Hepatitis B

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Hepatitis B (HBV) is the cause of high morbidity and a high percentage of deaths in especially epidemiological continents. Usually, infection occurs by breaking the continuity of the tissues and introducing the virus into the bloodstream through non-sterile needles (infected with a virus that comes from the blood of other individuals). Infection is also possible at the hairdresser, beautician or as a result of sexual contact with an infected person.

What is hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B (HBV) is a liver disease that can lead to continued carriage and cause cirrhosis and malignancies. The infection can also occur intrauterine or perinatally. After entering the body, HBV causes viral proteins to multiply in the membrane of liver cells. The number of chronically infected with HBV in Poland is not precisely defined.

Hepatitis B has a mean breeding period of: 60–90 days (but it can be as long as six months).

The causes of hepatitis B infection

Hepatitis B infection results from close contact with damaged body fluids and the blood of the infected person. Even trace amounts of blood are enough for infection. In addition, hepatitis B infection may occur during hospitalization or in other medical facilities, during:

  1. blood transfusions;
  2. transfusion of blood-like agents (infected with HBV);
  3. blood sampling and contact with contaminated needles / syringes;
  4. visits to a dentist who performs drilling or scaling;
  5. an organ transplant from a person who is infected with HBV;
  6. dialysis;
  7. endoscopic examinations.

We get infected with viros hepatitis B not only in medical facilities, it can also be:

  1. hairdressing and beauty salons (various treatments, ear piercing);
  2. acupuncture performed (contaminated needle);
  3. tattoo parlor (poorly decontaminated equipment);
  4. relationships with multiple partners.

The elements influencing the transition from acute hepatitis B to chronic hepatitis include: gender (men), elderly people, perinatal infection, early childhood infection, non-jaundice course of the acute period of the disease, immunopression, soul, number of particles causing infection, mild period of acute HBV inflammation.

Factors that do not influence the occurrence of hepatitis B

Factors that do not contribute to the development of hepatitis B include:

  1. kissing;
  2. breast-feeding;
  3. cough;
  4. sneezing;
  5. using the same plates, glasses or cutlery as other people;
  6. foods;
  7. water;
  8. hugging;
  9. handshake.

Hepatitis B – how do we get infected?

Type B viral infection can be caught through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person (it can also be anal or oral intercourse). Infections occur as a result of contact with sperm or vaginal discharge, so it is very important to use condoms, but remember that they do not protect us XNUMX%. It is not uncommon for a condom to break or slip off during intercourse, but this is mainly due to not knowing how to use it correctly. It is also important to pay attention to any types of sores or sores that occur in the genital area as these can also lead to infection.

Warning: sex during menstruation should be avoided.

Symptoms of hepatitis B

The symptoms of hepatitis B depend on the amount of viruses in the patient’s body and the state of the patient’s immune system. The main symptoms of the disease are presented below.

1. Leading symptoms of hepatitis B: They are not special, they usually resemble flu-like symptoms. Patients complain of muscle pain, joint pain, high temperature, general weakness and fatigue. In addition, there are symptoms in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or lack of appetite – resulting from the enlargement of the liver.

2. Symptoms of advanced hepatitis B: patients may develop beer-colored urine, pale stools, jaundice, enlarged spleen and liver and pain in the right hypochondrium. Occasionally (although very rarely), an acute form of hepatitis B develops and consequently requires a liver transplant.

3. Symptoms of chronic hepatitis B: hepatitis B becomes chronic in several percent of adults. Then the clinical symptoms of acute infection usually disappear, although the disease continues, and years later it causes complications such as cirrhosis of the liver. Where is it coming from? Well, HBV infects cells in the liver all the time. The chronic period of the disease is characterized by:

  1. bleeding from the gums and nose,
  2. itchy skin
  3. dilated blood vessels.

Hepatitis B diagnosis

The diagnosis of hepatitis B is based on a medical history and additional tests. Among the methods that are designed to detect HBV infection, the following tests are available:

  1. biochemical (ASPAT, ALAT, ALP, bilirubin, GGTP);
  2. serological (most often: p / body: anti-HBc, anti-HBe, anti-HBs; antigens: HBsAg, HBeAg);
  3. auxiliary (here we can distinguish coagulation test, ESR, morphology, total protein, albumin level);
  4. qualitative and quantitative determination of viral DNA in serum;
  5. imaging and histopathology (biopsy, ultrasound, X-ray examination);
  6. specialist, e.g. in the case of cirrhosis of the liver.

Treatment of hepatitis B

There is no treatment that can eliminate HBV from the body. Recommendations for acute inflammation are similar to those for hepatitis A. The patient should rest in bed, do not overload the liver and exercise limitations. In addition, it is important to follow a proper, easily digestible diet, drink plenty of fluids and most importantly: avoid alcohol and tobacco! In the case of the development of chronic hepatitis B, pharmacological agents are used to limit the multiplication of the virus in the body, such as lamivudine or alpha interferon. It is very important that the chronic form of hepatitis B does not cause cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma.

As an aid against hepatitis, use bee bee, which has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Also Baicalin – Baikal thyroid – Doctor Life dietary supplement has a soothing effect on the course of hepatitis.

Prophylaxis in hepatitis B

Prophylaxis of HBV infection should include:

  1. testing of blood donors for the presence of HBV;
  2. registration of each new illness;
  3. thorough sterilization of medical equipment;
  4. using disposable medical equipment (if sterilization is not possible);
  5. the use of disposable gloves by medical workers, etc.;
  6. protective vaccination against hepatitis B, which is mandatory for all newborns before they are discharged from the hospital (the next dose of the vaccine is given at 2 and 7 months of age);
  7. protective vaccination, which should be subjected to all health care workers, patients before surgery or other invasive medical procedures.

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