in the first half hour after the procedure under the supervision of a doctor. In the event of a reaction in a medical facility, they will be able to provide first aid correctly and quickly.

Post-vaccination reaction

Modern vaccines against this disease are characterized by a sufficiently high degree of purification, about 95% of their volume is represented by antigen. In addition, each vaccine contains only one antigen, the content of which is micrograms. It is for this reason that these vaccinations are among the safest and are easily tolerated.

The most typical post-vaccination reaction is changes at the injection site. Approximately 10% of those vaccinated note redness and induration, as well as slight discomfort when moving. This result may be due to the fact that the vaccine contains aluminum hydroxide to enhance the reaction at the injection site. Thus, as many immunocompetent cells as possible will come into contact with the antigen.

Much less often, vaccinated people have more unpleasant symptoms: fever, weakness, and malaise. These reactions are to be expected if they resolve without treatment within a few days. If a child or an adult has similar symptoms for a rather long period of time, you should consult a doctor.


If a child or adult has exacerbated chronic diseases, vaccination should be postponed. If the baby is born prematurely, then this procedure should also be postponed until the baby’s body weight returns to normal. If a person has had chemotherapy that has affected the immune system, the vaccination should be postponed for a couple of months. Contraindications to hepatitis B vaccination are pregnancy, AIDS, malignant diseases.

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