Hepaslimin – properties, indications, composition, contraindications, dosage

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Hepaslimin is a dietary supplement supporting the work of the liver. The herbal ingredients of the preparation stimulate the digestive system and help maintain a healthy body weight. What exactly are the properties of Hepaslimin? How to dose this dietary supplement and what are the contraindications to its use?

Hepaslimin – properties

The Hepaslimin dietary supplement has properties supporting liver functions, facilitating metabolic changes of fat, proper digestion and detoxification processes. In addition, Hepaslimin has properties supporting the maintenance of a healthy body weight – it supports processes related to lipid metabolism, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver.

The mentioned properties of Hepaslimin are based on the action of the following ingredients:

  1. choline – it occurs naturally in the body, has a positive effect on the liver;
  2. artichoke herb extract – supports the secretion of digestive juices and natural detoxification of the body, having a positive effect on the intestines and liver;
  3. Paraguay Holly leaf extract – is important for the process of lipid breakdown and maintaining proper body weight;
  4. chicory root extract – has a positive effect on the health of the liver, stimulates the production of bile and improves digestive processes;
  5. turmeric extract – this ingredient is important for fat metabolism in the liver and for lipid metabolism.

Indications for the use of the Hepaslimin dietary supplement they mainly concern supporting proper digestion, maintaining a healthy liver and maintaining proper body weight.

See also: Herbs for the liver – types of herbs, application

Hepaslimin – composition

The composition of the Hepaslimin supplement includes choline tartrate, paraguay holly leaf extract, artichoke leaf extract, turmeric extract, chicory root extract, as well as:

  1. L-asparaginian L-ornityny;
  2. white beeswax;
  3. carnauba wax;
  4. titanium dioxide (dye);
  5. cellulose;
  6. calcium phosphates;
  7. magnesium salts of fatty acids;
  8. hydroxypropyl cellulose.

Hepaslimin – dosage

According to the information contained in the leaflet, the Hepaslimin dietary supplement should be taken after a meal. The recommended dosage is 2 Hepaslimin tablets consumed 3 times a day – drink them with water. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the product or use it as a substitute for a properly balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Hepaslimin – contraindications

The product leaflet also includes information on contraindications to taking the preparation. Hepaslimin should not be used in the case of:

  1. allergic to any ingredient,
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding. In these situations, you should consult a doctor who will clarify any doubts.

When using Hepaslimin, you should also remember to observe certain precautions and the recommendations contained in the leaflet. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance, as it will not increase the effectiveness of the dietary supplement. In order to stay healthy, use an appropriate menu and remember to adjust physical activity to the body’s needs.

Hepaslimin – additional information

The Hepaslimin dietary supplement should be protected from light and moisture and stored at room temperature (below 25 degrees C). The product should be placed out of the reach of children.

See also:

  1. Liver medications. When to take and how not to harm the liver?
  2. Milk thistle – a natural medicine for the liver
  3. Liver profile – when to test the liver and what tests should be performed?

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