We care about our appearance, we use various diets to guarantee a slim figure. Theoretically, we know more and more about a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, in practice it does not look so optimistic, which can be seen perfectly on the example of the results of the National Liver Study (the organizer of the action was the owner of the Hepatil dietary supplement brand). As it turns out, the knowledge of a statistical Pole about this very important organ is not particularly impressive. Meanwhile, the role of the liver in the functioning of the entire body is huge and you must know how to take care of it.
We don’t know much about the liver
The results of this test show that there is still a lot to be done when it comes to knowledge about the liver, its functions, research and activities that will ensure its health and proper functioning. The study conducted on the recommendation of the Hepatil brand shows, among others, that just over half of the respondents know how to properly care for the liver. At the same time, it mainly indicates a healthy and balanced diet. Unfortunately, only 25% of respondents care for this organ, and only 33% plan to take care of the liver in the future. The fact that only every third Pole is able to indicate tests detecting abnormalities in the functioning of the liver is also not optimistic, and unfortunately, as many as 79% of respondents have never done any tests in this direction. Well, the results are what they are, so the most important thing is to improve both the state of knowledge on this subject, as well as practical, specific actions for the benefit of the liver.
Liver – what you need to know!
On the website of the manufacturer of the Hepatil supplement, we will find not only these not very constructive results. The brand’s contribution to awareness that the liver is an extremely important organ and the transfer of knowledge about its functions in an accessible way is also very important. So let’s see what everyone (not only Poles) should know about the liver.
It is our largest internal organ, and it is safe to say that the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is not without reason that it is called a laboratory where processes of key importance to life take place. Suffice it to say that over 5000 vital functions and over 500 chemical processes inside the human body depend on the liver. Impressive, right?
What else does the Hepatil brand say about the liver and its functions? For example, we find out that:
- the liver plays the most important role in detoxifying the body from external toxins and toxins produced inside,
- provides an “injection” of vitamins and minerals stored for the body’s needs,
- converts the supplied food into the energy we need.
- as a producer of bile, it helps to digest consumed fats and enables the absorption of nutrients,
- provides a specific detox of substances contained in drugs and stimulants taken,
- participates in thermoregulation processes.
What can we do for the liver?
We already know that the liver is very important and that you need to take care of it. Fortunately, the manufacturer of the Hepatil supplement does not leave us with only this knowledge. On the website we also find a number of practical tips on what we should do for our liver:
- limiting (or even completely giving up) stimulants, especially alcohol, which is harmful to the liver,
- eating a balanced, varied diet that includes vegetables. You should eat 4-5 regular meals a day, caution is also recommended in the case of slimming diets,
- physical activity – healthy movement is a better condition of the body, proper body weight – as a consequence, we protect the liver against fat,
- taking medications carefully, most of them can have an adverse effect on the liver,
- providing the body with substances necessary for the proper functioning of the liver, such as choline, ornithine, phospholipids).
The substances mentioned above support the work of the liver, while, for example, in the case of choline, the body does not produce it in sufficient quantities. That is why a proper diet and proper supplementation are so important. Hepatil contains the mentioned ingredients – L-ornithine L-aspartate and choline, thanks to which it supports the liver and helps metabolize fats. It’s also good to have on hand Hepatil Digestion, whose effectiveness results from the content of peppermint oil, artichoke herb extract and milk thistle extract.
Although the results of the test commissioned by the Hepatil brand are not very optimistic, it is worth believing in the educational significance of such tests. Especially that you can not only read the report on knowledge about the liver, but also learn a lot about it. The study also showed that every third Pole considers the HEPATIL brand to be an expert in supporting the work of the liver*, so we know for sure how important effective supplementation is.
* 86% of Poles using HEPATIL felt better. 88% of people who used HEPATIL would recommend this brand to their friends. 85% of people who used HEPATIL declare that it gives a sense of comfort.