Hepatil – composition, action, indications and contraindications, dosage, price, substitutes

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Hepatil is a dietary supplement supporting the proper functioning of the liver and supporting fat metabolism. It owes its properties to L-ornithine L-aspartate and choline bitartrate, which are the active substances of the preparation. Hepatil is recommended to be used most often in the case of liver problems and during a high-fat diet. What are the indications and contraindications for the use of Hepatil? How does Hepatil support the liver? What is the composition of the preparation and how to dose it?

Liver – how to support its proper functioning?

The liver is an important organ in the human body responsible for many important functions. The main tasks of the liver are to cleanse and filter the blood from toxic substances, participate in the process of metabolism and perform the immune function.

The liver is not an innervated organ, so in the event of a malfunction in its functioning, we will not feel any pain. It is important to observe other symptoms such as a constant feeling of fatigue, increased appetite for sweets, intensification of allergic ailments or digestive system ailments, e.g. flatulence, constipation, diarrhea.

The work of the liver is negatively affected mainly by errors in nutrition, drugs, viruses and parasites, environmental toxins and food poisoning.

The liver, which shows regenerative abilities and is able to return to its previous shape and size after a few months, often requires support. In pharmacies, there are preparations that show an effect not only in the case of diagnosed liver problems, but also preparations with a prophylactic effect and supporting the functions of the liver.

An example is Hepatil, which is a dietary supplement showing the action of supporting the work of the liver in order to maintain it in good condition and prevent its impairment.

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Hepatil – general characteristics of the drug

The liver is an organ whose main function is bile production, metabolism, storage, detoxification and filtering. The work of the liver can be supported by medicinal preparations that support its function and contribute to the proper metabolism of fats.

One of such preparations is Hepatil, which is a dietary supplement, in the form of tablets. The active substance of the preparation is L-ornithine L-aspartate and choline bitartrate, which support the work of the liver.

The Marketing Authorization Holder for Hepatil is Teva Pharmaceutical, which has been operating since 1901 and is a world leader in generics and biopharmaceuticals.

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Hepatil – composition and action

The active substance of Hepatil is L-ornithine L-aspartate and choline bitartrate. One Hepatil tablet contains 100 mg of L-ornithine L-aspartate and 35 mg of choline.

The remaining substances included in the preparation are a filler: microcrystalline cellulose with colloidal silica and anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, talc, silicon dioxide.

L-ornithine L-aspartate is a substance supporting the processes of liver detoxification. This amino acid participates in the synthesis of urea from ammonia, regenerates damaged liver cells and has a positive effect on the transformation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. Orintin also increases the tolerance to the substance damaging the liver parenchyma.

The second active substance of Hepatil, choline, supports the liver and contributes to the proper metabolism of fats. Choline is also known as vitamin B4.

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Hepatil – indications for use

Hepatil, which is a dietary supplement, is indicated for use to support the work of the liver, which is subject to daily and periodic harmful effects, e.g. poor diet, used stimulants and medications. The use of Hepatil is indicated in cases of:

  1. acute hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, regardless of their etiology;
  2. pre-coma and hepatic coma;
  3. acute, subacute and chronic hyperammonaemia;
  4. fatty liver;
  5. tendency to cholelithiasis;
  6. people abusing alcohol and using a hard-to-digest diet;
  7. nervous system disorders associated with low levels of acetylcholine in the brain;
  8. long-term stress and increased nervous tension.

Choline, the active substance of Hepatil as an antioxidant that protects against free radicals and against oxidation, affects:

  1. stopping the build-up of fat and cholesterol in the liver;
  2. has a positive effect on kidney function, regulating the amount of urine excreted;
  3. lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, which regulates the body’s lipid metabolism;
  4. cleanses the liver of harmful substances such as toxins, viruses, etc .;
  5. is involved in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine;
  6. helps to maintain the proper metabolism of homocysteine;
  7. facilitates the transport of fats from the liver to other organs;
  8. produces and maintains the myelin sheaths that ensure proper nerve conduction.

On the other hand, the second active ingredient of Hepatil, i.e. L-ornithine L-aspartate, takes part in the detoxification process of ammonia, resulting from protein metabolism: urea synthesis and glutamine synthesis.

Hepatil – contraindications

Hepatil being a dietary supplement, despite its indications, may not always be taken by patients suffering from liver problems.

Hepatil should be avoided by people who are allergic to any of the ingredients, ie choline, L-ornithine L-aspartate or excipients.

Certain diseases and circumstances may also constitute a contraindication to the use of Hepatil or a change in the dosage of the preparation. The dietary supplement should not be used by people with renal insufficiency and an enzymatic disorder of amino acid metabolism.

Contraindication to the use of Hepatil is pregnancy and breastfeeding. The use of the preparation requires consultation with a doctor or pharmacist during this period. Like any dietary supplement, Hepatil cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet, but only as a preparation supporting a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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Hepatil – precautions

The use of Hepatil requires the following precautions:

  1. you can not exceed the recommended dose during the day;
  2. do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any of the supplement’s ingredients;
  3. not recommended for use by pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  4. do not use as a substitute for a varied diet;
  5. store the package at room temperature, out of the reach of small children.

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Hepatil – drug dosage

Hepatil is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets for oral use. It is recommended to be taken after eating high-fat meals that can overburden the liver.

Adults and children over 7 years of age should use 1 to 2 tablets, 3 times a day, washing them down with a small amount of water.

Do not exceed the recommended doses, because it will not increase the effectiveness of the preparation, and may be harmful to health or life. In case of any doubts regarding the use of the supplement, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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Hepatil – side effects

There are currently no data available on a possible adverse effect of Hepatil. In the event of side effects after using the supplement, consult a doctor or pharmacist.

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Hepatil – availability and price

Hepatil is an over-the-counter dietary supplement that we can buy at a stationary pharmacy, online pharmacy or other service outlets. This preparation is in the form of tablets sold in packages containing 40 or 80 tablets.

Hepatil is not refundable and its price is about PLN 16 for a package of 40 tablets and about PLN 25 for a package of 80 tablets. Prices may slightly vary depending on the pharmacy or other factors that sell this supplement.

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Hepatil – a method of storing the drug

Keep Hepatil in the original carton, keeping the package leaflet with the information about the medicine. The place where the supplement is stored should be inaccessible to children, not sunny and dry with room temperature.

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Types of Hepatil supplement

Apart from the basic form of the Hepatil dietary supplement, the market offers two types of this preparation, ie Hepatil Slim and Hepatil Complex 4 in 1.

Hepatil slim was created for modern women. This preparation is intended to support the work of the liver and supplement the diet with ingredients supporting the proper metabolism of fats and maintain a healthy body weight. This preparation includes Choline and Yerba Mate, which affect the health of the liver and maintain a slim figure. Hepatil slim should be used after a heavy and hard-to-digest meal, as well as during the period of fat reduction. The recommended daily dose is 6 tablets, taken three times a day, two tablets each. The supplement is available without a prescription and the package contains 3 tablets, and its price is about PLN 60 per package.

Comprehensive support for the condition of the liver is possible thanks to another dietary supplement, which is Hepatil Complex 4 w 1. It is a preparation with the only X-Formula on the market, the substances of which are crucial for the proper functioning of the liver and the human body. It owes its versatile effect to such ingredients as: phospholipids, choline, vitamin E and vitamin B6. The use of Hepatil Complex affects the building of cell membranes, regulates the metabolism of fats in the body, protects and protects against free radicals and supports the energy metabolism of cells. This supplement should be taken three times a day, one tablet each. The preparation is available without a prescription, and a package containing 50 capsules costs about PLN 20.

What products should be avoided so as not to damage the liver? Read: Eight worst foods for the liver

Hepatil – replacements

Hepatil is not the only dietary supplement that supports liver function. There are also other preparations available in pharmacies that can be used to support the work of the liver.

Cholispar is, like Hepatil, a dietary supplement supporting the functioning of the liver. The active substances of the preparation are choline and ornithine, which are amino acids involved in the nitrogen transformation of the body. This preparation, just like Hepatil, can supplement the daily diet, as well as the diet in states of increased demand for these ingredients.

Cholispar is indicated for use in the same cases as Hepatil, i.e. to support the proper functioning of the liver and improve fat metabolism. The use of Cholispar is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes or taking antidiabetic drugs, as this supplement contains sucrose.

The difference between Hepatil and Cholispar is the form in which the latter occurs. This preparation is in the form of a powder in sachets for an orally administered solution. An adult is recommended to use 1 sachet dissolved in 0,5 – 1 glass of water a day. The package contains 30 sachets, where 1 sachet contains 900 mg of ornithine L-aspartate and 100 mg of choline. The price of the preparation ranges from PLN 22 to PLN 30 and is available without a prescription.

Another dietary supplement that can be used as a replacement for Hepatil is HepaOrnithine, which contains choline and ornithine. This supplement comes in the form of tablets sold in packages containing 40 tablets, where one tablet contains 100 mg of L-ornithine L-aspartate and 30 mg of choline. This supplement, like Hepatil, supports liver functions and fat metabolism. The preparation is used with a meal, 1 tablet 3 times a day. The supplement is available without a prescription and its price ranges from PLN 7 to PLN 8.

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Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to halodoctor.pl, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.

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